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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mar 30, 05
'latinum respect.
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ever get headaches so bad...

You feel like you're going to throw up?

Yeah. Fuck you!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mar 30, 05
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yeah thats when i get drunk

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mar 30, 05
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Um, booze is the last thing I probably need right now.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mar 30, 05
feelsssss love
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probably...i was just joking...

go do some K...

j/k again...

did u taKE SOME advil....that usally works for me

but then again i've never had a head ache so bad i had to throw up...

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mar 30, 05
Straight Outta Mocash
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when i get a migraine, i usually try to sleep it off. that or i lie in the dark until it goes away.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mar 30, 05
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have a bubble bath....
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 05
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I had my 1st migraine the other day, or maybe a tension headache . . . I'm just guessing. It was kinda cold and windy (but not too bad), and my entire head and face went numb. Then I could hear ppl talking to me, but I couldn't make sense of what they were saying. I wasn't dizzy, but I couldn't really understand what was going on. It got so bad I couldn't move for like 20 min. Then the pain went away after like 2 hrs. It was fucked, but pretty cool; I didn't know I could experience that much pain without dying. Kinda felt like this :Stab1:
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 05
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
You feel like you're going to throw up?

Yeah. Fuck you!
ew yeah, I hate those! what I usually do is make a nice cup of herbal tea, wrap myself in a blankie, lie on the couch (or my bed, or the floor) and try to sleep. hope your head feels better soon Myra!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 05
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For anyone who gets bad headaches regularly, what did you try?

I was thinking of considering massage therapy as an option. My muscles in my upper back area are tense like nothing else :|
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 05
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migraines are like that for me.
nothing i've tried helps to get rid of them but sleeping. if i don't sleep, it just progresses until i'm actually vomitting. :(

have you been getting enough sleep? i find i get more migraines when i haven't been sleeping well.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 05
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^ I totally haven't been sleeping well at all...that could explain a lot.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 05
Straight Outta Mocash
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take something drowsy and try to sleep, that always helps me.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 05
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^ I kind of want to avoid that. Relaxing teas and whatnot don't usually work for me. I get bad insomnia, but it's the kind where I have trouble staying asleep, very frustrating.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 05
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
^ I totally haven't been sleeping well at all...that could explain a lot.

i know it's one of my triggers. there are times when i just can't sleep and i end up getting migraines almost daily then. but once that problem goes away and i get a few good nights of sleep i'm fine. sleep aids are usually pointless by then as well. i need natural sleep.

feel better! :)
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 05
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You should try taking something to help you get to sleep. Even if it's just gravol.

And drink tonnes of water if you aren't already.

And take some advil, or some other type of anti-inflammatory that will help reduce the tension in your blood vessels.

Aspirin helps as well.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 05
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i get migranes all the time, usually i do like gusto, and lie in the dark till it goes away, take a few t3's and put a cold/damp towel on my forehead and wait it out.

however, they dont always come at time where you can lie down, ie, at work, or quite a distance away from home, in that case, go to a gas station, buy some tylonol, and try not to socialize with anyone, just cofine yourself, and wait it out.......if all else fails, your fucked! - dont ya feel like dieing?
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 05
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i had one last night, but it was beyond my control.
ughh.. still feeling this morning.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 05
Big Deal Lucille
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i got a migrane once, and i threw up.
it came out of the blue, i was at work waiting for my races or Lasix shots or something when !BAM! blinding pain. it felt like my brain was melting and trying to come out my eyes.
after i threw up i secluded myself in the office and tried to watch some races until it was time for my horses to go to the paddock but ANY trace of light caused me cruel and unusual pain. so i got my boyfriend to drive me home and race my horses for me.
i had to lock myself in my room, smother any light or sound source and sleep.

at the time i was as healthy as they come. hadn't touched drugs in 8 months, very fit, eating very well, hadn't tasted alcohol in 8 months either.
the only thing i could think it would have been from was exhaustion.
working at the track is not easy, you're there at 5:30am and work hard and long with few if any days off. and on race weekends, you work from 5:30am until your last horse races, which means you're not out of there until 10pm sometimes.
hard work, but i love it.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 05
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dapimpstress is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by miss.myra
You feel like you're going to throw up?

