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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Oct 19, 04
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Originally Posted by galaxie
^ different subjects, different papers.

This weekend I helped my bf write a 2300 word paper for one of his sports sciences classes. The research was tedious (but what research isn't?), but the actual paper was a breeze. Actually, the most challenging part of the paper was keeping it down to 2300 words. But, I actually enjoy writing papers, and have found them extremely simple since day one.

Joanne, simply because you (and others) may not enjoy writing papers, or may not think writing papers is easy, I DO. Period. There's not a question about it. And like I said, Josh can vouch for the fact that our papers in high school were NOT high school level papers. We both went to a school with an extremely enriched and excellerated program - on average we were writing papers at a first to second year university level in grade ten. Our school was similar to Pre-IB, but more challenging. The kids that went to Pre-IB in Richmond were usually the kids that couldn't get in to our school.
it's true, our papers were incredibly challenging. it's hard for me to say if they were actually at the university level, because personally i've never been to university and wrote a paper there. but according to our teachers, we were expected to meet the same requirements and standards for our essays in gr.10 as alot of first/second year college/university students.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Oct 19, 04
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Originally Posted by bananasinpjs
obviously, I don't know about or have ever been to your school before, but using the fact that you guys wrote 2000-10000 word essays of papers althroughout highschool does not say much about the academic level of your highschool. I've written a 2000 word essay in grade 7 for crying out loud. oh, and by the way, my sister was in the IB program.. she told me apparently the schools with IB programs in Richmond unfortunately don't rank so well academically... so.. the fact that pre-IB kids couldn't get into your school doesn't really say much.. but then again.. my sister could be wrong :P

I'm curious to know though, were you guys taught extensively about APA or MLA? and were you guys made to read published research articles written by scholars?

and I never said anything about not enjoying writing papers. and I'm not arguing the fact that you like writing papers. but the fact is, expectations and criteria with paper writing can vary with class, instructor, institution, type of paper and level of the class. to basically call some students whiners for complaining about papers when you really don't know shit about what they're going through is pretty lame.

--Joanne :P

Joanne we're on the same side for once!!
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Oct 19, 04
where's the beach
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mugsy is on a distinguished road
i knew kids in the ib program in highschool and i dont remember them talkin about 10000 word essays. i was selected to be in it, but then i would have had to transfer schools and i really really didnt want to, so i did challenge programs through my last year of middle school and then stayed with regular curriculum at my highschool and instead took extra courses.
yes its true, anyone can pump out a paper, especailly when you enjoy what youre writing about.
but im doing my essays in stupid fucking mla format. i hate it. i had to do it all through grade 12 and i was all "im not taking any courses in college\university with papers, im just going to paint" yes, i was neive.
i've decided to illustrate my next paper, because frankly, its my strength. i got an A on the last essay, so i dont think i have to worry too much about my skills. (deep DEEP down inside i thank my teachers for forcing me to use MLA and for training my writing skills, but on the surface, its all hate)
i wasnt saying writing papers is hard, its just fucking time consuming. and i dont like it. i would bitch just as much about a 500 word essay as i would for a 10,000 word one. they all suck. they all really really really suck.
plus my teacher said i wasnt colloquial (sp?) enough, i thought being colloquial was a bad thing. apparently not.
but really, essays do change when you enter college\university. my teachers said the same sort of thing, "if you guys can write these youll be prepared for post-secondary because its the same assignments youll be facing there" they totally lied.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Oct 19, 04
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BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by bananasinpjs
I'm actually a little excited about writing my paper on the protective role of heme oxygenase by looking at the antioxidant processes and endogenous antioxidants inhibiting proatherogenic events in the blood vessel wall.

true story! LOL

--Joanne :P
Hey Joanne dumb that down for me a little will ya :)

You need to get out of the bloody goddamn house..
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
no clouds in my stones
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Originally Posted by bananasinpjs
obviously, I don't know about or have ever been to your school before, but using the fact that you guys wrote 2000-10000 word essays of papers althroughout highschool does not say much about the academic level of your highschool. I've written a 2000 word essay in grade 7 for crying out loud. oh, and by the way, my sister was in the IB program.. she told me apparently the schools with IB programs in Richmond unfortunately don't rank so well academically... so.. the fact that pre-IB kids couldn't get into your school doesn't really say much.. but then again.. my sister could be wrong :P

I'm curious to know though, were you guys taught extensively about APA or MLA? and were you guys made to read published research articles written by scholars?

and I never said anything about not enjoying writing papers. and I'm not arguing the fact that you like writing papers. but the fact is, expectations and criteria with paper writing can vary with class, instructor, institution, type of paper and level of the class. to basically call some students whiners for complaining about papers when you really don't know shit about what they're going through is pretty lame.

