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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
Join Date: Oct 2004
-Dubs- is an unknown quantity at this point
no one may like it but w/e it is part of forums, if u dont like it... oh wait genious..... close that thread......

cocky people are out there but by doing this u are telling me u can kick anyone's ass who says shit to u on here and well i highly doubt that.. sure maybe u can beat me, or ~god~ but like any fighter they all know there is fights that u will lose and maybe some of those u shouldn't have, but it is the fight life...

take it from me who was always small and took shit loads of stupid classes of boxing, muai tai, tai chi and shit... fighting is useless and dumb... if u dont like something just turn away.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
The Man behind the scene!
Join Date: Mar 2003
G-Style is an unknown quantity at this point
Find this person. Get their license plate number and then go to the Motor vehicle Branch and pay $35 to get their home address. Then go to Walmat or Canadian Tire and buy a wooden louisville slugger. Has to be wood! Then take a cheap towel, not an expensive one as the thread count will be too high, and wrap it around the end of the bat going up about 6" to a foot depending on the size of the towel but the towel should not exceed 3/4" in thickness at any one point.
Drive to the persons house and wait for them outside! When they leave or return home jump out and swing the bat at their head. The towel will avoid breaking the skin so that you won't have that annoying blood to remove from your clothes/hands. Continue to swing the bat until the person is completly unconcious/dead. Take the body and place it in a vehicle for transportation. Go to any major commercial train station at night and attached the body via their wrists to the undercarrage of one of the middle cars destined across the country. As the train moves accross the country slowly the body will tear into peices leaving parts all accross the country. These parts will then be picked up by local varmits and dragged off to who knows where. By the time the train personnel discover the body it'll be too late for a post mortem identification.
Or you could just ignore them!
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
Custard is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by G-Style
Find this person. Get their license plate number and then go to the Motor vehicle Branch and pay $35 to get their home address. Then go to Walmat or Canadian Tire and buy a wooden louisville slugger. Has to be wood! Then take a cheap towel, not an expensive one as the thread count will be too high, and wrap it around the end of the bat going up about 6" to a foot depending on the size of the towel but the towel should not exceed 3/4" in thickness at any one point.
Drive to the persons house and wait for them outside! When they leave or return home jump out and swing the bat at their head. The towel will avoid breaking the skin so that you won't have that annoying blood to remove from your clothes/hands. Continue to swing the bat until the person is completly unconcious/dead. Take the body and place it in a vehicle for transportation. Go to any major commercial train station at night and attached the body via their wrists to the undercarrage of one of the middle cars destined across the country. As the train moves accross the country slowly the body will tear into peices leaving parts all accross the country. These parts will then be picked up by local varmits and dragged off to who knows where. By the time the train personnel discover the body it'll be too late for a post mortem identification.
Or you could just ignore them!
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
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Hey G-Style, want to go to Canadian Tire tonight? I know a couple people that need a "Welcome Wagon"...
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
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This thread totally rules.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
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Someone wanna explain to me the logistics about bitching out people over the internet because they bitched you out over the internet?

