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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
i wear my sunglasses@nite
Join Date: Feb 2002
ill-esha is on a distinguished road
Being a grown-up..


I mean, I certainly think I'm a better person than I was as a teenager, but.. you get absolutely TRAPPED in this prison of Debt, Obligation and Responsibility.

Don't get me wrong. I do love and appreciate my life, and all the below-mentioned people and things, I'm just going to take a minute here in the appropriate forum to vent on having not enough time!

I have been at the same monotonous office job for 2 years because it's the only thing that seems to consistently pay enough to support my Student Loan, Car Loan, Car Insurance, Gas, Rent & Utilities, Phone & Internet, Gear Financing, etc. I have absolutely no free time. I work all day, then I go home and work in my studio at night - and mostly NOT on my own stuff, but on other people's stuff. If I'm not in the studio, I'm turning into a puddle of mush on the couch or in my bed from fatigue. If I have a show on the weekdays I am totally exhausted by the end of the night and next morning at work. On the weekends, I do exciting things like laundry, running to the bank, and feeding my stepkids. Once in awhile I have a free moment, and either my mom/mom's bf or dad/stepmom will have been complaining I don't see them enough, so there I dutifully go.

For all you people that are sick of being underage and sick of living with their parents and/or going to high school/university.. ENJOY IT!

(and for those of you who say, if you have no free time why are you posting on the internet? I'm at work, foolios!)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
'latinum respect.
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A-men sista :)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
Join Date: Jul 2003
BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
Thats the exact reason I still love living with my parents so much extra free time and money though I am outta here once im done with college and university
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
Sound BOI Killah
Join Date: Aug 2004
B.Traits is on a distinguished road
No doubt, i dont have as much stuff to take care of, but i work every day from 9-5 aswell, i go out atleast 2 times durring the week and both friday and saturday on weekends.
i hard to find time to just relax... its fun to be busy and i enjoy it but somtimes i get so exausted.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
i wear my sunglasses@nite
Join Date: Feb 2002
ill-esha is on a distinguished road
yah, you looked mega tired on tuesday! thanks for coming though.. unlike all my other slacker friends who "fell asleep".

yup, i think the company i keep also reflects me gettin' old! =)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
semblence within chaos.
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Yeh with school and work i never have any time for myself except friday nights. It's really hard to find that balance of all the goals you want to achieve.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
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dapimpstress is an unknown quantity at this point
i work 9-5, and have been MOVING lately.. so even MORE of my time is just *POOF* GONE. it's amazing. the time just FLYS by... its like shit, its the weekend almost?! then its liek SHIT, ITS MONDAY!!!and back and forth and so on and so forth.. its just so WACK sometimes. im just literally like WONDERING when the hell am i gonna be able to SLEEP?!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
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hardstylin is just really nicehardstylin is just really nicehardstylin is just really nicehardstylin is just really nicehardstylin is just really nicehardstylin is just really nice
haha i totally agree, i can remember hundreds of adults telling me all the time when i was like 16, 17 live it up and have fun cause being an adult sucks hahaha i just laughed and never believed them but ya it does kinda suck but whatever there are alot of +'s to being adults as well.

Last edited by hardstylin; Feb 03, 05 at 02:16 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
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Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
I like being an adult.

meh. maybe I'm weird
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
i wear my sunglasses@nite
Join Date: Feb 2002
ill-esha is on a distinguished road
Man I tell ya.. even on Monday the work week doesn't seem so long. I find myself desperately trying to STOP time for a few minutes so I can think.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
Join Date: Jul 2004
dapimpstress is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by ill-esha
Man I tell ya.. even on Monday the work week doesn't seem so long. I find myself desperately trying to STOP time for a few minutes so I can think.
this is exactly what i was talking about. the time WHERE DOES IT GO?! who knows man... maybe its the weed man... iono man... hahaha no j/k but seriously... i wish i could stop time sometimes, and just breathe for a minute.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
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I'm taking my time with it. Right now the only real obligations I have is a couple of debts, rent and survival. I'm doing well on the latter two, and I'm working on the first one. I don't have a car (don't want one yet. I'm a 20-minute walk from work) and the job I work at is teh suck, but it's mainly crapwork for a year or two before I can get some experience there on the resume and pull up with better higher-paying jobs.

Right now my only complaint is that I'm an assembly-line thinker, but it's necessary, so I'm coping.

Oh, and Nanaimo sucks. But yeah. That's about it.

I'm coping. Tea + videos + pillows in my spare time make for excellent coping strategies.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
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Oh, and I'll add this:

Maybe it's because I've only recently (like, in the last year) moved out of my folks' place (for the second time, this time really on my own ticket) and I still remember what sucked about being a kid. I'm a lot happier now that I'm taking my own accountability. I had a chance to press reset on my life, attitudes and direction, and since then life has been frikkin' glorious. I'm on a career track, have a better head about responsibility and am more willing/able to look for things in the world that keep me going.

I wouldn't trade that freedom. Not for a second. Yeah, it's nice to ride off someone else's coattails, but life's a lot happier for me on this "adult" side of things.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
[RooЯ]pure glass
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Hot Karl is an unknown quantity at this point
lol at debt.

paid that demon off last year. i feel almost the exact opposite of ill-esha right now.

chillin like a money saving, world cup in 06 villain.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
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^ I hope to be at that stage by the end of the year. :)
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
i wear my sunglasses@nite
Join Date: Feb 2002
ill-esha is on a distinguished road
well, hah, like I said I do love my life and feel confident that finally, I am on the right track and doing the right thing. I love my family and my friends and my studio etc.... I just wish there were more hours in the day, I guess. I don't mind having the responsibilities, but the amount of hours I have to put in just to make it by simply does not balance out. F you government for taking 30% of my wages all year.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
Playboy bunnie
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fantasy20 is an unknown quantity at this point
being a grown up mean u have to get off ur ass and get a job to pay bills... and u cant be a stupid punk kid anymore...sucks huh
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
Join Date: Jan 2001
Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
I rather live on my own.

Ijust moved back in with my parents.. and I miss living on my own so much.

And I only just got myself into debt by living with my parents....

I dunno.. my whole situation is odd.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Feb 03, 05
veN veN is offline
Basically, I win.
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Wowzers... I know that feeling all too well! Take care of yourself Illy. I loved being busy, but it gets kinda hectic too. I'm finally at a point where I'm able to take some time for myself, and it's long overdue...

In a while hun, you too will have a break too. Don't worry. Sometime when you're free (haha) lts do sushi or something :) Something fun to unwind.
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