--Joanne :P
Actually, as a matter of fact we WERE taught about MLA and APA and were required to use both formats regularly. And yes, we were also made to read articles published by various scholars. Our school was NOT an IB program. It was for students in grades eight through ten and was, as I previously stated, extremely intense, and more extensive with a more advanced curriculum than the pre-IB program. In our English 10 class, we actually completed almost all the curricular requirements for English 12. Of course, we didn't know that at the time, but I found out quickly in English 11 and English 12 that I had already learned everything that was being taught, except of course for the specific works we were studying. My English 11/12 and Lit 12 teacher told myself and another student I had attended grades 8-10 with that she had never had students with such advanced abilities before, and she has been teaching for over 30 years.

Anyhow, my point was that I don't think a 10,000 word paper is something to be complaining about - to me, it's something that should be expected and embraced at a college or university level.

And Brian, if I were you I wouldn't be agreeing with Joanne regarding my past schooling due to the fact that neither of you have any knowledge of the subject.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
no clouds in my stones
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galaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by axion
it's true, our papers were incredibly challenging. it's hard for me to say if they were actually at the university level, because personally i've never been to university and wrote a paper there. but according to our teachers, we were expected to meet the same requirements and standards for our essays in gr.10 as alot of first/second year college/university students.
Right on :)
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
Big Gulps eh?
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If I saw a 10000 word paper on the syllabus for an undergraduate course I would drop the course plain and simple.

The time and effort invested in a paper of that size is not worth putting in for 3 credits.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
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Joanne is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by galaxie
Anyhow, my point was that I don't think a 10,000 word paper is something to be complaining about - to me, it's something that should be expected and embraced at a college or university level.

And Brian, if I were you I wouldn't be agreeing with Joanne regarding my past schooling due to the fact that neither of you have any knowledge of the subject.

well I suppose you have the right to call students whiners for complaining about papers because you ever-so-clearly have knowledge about being a college/university student!

--Joanne :P
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
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Originally Posted by BongMan
Hey Joanne dumb that down for me a little will ya :)

You need to get out of the bloody goddamn house..
it's actually quite simple.

Ã*t's basically about an enzyme that scientists believe can prevent atherosclerosis! :)

--Joanne :P
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
no clouds in my stones
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galaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the rough
^^ And like I said, don't you think it's expected that one write large, difficult, time consuming papers in university? Don't you EXPECT to write them, Joanne? Of course you do. You even said you were excited about writing one. So there you have it. Of course the requirements of each paper and the expectations of each teacher are different, but my point still remains that someone enrolled in college or university should not only anticipate large papers, but they should also have the skills and motivation to complete the required assignments for their classes. But, those are just my feelings. I haven't gone back to school yet because I wanted time away from those things...I guess those who haven't been able to take time off from school won't necessarily have the same feelings as I do.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
'latinum respect.
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I was in the Advanced Placement (AP) which is pretty similar to the IB program in its role with the apparent challenging of university level in highschool, if you did well in the courses, you got additional credits that you can use in post secondary. I worked my ass off and earned myself the credits, but getting even to college level and having to pump out some pretty intensive term papers in terms of research and length was a whole new ballgame. I think in highschool you can get assigned a lengthy paper, but most likely you're not being marked on the same scale as a college/university professor would.

Anyways. Yipping aside about how experienced some people feel they are with papers, and how good they think they are at writing papers, it still doesn't mean that other people aren't allowed to bitch about the fact that they have to write one. If it's something I don't care about (because I am certain we can agree that it is super easy and almost fun to write about something we're passionate and/or knowledgable in) then writing a paper of any length on the subject is "not fun".
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
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^^ What Myra said, speaking from AP experience myself (Woo AP Scholar!)

I'll just add, in High School you get marked on effort more often than not... Teachers like to mark you based on how well you could have done. If they think you can do better, they'll mark you tougher.

In Uni you get no such chance. Everybody gets marked fairly anonymously and fairly lump-summed together. So you better be as good as the status quo. No ifs, ands or buts.

It's a big culture shock to go into University and have to produce results beyond even your own expectations. But it's part of growing up, I suppose.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
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Originally Posted by galaxie
boohoo. 10,000 word paper = 3-4 days, 4-5 hours each day, tops. Even less if you're already well educated on the subject of the paper.

No offense, but if I tried to submit a 400 level paper that I had only put 12-20 hours of work into I'd be laughed right out of my prof's office. Your grade ten experience (no matter how challenging it was) bears no grounds here, so butt out until you have some real life experience to offer. It doesn't matter how "good" you are writing papers, and if you have enough knowledge to make writing a high level university paper easy, it can only be because you're taking the class for a second time.

Furthermore, I wasn't complaining about having a big paper, I just offered to trade with someone complaining about writing a smaller one. But Myra is right, they have every right to complain if they want.

Last edited by wundergirl; Oct 20, 04 at 04:54 AM.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
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cóuldn't have said it better guys!

--Joanne :P
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
no clouds in my stones
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galaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the rough
Well, as I am entitled to my opinion on the subject, so are you.

However, we'll see who's right when I get there. Or when my man gets the grade from his paper back.