Yeah. Fuck you!
yes. i get headaches so bad that i DO throw up. they are called migraines baby...

and they SUCK. none of the meds for them even work. i have to go into the doc's office everytime to get shots of fuckin demerol, which is like some crazy narcotic rite, and basically makes u pass out for about 7 hours, then u wake up feelin weird, but without headache...

i get them alot, so i seriously feel ur pain. if you have changed anything about your diet, (drastically) or if you were on birth control hormones, and got off them, or weren't on and did get on them recently, it can change ur body chemistry, and give you headaches...

hope ur okay luvvy... <3 *hugs* ashes
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 05
Big Deal Lucille
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Originally Posted by Ashes
and they SUCK. none of the meds for them even work. i have to go into the doc's office everytime to get shots of fuckin demerol, which is like some crazy narcotic rite, and basically makes u pass out for about 7 hours, then u wake up feelin weird, but without headache...

maybe the headaches are from withdrawl?
lol j/k
that must be bad, demerol for headaches.
do you know why?
i assume your doc has looked into this as far as CT scans and shit, but if not, i hope you get it done. that sounds serious.
my dad got a migrane that forced him to park his car (he got it whilst driving)
they rushed him to emerge and after a LOT of tests found out it was caused by swelling around the base of his brain. the swelling was caused by hep c. they had no idea he had it. they figure he got it when he was 17 during his back surgery. the discovered it when he was 50ish.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 05
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Originally Posted by impure
maybe the headaches are from withdrawl?
lol j/k
that must be bad, demerol for headaches.
do you know why?
i assume your doc has looked into this as far as CT scans and shit, but if not, i hope you get it done. that sounds serious.
my dad got a migrane that forced him to park his car (he got it whilst driving)
they rushed him to emerge and after a LOT of tests found out it was caused by swelling around the base of his brain. the swelling was caused by hep c. they had no idea he had it. they figure he got it when he was 17 during his back surgery. the discovered it when he was 50ish.

I have already had CT scans done... There's "nothing" unusual to look at i guess... they pretty much have no real ideas other than change in diet, meds, etc. to explain what happens.... i think it might be something to do with hormone changes, for me, because when i don't take birth control hormones, they are alot worse and more often, like twice a month rite...

so i take hormones and they aren't as bad.. but i still get them. its so bazaar...i hate it but there's nothing i can do...

sometimes if i take like 800+ mg of ibuprophen RIGHT when i feel it, it can make it less painful but it by no means stops them.

taking vic's helps tho ;) haha.. .yeah. but anywayz.. im jus fucked i don't know, the docs dont kno.. its like jus weird.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 05
you dont knowww me
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LLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the roughLLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the roughLLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the rough
I've been getting migraines since I was 7 years old. I get at least one a month. They suck. As a migraine pro I recommend complete darkness/silence, gravol or tylenol 3 or even the advil migraine. When I was little my mom would take mint leaves and put them between a cold cloth and put them on my head.. That worked. You could try peppermint tee bags.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 05
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dapimpstress is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by LLaaUUrrYYn
I've been getting migraines since I was 7 years old. I get at least one a month. They suck. As a migraine pro I recommend complete darkness/silence, gravol or tylenol 3 or even the advil migraine. When I was little my mom would take mint leaves and put them between a cold cloth and put them on my head.. That worked. You could try peppermint tee bags.
yeah its MOS DEF a NO LIGHT/NO SOUND kinda game... you just like lay in underneath your covers, inthe darkest room you can get, and just try not to move.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 05
Big Deal Lucille
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impure is a jewel in the roughimpure is a jewel in the roughimpure is a jewel in the roughimpure is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by Ashes
I have already had CT scans done... There's "nothing" unusual to look at i guess... they pretty much have no real ideas other than change in diet, meds, etc. to explain what happens.... i think it might be something to do with hormone changes, for me, because when i don't take birth control hormones, they are alot worse and more often, like twice a month rite...

so i take hormones and they aren't as bad.. but i still get them. its so bazaar...i hate it but there's nothing i can do...

sometimes if i take like 800+ mg of ibuprophen RIGHT when i feel it, it can make it less painful but it by no means stops them.

taking vic's helps tho ;) haha.. .yeah. but anywayz.. im jus fucked i don't know, the docs dont kno.. its like jus weird.
a friend of mine had a complex cyst on her left ovary.
something like that could really throw off your homone levels.
doctors have failed so many times in the past, i don't trust them.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 05
you dont knowww me
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LLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the roughLLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the roughLLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by Ashes
yeah its MOS DEF a NO LIGHT/NO SOUND kinda game... you just like lay in underneath your covers, inthe darkest room you can get, and just try not to move.
Exactly!! Sometimes I get them so bad I start crying. NEVER CRY! It makes me 10 times worse.
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