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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 04
Don't Believe The Hype
Join Date: Jun 2001
diva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the rough
snobby sales ppl

that hurt your feelings

that happened to me today

one of those lame perfume ladies totally ignored me
i was really angry, but then some friends of mine helped me realize that she was a 40-50 year old woman, who spent her days spraying perfume on ppl in department stores, hoping to get a sale or two hear and there.

fuck you, biatch.
just because i didn't fit the stereotypical shopper description, doesn't mean that you shouldn't have tried to sell to me.

i'm going to go back and find her before christmas, tell her off, and give the sale to her coworker.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 04
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like you really wanted to smell like aquavelva.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 04
Don't Believe The Hype
Join Date: Jun 2001
diva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the rough
^ whatever, you wear cool water woman, geigh biatch!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 04
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karma killer
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I walk around smelling like poonie, it's hard to get the smell off when you're hitting so much of it.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 04
blest w/ chest
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frogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the rough
Fuck She Was A Hoe
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 04
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karma killer
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OMG, FUCK!!!!!!!!!

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 04
i really look like this!
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yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by diva
that hurt your feelings

that happened to me today

one of those lame perfume ladies totally ignored me
i was really angry, but then some friends of mine helped me realize that she was a 40-50 year old woman, who spent her days spraying perfume on ppl in department stores, hoping to get a sale or two hear and there.

fuck you, biatch.
just because i didn't fit the stereotypical shopper description, doesn't mean that you shouldn't have tried to sell to me.

i'm going to go back and find her before christmas, tell her off, and give the sale to her coworker.
I totally feel that way when I walk/walked into Holt's..

The truth is that most of those who have worked in sales for a long time learn to categorize (and learn the advantages of categorizing) people into "will buy" and "won't buy" and to judge people by the way they dress or the questions they ask. It's almost a survival skill in high-end commissioned based sales atmospheres. You develop these stereotypes (often true but sometimes not) of who might and who may not buy. For example, you can learn a lot about a customer from what he/she is wearing and how much money they may be willing to spend on clothes.

Generally, I have found that non-commissioned atmospheres are a lot more laid back and friendly.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 04
I <3 House
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Ree Fresh is an unknown quantity at this point
Ill totaly play up the sales ppl. First ill start holding things and comparing so they know they have commission or can up sale right away. Then ill start asking questions etc... and they usualy hook me up with FREE SAMPLE GALORE!!!

But i know what you mean, and that doesnt always work. It seems to be when you dotn want help you get bombarded, and when you want help they tend to ignore you :/
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 04
Don't Believe The Hype
Join Date: Jun 2001
diva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the rough
^ I know how to get good service.
I shouldn't have to suck up to sales ppl in order to get service in a store. It's their job to help me. That's what they get paid to do. The bitch was just standing there, staring down her pointy little nose at me.

Trust me, i'm engaging and friendly when I want to be. In this case, I made the neccessary eye contact that was needed in order to get her attention, and was blatently ignored.

I wasn't about to suck up to her and beg for her service and attention, no fucking way. I wasn't in that much of a hurry to give her snotty ass commission.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 04
flick ma bean
Join Date: Oct 2002
Kelster is an unknown quantity at this point
i love snobby sales people! such worthless hags working for such little money! i love walking into lv and channel and knowing they're eyeing/judging me and contemplating if it's worth their time. they can be somewhat rude (without getting fired), but you can always be even ruder and get away with it! they'll be the ones cleaning up after you try on/sample their product.

BUT the best part about them is that they keep all the insecure, out of place customers out of the store!

i love shopping.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 04
El No
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Mr.Dave is an unknown quantity at this point
When I was in Calgary I worked for straight commission slangin stereos for a less than reputable company. The "shark" environment was in full force, and people were usually profiled before they walked in the door.

It was usually, well, always mainly based on ethnicity. Asian and East Indian customers were generally treated with a huge amount of disrespect, because they would look at something for a long time, ask a ton of questions about it, and then either offer a quarter of what it was worth or just leave. The majority of the salesmen, especially the younger ones were caught up in the "Welcome to my store come with me you need this here's some financing get out don't come back" method, and these customers did not fit that. The result was flat out racism.

Then, there were the natives. Usually around 18 years old. Everyone knew that they were money, because there was a high chance they had just gotten a large sum of cash from the government and were there to buy something cool. Some of the salesmen that made the most cash would take these kids and make sure that they had 2 grand in their car and then another 4 grand in their basement. "Welcome to my store friend! I like you. You know what? Don't tell my manager, but I'm gonna give you staff pricing because we're such good buddies. It's ok I hate the prick anyways. Alright? Ok. Now bring me your friends."

There were always exceptions, but this was generally what went on all day long.

Anyways I had a point that I completely lost. I just reminded myself how much that job ate my soul.

I'll just agree with yoko.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 04
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Kraig is a jewel in the roughKraig is a jewel in the roughKraig is a jewel in the roughKraig is a jewel in the roughKraig is a jewel in the rough
It actually floors me at how fricken stupid some people in sales are. Having been in sales for a really long time myself, I just can't believe some of the things these people are or are not doing! -- Even making simple eye contact and acknowleding you being there isn't done as often as it should be.

This would go for waiters/waitresses as well.

It's common fucking sense -- a polite, attentive and courteous perseonality = MORE MONEY FOR YOU! -- Oh and add real knowledge/intelligence about the product or service that you are selling.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 04
rip zilla.
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ash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really nice
My mom and my dad were in California a few years ago and took a peek in the Prada store. My picked up a wallet and happened to ask the sale girl how much it was. The girl glared at her and said "If you have to ask, then you can't afford it."
I would maybe understand if it was me, who looks 15. But it was my parents in their mid 40s who look like they can afford to shop there.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 04
feelsssss love
Join Date: Jul 2001
Liqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the rough
she probably dosn't even need to work....she just has nothing better to do.....she probably like pattisons wife or something...

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 04
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The girl glared at her and said "If you have to ask, then you can't afford it."

That girl would be getting SMACKED if it was me!

That's almost as good as the time I was looking at a hat in a store in T.O. and I asked the girl if they had a larger size, and she said "No, that's a large.. any larger would have to be like, mutant sized!"

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 04
_.-' Mizz TnA Unit '-._
Join Date: May 2002
sweet~kandy is an unknown quantity at this point
I hate snobby sales ppl, or better yet people that push you to buy things.

I walked into this perfume store and was asking them how much calvin klein was and she's like oh well that perfume had alcohol and water in it, and im like ya I dont care how much is it, and then she went on saying that there is this other perfume that smells just like it blah blah, ya I ended up walking out of the store without a price.

And then another time I walked into this clothing store and needed help getting a article from the top shelf and the lady just stood there, I was like can u help me? and she still stood there.

When I got trained in retail, I had to greet everyperson that walked through the door. Not give them shitty service and not recognize them! ARG!
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