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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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Originally Posted by PwInCeSs
and smoking and gas lines thats pretty not the same at all. i mean paying the rent in a building where smoking is allowed IS A FACTOR. if it was in your house, id tottally agree but its not rude of him to smoke in his own house nor inconsiderate
Well, smoking's not supposed to be allowed in this house. Like I said, my guy is allergic and the smoking in the house thing has only started w/in the last couple of weeks.

Anyhow, this whole "Their house their rules" thing is a crock of shit.
Any of you guys who REALLY believe that it's cool for anyone to endanger your health because they pay the bills is incredibly foolish. And, for the record, he doesn't pay the bills - he pays a share of them, as does my bf, and therefore his dad SHOULD respect his health and NOT smoke in the house. I mean, the patio is RIGHT there, how hard is it?

Edit: I live with my mom and brother, and BOTH of them are smokers. Yet neither of them smoke in the house. Why? 1. I am allergic. They're not ignorant and blind to my health. 2. It stinks everything up and is really, really gross. I don't pay rent, nor does my brother, nor will my mom LET us pay for anything really - so really it has NOTHING to do with "my house, my rules" but rather how much the person smoking in the house (or not) cares about the health and well-being of the others living in the house.

Last edited by galaxie; Feb 06, 05 at 07:29 PM.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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Originally Posted by mojo
if you want my crown, you come here.
no, really.
crown theft auto later??
I love that Game! :p I prefer Stella Theft Auto though.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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my mom doesnt smoke
my dad smokes in the house
she does not bitch about it
AND she acctually lives in that house

carries rite you dont have a say in it...
lifes a bitch
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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ashes aren't as tasty as they look. so the kitchen thing i can understand.

Originally Posted by galaxie
Edit: I live with my mom and brother, and BOTH of them are smokers. Yet neither of them smoke in the house. Why? 1. I am allergic. They're not ignorant and blind to my health. 2. It stinks everything up and is really, really gross. I don't pay rent, nor does my brother, nor will my mom LET us pay for anything really - so really it has NOTHING to do with "my house, my rules" but rather how much the person smoking in the house (or not) cares about the health and well-being of the others living in the house.
but in this house, your teh son's gf.

Last edited by Custard; Feb 06, 05 at 07:33 PM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
veN veN is offline
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Smoking in the house is gross. If it's a recent development, I don't see why they can't stop! Not like they smoked in the house before! My grandmother wont smoke in her own house when we are over bc both my sister and I are allergic. That's the key here! Grady is allergic and his Dad knows this, yet he and his gf have just started smoking in the house. That is really inconciderate, and endangering his son's health, and that of everyone else who comes over who is also allergic.

Also, smoking in the house (or a car for that matter) is not such a great idea, bc it really devalues your home (or car) if you ever want to sell. Odds are, you are not going to live in only one place, or drive only one car in your lifetime. It takes a hell of a lot of effort to get smoke/nicotine out of stuff... I would never consider buying a home or car that was smoked in. Yuck!

I think smoking is incredibly disgusting, so I will never agree that it is NEVER OK to smoke in the house. Feel free to argue with me, but I agree with Nat 100% and I'm not budging on that one.

Last edited by veN; Feb 07, 05 at 06:56 PM.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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If it's not supposed to be allowed in the house, then maybe the members of the house should be discussing it. You shouldn't be fighting it, your guy should, if it is also a new rule.. it's really hard to adjust to things.

"Their house their rules" isn't a crock of shit, its just respect towards someone (parents), they still have a right to do what they want.

Everyone endangers themselves when they cross a street, or while having a cup of coffee. Before your boyfriend got old enough to share the bills, his dad was there for him and paying the bills IN FULL. So how can you argue that now? If your bf has a problem with his dad not respecting his health then maybe your bf should move out. You can't ask a smoker of who knows how many years to go outside. It's hard. After learning how to sit infront of the tv and smoke, you go outside in the freezing cold for 5 minutes. Why don't you sugest something like getting a patio heater, just in case that might be why they don't want to go outside.

