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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 04
kick, push, coast
Join Date: Jun 2003
penguinabc123 is on a distinguished road
my life.

yargh where to start,
(warning:this is a random bitch post)
damn my gf broke up with me bout a week ago, apparently she had been constantly hurting because of when i go out and pop or drink or smoke or whatever. she told me this and i said i could stop for her but no it was to late. i played the whole wussy boy and begged for her back but to no avail. i dont understand why she cant trust me im not an addict, i havent done anything since she broke up with me just to prove it to her. maybee the drugs have just killed my brain so much that i dont even see why shes not with me.

my damned car has cost me $450 just to get it through air care, who though a 95 integra whould be so bad with hydrocarbons?? at least at the shop they cut me a deal and did my c.converter under the table for cash. put in a o2 sensor aswell, plus the day insurance to take it through each time, plus paying for air care each time, yargh!!!

my parents think im a drug addict and have cut all my freedom from them. put a curfew on me wich if i dont like i can move out (fair enough) its hard going to that from having no rule or regulations for years now. i want to go to simplebut im NOT ALLOWED, argh that hurts so much.

im going no were in school, doing bad in courses and dont even know why im taking the courses i am, it snot like i have any sort of diploma/degree planned out, maybee im just wasteing money.

the rason all of this is giong on here, before anyone makes fun of me for whinning all the time, is because most of my friends are to busy with there boyfriends/girlfriends for them to be tehre for me. my only friend left just moved to whistler and long distance is pricey. so between no friends, no girlfriend, im all alone, plus im trying to quit smoking, blazing, poppin etc.
blah, i think i just need to breathe and everything will be ok, ok??

ok, thanks.
wow what a bad month to have a birthday.

on a posotive note i get to go to the new casino in richmond on saturday, although im to broke to gamble im sure watching will be fun :)

Last edited by penguinabc123; Nov 17, 04 at 03:54 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 04
i wish...
Join Date: Nov 2003
jomama is on a distinguished road
I'll be your friend! p.s. to get back at your ex, sleep with all her friends!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 04
Join Date: Jul 2004
dapimpstress is an unknown quantity at this point
^ psch.. sleep with all her friends.. wow.. hahaha

n e way .. LETS BE HOMIES~!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 04
charly's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2002
charly is an unknown quantity at this point
i was going to ask how old you were, but then i looked at your profile and saw that you were only 3 days older than me.

curfew? shitty.
just relax on the drugs/alcohol and chill and be good for a while. take some time out, concentrate on school and stuff, and maybe they'll relax on you. if not, then get out.

as for the girlfriend thing, i don't really blame her. i wouldn't want to be dating someone who was fucked up a lot of the time. unless i was too, but i'm getting the impression that she isn't like that.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 04
i wish...
Join Date: Nov 2003
jomama is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Ashes
^ psch.. sleep with all her friends.. wow.. hahaha

n e way .. LETS BE HOMIES~!
i was obviously joking, trying to "lighten" the mood haha
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 04
kick, push, coast
Join Date: Jun 2003
penguinabc123 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by charly
i was going to ask how old you were, but then i looked at your profile and saw that you were only 3 days older than me.

curfew? shitty.
just relax on the drugs/alcohol and chill and be good for a while. take some time out, concentrate on school and stuff, and maybe they'll relax on you. if not, then get out.

as for the girlfriend thing, i don't really blame her. i wouldn't want to be dating someone who was fucked up a lot of the time. unless i was too, but i'm getting the impression that she isn't like that.
and i totally understand that on her part, but i was high like once every 3 months and rarley drank, and when she said it was a problem i stopped right away i dont get that part. ahwell...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 04
charly's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2002
charly is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by penguinabc123
and i totally understand that on her part, but i was high like once every 3 months and rarley drank, and when she said it was a problem i stopped right away i dont get that part. ahwell...
either she REALLY truly hates drug use, or she's just using that as an excuse instead of giving you the real reason.

at least, that's how it sounds to me. but i don't know her, or you, so i can't be sure.
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