Last edited by galaxie; Oct 20, 04 at 06:18 AM.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
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BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
once again Sports Sciences aint really saying to much..
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
no clouds in my stones
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galaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the rough
^ So you're saying that physiotherapists, teachers/profs, sports doctors, etc aren't intelligent and didn't have to write intelligent, well-drafted, thorough, thought-out papers? Think again. It may not be neurophysics, but it's still an important part of the education of many people who are an integral part of our lives.

edit: And by the way, it's "too much".

Last edited by galaxie; Oct 20, 04 at 08:28 AM.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
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BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
never said my grammar was excellent just saying I dont figure Sports Science to be a truly challenging course for some one of such high intellect such as yourselfe..
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
no clouds in my stones
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galaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the rough
^ Like I said, it's not my class. It's my boyfriend's class, and I helped him write the paper. He's not taking the class to prove or disprove his intellectual ability (obviously), but because he must take the class to get a degree and work in his chosen field.

Taking courses in college/university IMO, are not necessarily all about challenging oneself. I would think that someone who knows what they want to do for their future career would take the necessary classes to attain their degree. Of course, one would have to be challenged by certain classes or in certain areas of their classes in order to remain interested. I'm sure that not all of my classes will challenge me, but I am sure that all the classes that I MUST take to earn my degree I will embrace.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
where's the beach
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mugsy is on a distinguished road
^ i credit myself to being extremely talented artisticly, and i thought going to school and painting\drawing\sculpting\print-making\creating would be a breeze. and yes i love it, and i wouldnt trade it for the world, but i have never been so challenged.
i think we are more challenged by the things we love then the things we dont enjoy on a whole different level. a personal level. maybe im just anal but i dont ever want to dissappoint myself with what i create, so i put 110% into everything that i am doing. and i may be making assumptions, but i would assume that others would do the same with something they are passionate about. it is easier in some sense because you enjoy it, but your still producing and doing extensive work.
its 6:30, and im thinking of going to bed in a half an hour because im wiped from today. im putting my papers aside and just sleeping. its basically my own fault for putting so much into my courses, but i love it.

to cut to the chase, i think its a whole different challenge being in the courses you love, and on many levels much more intense.

Last edited by mugsy; Oct 20, 04 at 08:55 AM.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
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Joanne is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by galaxie
^ So you're saying that physiotherapists, teachers/profs, sports doctors, etc aren't intelligent and didn't have to write intelligent, well-drafted, thorough, thought-out papers? Think again. It may not be neurophysics, but it's still an important part of the education of many people who are an integral part of our lives.

edit: And by the way, it's "too much".
uh, he doesn't seem to be saying that at all.

it's actually kind of a funny stereotype at SFU that those in sports sciences or kinesiology or whatnot are "dumb jocks" and stereotypically, science/engineering/arts students will generally take those classes as GPA-boosters or as an easy class for their science elective.

--Joanne :P
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
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The punch in the face that reality will deal is gonna hurt.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
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Originally Posted by bananasinpjs
uh, he doesn't seem to be saying that at all.

it's actually kind of a funny stereotype at SFU that those in sports sciences or kinesiology or whatnot are "dumb jocks" and stereotypically, science/engineering/arts students will generally take those classes as GPA-boosters or as an easy class for their science elective.

--Joanne :P
hey i took kinesiology as a gpa booster and it worked! hehe
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
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Moon is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by galaxie
Well, as I am entitled to my opinion on the subject, so are you.

However, we'll see who's right when I get there. Or when my man gets the grade from his paper back.
you know what you should do?

i have this philosophy paper i have to write but i can't be fucked

so maybe we can test how well you can analyze soccrates and plato.. then write a 1500-2000 word paper

if i think it is worth submitting under my name then i will

but i find it hard to believe someone is ACTUALLY comparing what she did in grade 8 to even 1st year university. even 3rd years are writing 3000 papers and find it incredibly challenging.

so in my opinion, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about unless you were a serious child prodigy. and if you were a gifted child, you would of been given alot more attention from the public... and this egotistical tone you use to describe yourself says that you are a bigger idiot. maybe reading some soccrates will help you understand how fucking pathetic you sound when you go off about how smart and godly you are.

it's a common worldly philosophy to say "one who considers him/herself wise is the fool, one who realizes he/she is not wise is truly wise."

hahaa and you? hahahaahha not the most humble one are you? so till you are able to prove that you can skim through university papers in this snap of a finger like you're playing with barbie dolls, i say you should keep your mouth shut and stop trying to prove that you're not an insecure high school graduate.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Oct 20, 04
Living in the NOW
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Bobby_T is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by galaxie

And Brian, if I were you I wouldn't be agreeing with Joanne regarding my past schooling due to the fact that neither of you have any knowledge of the subject.

1) Stop Nat, you lost a while ago.

2) I was more agreeing with Jo's astonishment that you can speak so eloquently out of your ass.

Last edited by Bobby_T; Oct 21, 04 at 06:54 AM.
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