Arguing over the internet is like winning the special olympics. *sigh*
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
dumb it down, would ya?
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Originally Posted by G-Style
Find this person. Get their license plate number and then go to the Motor vehicle Branch and pay $35 to get their home address. Then go to Walmat or Canadian Tire and buy a wooden louisville slugger. Has to be wood! Then take a cheap towel, not an expensive one as the thread count will be too high, and wrap it around the end of the bat going up about 6" to a foot depending on the size of the towel but the towel should not exceed 3/4" in thickness at any one point.
Drive to the persons house and wait for them outside! When they leave or return home jump out and swing the bat at their head. The towel will avoid breaking the skin so that you won't have that annoying blood to remove from your clothes/hands. Continue to swing the bat until the person is completly unconcious/dead. Take the body and place it in a vehicle for transportation. Go to any major commercial train station at night and attached the body via their wrists to the undercarrage of one of the middle cars destined across the country. As the train moves accross the country slowly the body will tear into peices leaving parts all accross the country. These parts will then be picked up by local varmits and dragged off to who knows where. By the time the train personnel discover the body it'll be too late for a post mortem identification.
Or you could just ignore them!
i hope you got that from csi.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
White kids love hip hop
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Originally Posted by G-Style
Find this person. Get their license plate number and then go to the Motor vehicle Branch and pay $35 to get their home address. Then go to Walmat or Canadian Tire and buy a wooden louisville slugger. Has to be wood! Then take a cheap towel, not an expensive one as the thread count will be too high, and wrap it around the end of the bat going up about 6" to a foot depending on the size of the towel but the towel should not exceed 3/4" in thickness at any one point.
Drive to the persons house and wait for them outside! When they leave or return home jump out and swing the bat at their head. The towel will avoid breaking the skin so that you won't have that annoying blood to remove from your clothes/hands. Continue to swing the bat until the person is completly unconcious/dead. Take the body and place it in a vehicle for transportation. Go to any major commercial train station at night and attached the body via their wrists to the undercarrage of one of the middle cars destined across the country. As the train moves accross the country slowly the body will tear into peices leaving parts all accross the country. These parts will then be picked up by local varmits and dragged off to who knows where. By the time the train personnel discover the body it'll be too late for a post mortem identification.
Or you could just ignore them!
You have given out too much Karma in the last 24 hours, try again tomrrow.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
Join Date: Sep 2004
Two_Six is an unknown quantity at this point
Yes, it is just the internet and me like anyone else, can say whatever I want on the internet. Anyone can say whatever they want on the internet, its all freedom of speach. I'm not telling anyone to stop saying what they want, go right ahead, you have every right to express yourself. I'm just annoyed of the really cocky assholes who sit in front of their computer and start shit with people for no reason. I have never and never will do that, its stupid and annoying. If I have a problem with someone I have the balls to say it to their face. Especially when I'm drunk, then I have no fear and the outcome is usually pretty bad for the person who was stupid enought to piss of a drunk aggressive and ruthless Polak.

Some people respect that and some don't, but that's who I am like it or not. As for me and fights, ya I don't win them all and yes I rather avoid fighting cause its pointless and stupid and fighting doesn't solve anything. I much rather talk things through with people, but sometimes when retards run their mouth, I just can't help but knock them out. Yes, I'm a cocky and maybe a asshole, but only to the people that piss me of, to everyone else I'm the nicest person out there and a loyal friend and I always back up my friends and they do the same for me. I been there and done it all, I was in hell and back, I even lost it all. So all those experiances made me a better person.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
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Here's the catch.

You can say whatever the fuck you want on the internet.

Don't get your panties in a knot though if we say whatever we want back.

It's just the fucking internet. Move out of your parent's basement or something and move on with your life.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
Killer Kat
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Tayfoon is an unknown quantity at this point
Easy there Surrey boy
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
Killer Kat
Join Date: Nov 2004
Tayfoon is an unknown quantity at this point
Only little insecure kids will actually be offended from what someone they never met and probably wont ever meet said on a public forum

now youll say you dont care what they say and you dont get offended

Yet you made this thread
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
Join Date: Jul 2003
BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Two_Six
Yes, it is just the internet and me like anyone else, can say whatever I want on the internet. Anyone can say whatever they want on the internet, its all freedom of speach. I'm not telling anyone to stop saying what they want, go right ahead, you have every right to express yourself. I'm just annoyed of the really cocky assholes who sit in front of their computer and start shit with people for no reason. I have never and never will do that, its stupid and annoying. If I have a problem with someone I have the balls to say it to their face. Especially when I'm drunk, then I have no fear and the outcome is usually pretty bad for the person who was stupid enought to piss of a drunk aggressive and ruthless Polak.

Some people respect that and some don't, but that's who I am like it or not. As for me and fights, ya I don't win them all and yes I rather avoid fighting cause its pointless and stupid and fighting doesn't solve anything. I much rather talk things through with people, but sometimes when retards run their mouth, I just can't help but knock them out. Yes, I'm a cocky and maybe a asshole, but only to the people that piss me of, to everyone else I'm the nicest person out there and a loyal friend and I always back up my friends and they do the same for me. I been there and done it all, I was in hell and back, I even lost it all. So all those experiances made me a better person.
money says if the guy is bigger then you your not saying shit unless your with your posse..