You also can't compare you and your family to him. You grew up differently. your parents grew up differently. Maybe your mom/bro have better manners when it comes to smoking. You can't just say.. my mom does this .. you should be doing it too.. and maybe this 'my mom doesn't LET me pay for anything' attitude is making you a little too spoiled?

ps. like I said before. it's still not your fight to be fighting
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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is it not allowed or is it not supposed to happen cause of allergies....
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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how long has the dad been smoking for?

did he recently start or has he been doing it a long time?
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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ps. is it me or is everyone else kinda bothered by the fact that the SON's GIRLFRIEND is telling them that they arn't ALLOWED to be doing something ?

are you that comfortable with the family to be saying that
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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Originally Posted by Carrie
ps. is it me or is everyone else kinda bothered by the fact that the SON's GIRLFRIEND is telling them that they arn't ALLOWED to be doing something ?

are you that comfortable with the family to be saying that
its not just you.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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well, they're not exactly obligated to stop smoking, even if it bothers you. the best thing to do is to ask them nicely to stop and they might cut it out once it becomes apparent how you feel about it.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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Originally Posted by Carrie
ps. is it me or is everyone else kinda bothered by the fact that the SON's GIRLFRIEND is telling them that they arn't ALLOWED to be doing something ?

are you that comfortable with the family to be saying that
i agree....
i mean its not your family
and the last thing youd probally want is to start a conflict within the family
it really isnt your place....
if it bothers your bf as much as it does you, then he should say sumthing, if its as bad as you say he should have already and if not then maybe its just you?
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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Originally Posted by Carrie
ps. is it me or is everyone else kinda bothered by the fact that the SON's GIRLFRIEND is telling them that they arn't ALLOWED to be doing something ?

are you that comfortable with the family to be saying that

i fully agree, i read this thread when it was first started, and i was visibly rattled on how shes telling them what to do.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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I'm a smoker. I like smoking in the house. but our landlord says no so we don't. anyways its kind of gross everything being saturated in smoky-ness and yellow-ey.. Ew.

He should respect the fact that your bf and you are both allergic to smoke but you can't exactly expect him to stop. That would be like him telling you to not ___________ ( do laundry on sundays, deep fry foods, drink from the milk carton, etc) at your house.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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Originally Posted by Carrie
ps. is it me or is everyone else kinda bothered by the fact that the SON's GIRLFRIEND is telling them that they arn't ALLOWED to be doing something ?

are you that comfortable with the family to be saying that
Hahaa, how the mighty have fallen!! Okay this is a bit obscure, but i sorta remember when Galaxie use to have something against me and she would couch her statements this very same way to sort of get a consensus :)

but i'm not ganging up on you Galaxie! :) it's just something funny i remembered

ps. does the dad know that the son is allergic?

Last edited by wum; Feb 06, 05 at 09:00 PM.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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bottom line
speak up and say sumthen to the dad....
cause none of us here can do anything except be opinionated...
or eelse just move on
altho he may get offended if you say anything
his son being allergic to it is one thing, but the sons gf, he may not give to shits maybe ask your bf to say sumthing
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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haha.. crown theft auto... you know it shoudl be grand theft auto but he said crown... hahahaa.. mojo your such a trickster.. what will we ever do with you... what will we do???
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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Bottom line for all the uneducated dimwits who think its alright is this. It is unethical no matter who owns the property to put other peoples health at risk. By that logic it is alright to invite someone into your house and give them the option to have poison placed in their dinner. Or how bout this.... Its alright for a company to run a slave labour sweat shop because they pay the bills on the piece of property and the workers can leave at any time.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 05
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^ Yeah but someone is doing this in the privacy of their own home, therefore anyone who enters the dwelling is subject to certain risks that they would have to accept if they were going to enter the home, she's not working there, she's not attending school there, so yes, she DOES have a choice.

