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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Dec 31, 04
Join Date: Sep 2004
Ayshababy is an unknown quantity at this point
This New Year's Eve

Hello all and Happy New Year's to you!

The last time I felt this strongly about an issue seems so inconsequential and tawdry when contrasted with the denouement currently irking my spirits. I therefore would like to express my opinion on the situation this New Year's Eve.

The Tsunami in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, and Indonesia has killed 150,000 people. Children have been left orphaned. Plague and pestillence will almost certainly double the number of dead. Yet here we are throwing huge parties, events, bashes, raves, whatever.

And here we are ATTENDING them. Drinking. Popping a "cap of E". "Getting SILLY".

Promoters in Austrailia, Sweden, Finland, Norway, France, England, Slovakia, Czech Rep., Turkey, Greece (I could go on but you get the idea) have officially toned down their festivities, or have cancelled them altogether. This shows an incredible sense of compassion and respect for those millions of people whose lives have been devastated this holiday season.

I am appalled at the complete lack of integrity, and sense of humanity of the promoters here in Vancouver. Show me ONE who displayed even an ounce of the virtue held by so many others around the world. If I was a promoter who was throwing something this New Year's Eve, I would have toned it down (if I wanted to go ahead with throwing the event to gain capital). However, if it wouldn't drill a thousands-of-dollars hole in my pocket, I would have cancelled out of respect.

I would also arrange for a refund system where people returning the tickets would have the option of donating the money instead to aid relief for South Asia. I mean, if you are willing to spend $100 getting high, or drinking and dancing around like a monkey on crack for a night that you probably won't even remember, then why couldn't you be willing to spend $100 providing a month's worth of potable water and food and vaccine for an orphanage of children who would otherwise surely die. I would also donate a considerable portion of the money I would have otherwise spent throwing the event: the amount would be decided by realistically estimating how much $ I would be in the hole if I had gone ahead with the event and it had bombed (the aforementioned act is not something I would expect of anybody else, it is a personal choice). Of course individuals who would rather have their money back would get their money back, their only risk being me considering them heartless despots which is of no consequence to them or anyone other than myself anyway.

Between Boxing Day and now is ample opportunity to make alternate arrangements for NYE.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. And you don't have to agree with me, as this is only my opinion.

I wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year, and my condolences and prayers to all who were affected by the Tsunami.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Dec 31, 04
Hugs & Kisses
Join Date: Jun 2002
*Geminiz* is an unknown quantity at this point
I would think to cancel an event now and issuing refunds would cause the promoters to lose money, therefore they wouldn't be able to donate any profits anyway because there would be none. As far as everyone donating money, although thats an individual choice that needs to be made, I agree I wish they could and alot have too. Every little bit helps.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Dec 31, 04
like a kick in your side
Join Date: Feb 2004
sidekick will become famous soon enough
yeah, i agree it's horrible what has happened, and it really makes me sick to think of all the people that have been killed, hurt and affected by this disaster.

but toning down celebrations/cancelling shows is really not the answer. yes, we should help these people by sending money, supplies, doctors, whatever they need to rebuild their nation...but what is cancelling a rave or toning it down going to do?

it's not like they're sitting over there thinking...man, those stupid kids in vancouver, look at them partying and having a good time while we sit here and suffer.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Dec 31, 04
[RooЯ]pure glass
Join Date: Oct 2002
Hot Karl is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Ayshababy
Hello all and Happy New Year's to you!

The last time I felt this strongly about an issue seems so inconsequential and tawdry when contrasted with the denouement currently irking my spirits. I therefore would like to express my opinion on the situation this New Year's Eve.

The Tsunami in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, and Indonesia has killed 150,000 people. Children have been left orphaned. Plague and pestillence will almost certainly double the number of dead. Yet here we are throwing huge parties, events, bashes, raves, whatever.

And here we are ATTENDING them. Drinking. Popping a "cap of E". "Getting SILLY".

Promoters in Austrailia, Sweden, Finland, Norway, France, England, Slovakia, Czech Rep., Turkey, Greece (I could go on but you get the idea) have officially toned down their festivities, or have cancelled them altogether. This shows an incredible sense of compassion and respect for those millions of people whose lives have been devastated this holiday season.

I am appalled at the complete lack of integrity, and sense of humanity of the promoters here in Vancouver. Show me ONE who displayed even an ounce of the virtue held by so many others around the world. If I was a promoter who was throwing something this New Year's Eve, I would have toned it down (if I wanted to go ahead with throwing the event to gain capital). However, if it wouldn't drill a thousands-of-dollars hole in my pocket, I would have cancelled out of respect.

I would also arrange for a refund system where people returning the tickets would have the option of donating the money instead to aid relief for South Asia. I mean, if you are willing to spend $100 getting high, or drinking and dancing around like a monkey on crack for a night that you probably won't even remember, then why couldn't you be willing to spend $100 providing a month's worth of potable water and food and vaccine for an orphanage of children who would otherwise surely die. I would also donate a considerable portion of the money I would have otherwise spent throwing the event: the amount would be decided by realistically estimating how much $ I would be in the hole if I had gone ahead with the event and it had bombed (the aforementioned act is not something I would expect of anybody else, it is a personal choice). Of course individuals who would rather have their money back would get their money back, their only risk being me considering them heartless despots which is of no consequence to them or anyone other than myself anyway.

Between Boxing Day and now is ample opportunity to make alternate arrangements for NYE.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. And you don't have to agree with me, as this is only my opinion.

I wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year, and my condolences and prayers to all who were affected by the Tsunami.

hey thanks for the guilt trip. it's not like these people are celebrating the tsunami. and after all the moping and depressing shit alot of people have seen lately maybe just maybe they deserve a release.
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