PS you still suck
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
Join Date: Apr 2003
Clayton. has a spectacular aura aboutClayton. has a spectacular aura aboutClayton. has a spectacular aura about
Bongman is a cocky asshole let's kick his ass.

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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
Join Date: Jul 2003
BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
Clay you love me

PS if you really want to hit me come to the corner of 91st and 145 I live 2 houses down
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
dumb it down, would ya?
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^^which side asshole?
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
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Clayton. has a spectacular aura aboutClayton. has a spectacular aura aboutClayton. has a spectacular aura about
I'll bring a huge posse of crazies and we'll have a rumble cause that's cool.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
Join Date: Jul 2003
BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
hahah Tim on on the other side you got that Man
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
dumb it down, would ya?
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see you in six to eight months!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
Join Date: Jul 2003
BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
Six to eight goddamnit I best bust out the lounge chairs
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
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Originally Posted by -Dubs-
no one may like it but w/e it is part of forums, if u dont like it... oh wait genious..... close that thread......

cocky people are out there but by doing this u are telling me u can kick anyone's ass who says shit to u on here and well i highly doubt that.. sure maybe u can beat me, or ~god~ but like any fighter they all know there is fights that u will lose and maybe some of those u shouldn't have, but it is the fight life...

take it from me who was always small and took shit loads of stupid classes of boxing, muai tai, tai chi and shit... fighting is useless and dumb... if u dont like something just turn away.

Fighting may be stupid, but sometimes necessary. I'd sooner take down a motherfucker for taking a swing at me than let him clock me in the back of the head. I learned that lesson a while ago.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
Join Date: Oct 2004
-Dubs- is an unknown quantity at this point
Yes, it is just the internet and me like anyone else, can say whatever I want on the internet. Anyone can say whatever they want on the internet, its all freedom of speach. I'm not telling anyone to stop saying what they want, go right ahead, you have every right to express yourself. I'm just annoyed of the really cocky assholes who sit in front of their computer and start shit with people for no reason.................................. ....

lol im jsut playin but that sounded like a soap opera role or something haha......

it's kinda comedical......

ebbomega yeah i agree. those situations are rare tho.... for most the people i know..

Last edited by -Dubs-; Dec 22, 04 at 11:54 PM.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Dec 23, 04
Killer Kat
Join Date: Nov 2004
Tayfoon is an unknown quantity at this point
PS: Never turn your back on people
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Dec 23, 04
Thread referee
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Originally Posted by ebbomega

Fighting may be stupid, but sometimes necessary. I'd sooner take down a motherfucker for taking a swing at me than let him clock me in the back of the head. I learned that lesson a while ago.
and it's also not fun when your in someones face and the person doesn't say anything... and then when you turn around you get bottled and get 15 stiches in your head .. from a window warrior... lol
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Dec 23, 04
Join Date: Sep 2004
Two_Six is an unknown quantity at this point
"money says if the guy is bigger then you your not saying shit unless your with your posse..

PS you still suck"

How much money are we talking about cause I'll be more than happy to prove myself, even though I don't really care about proving myself. I already proved myself to the people that I care about, so no one else matters, especially some punk I never met and probably will never meet. But hey I could use the money to buy more alcohol for me and my so called posse on NYE. BTW I never involve my so called posse in my shit, I can stand up for myself. I know what I can and can not do and I also know what to and what not to say at any given time.

People say I'm intense, the truth is I'm not, I just have a problem dealing with idiots and I have a aggressive attitude that ticks people off. Nobody calls me intense though when their so called friends take off during a fight and me and someone else have to literally fight the fight of our lives, just to survive.

BTW this whole fucken thread is ment for someone, a cocky asshole, some people that know me know who this is directed at. He sure can say shit and cause trouble, but when it come time to fight, mofo runs really fucken fast. Where's the so called loyality at now homeboy?
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