anyways, if I was that uncomfortable about somewhere, I probably would choose not to frequent it. My ex boyfriend lived in a house full of guys that was always cold, smoke filled and REALLY dirty (dude, don't get me started on the bathroom) and they had long haired cats that were so cute, but I was also VERY allergic to and while I may have done some nice things like suprized all the houseboys by cleaning the bathroom a few times for them, it's not my place as the girlfriend to be telling them how they ought to live. What did I do? I just made it clear to my bf at the time that I could hang out there occasionally, but I preferred my own place because of certain factors that didn't make me 100% comfortable there, and he accepted that, so we mostly stayed together at my own apt. As rude and disgusting as it is, it unfortunately isn't your place to say anything. If it bothers you that much, then there are many compromises that could be reached.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 05
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liike providing sexual services to your benefit
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 05
veN veN is offline
Basically, I win.
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I think a lot of people bickering over this problem that Nat and Grady are experiencing are forgetting that:

- Grady's Dad & his Dad's gf didn't always smoke in the house. It's a recent development within the last few weeks.
- Grady and Natalie are BOTH allergic. Now you might say "Nat's tough luck. Don't go to their house." but Grady is allergic too. I'm pretty sure that since they didn't smoke in the house before they were previously aware and sensative to Grady's condition.

I personally think you are an irresponsible parent if you are smoking in the house with your children/family present.

I also think that Natalie was venting in this section bc it is really frustrating to her to watch her bf endure this situation on a regular basis now (why did they start smoking inside now?), and this is a place to get stuff off your chest. However, if you see something you don't agree with and would feel comfortable taking a stand on behalf of someone you love (ie: Natalie confronting Grady's family, although Im not saying she is going to) then I think you have every right to hun. You are concerned about his health, and your own.

Sure, Nat could not go over there, and sure Grady could move out. But if his Dad and his Dad's gf cared, they would go back to smoking outside.

Last edited by veN; Feb 07, 05 at 05:45 PM.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 05
dumb it down, would ya?
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if this thread is allowed to continue then friendships will be torn assunder :(
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 05
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sounds like gradys problem not Nats!!
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 05
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maybe it's fucken cold out and they don't want to smoke outdoors anymore.

and you can't say that he is irresponsible and doesn't care just cause of smoking.

my dad and mom smoke. does that mean they are bad parents? are you going to call my parents irresponsible? because I would be very offended if you did. my parents did everything they could for me and my brother and I should hate them because they smoked infront of me.

there are so many kids out there without homes, why are you complaining that your boyfriends is horrible at least he has one. he's old enough to make his own decisions but he can't make his dads. if he decided he wants to smoke in his own fucken house, then he can.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 05
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Originally Posted by Carrie
maybe it's fucken cold out and they don't want to smoke outdoors anymore.

and you can't say that he is irresponsible and doesn't care just cause of smoking.

my dad and mom smoke. does that mean they are bad parents? are you going to call my parents irresponsible? because I would be very offended if you did. my parents did everything they could for me and my brother and I should hate them because they smoked infront of me.

there are so many kids out there without homes, why are you complaining that your boyfriends is horrible at least he has one. he's old enough to make his own decisions but he can't make his dads. if he decided he wants to smoke in his own fucken house, then he can.
I'm assuming a number of those comments were directed at me (hard to tell though)...

Well Carrie, I guess I just called your parents irresponsible. They may be wonderful and thoughtful in so many ways, but they have unnecessarily endangered your life. I'm not sure how you feel about this (well actually I guess I do from your previous posts)...

Are you a smoker yourself? I am not. I did my few years as a social smoker, but I realized how stupid that was. That may perhaps explain my view-point. I stand by what I said though, and I realize that we will never see eye-to-eye on this topic. That's fine. I still think you are really cool/fun! I don't carry msg debates with me into "real life".
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