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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 02
Join Date: Apr 2001
hard_curls is an unknown quantity at this point
why does no body bitch about shit worth bitching about!!!

that is my rant in the ranting section... i'm cheezed that there are no bitchy topics to reply to... no contraversial issues to debate with... nothing but mindless, stupid, "i hate the guy on tv." posts... GRRRRRR MAN GRRRRRRR!!!! course this isn't much better so i'm doing a completely free range bitch, if anyone else would like to join me please feel free to post... that way we don't waste entire threads on this shit

i'm pissed about crashing my car
i'm pissed that i'm not getting enough hours at work
i'm really pissed that there's no fucking food in the house
i'm pissed that i have to do laundry
i'm pissed that i can't beat that god damn challenge in worms armagedon
i'm pissed that killing is a crime
i'm pissed at anyone who's ever purposely pissed me off
i'm pissed that my dad's an ass
i'm pissed that my mom takes his side
i'm pissed that i can't break anything
i'm pissed that my shower doesn't work
i'm pissed that i can't dye my hair
i'm pissed that i don't have transportation
and the list goes on... but hey instead of making individual threads about each one of these topics, i threw it all into a big garbage can of shit... enjoy! fucker
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 02
Join Date: Jan 2002
'AvA'-k@D0 is an unknown quantity at this point
Im pissed about my mom being a bitch
im pissed cuz i have a hangover
im pissed that my bitchy mom took away my cell phone
im pissed that i didnt go out today
im pissed that i got grounded
im pissed that i have no money
im pissed that i couldnt have a smoke all day
and im pissed that my comp wouldnt let me install my web cam!

*wipes sweat off forehead*
there Im done

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 02
i really look like this!
Join Date: Apr 2001
yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough
hehe... (i'm sorry, i know you're serious)

okay, well since this is turning out to be the "I'm pissed" thread.

Here I go.

I'm pissed that I worked so hard to be something that I can never become.. Happy.
I'm pissed that I sacrificed everything to be happy, and now, all I am is lonely
'm pissed that in order for me to be happy, i have to fully isolate myself... and that makes me unhappy
I'm pissed that I'm not happy right now because a week ago I was..
I'm pissed that people just aren't what I assmed they were
I'm pissed that I didn't realize that I was so caught up in my illusion of what happy should be that I ignored the fact that people are actualy nothing but useless idiots. which includes myself
I'm pissed that I'm pissed because I wish I wasn't pissed about these issues cause they're so pathetic, it's so pissing..

I'm pissed tha ti Have a test on monday because I should be studying for it but I'm in the i'm pissed thread... pissin my brains out.

much luv, take care.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 02
Join Date: Jan 2001
~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
i'm pissed...

-about the stupid skool strike phase two thingy..came just in time for my grad year..woopee!!..*ugh*
-about how people always assume stuff about me..
-that my webcam and scanner both don't work..
-that i have money but i can't spend it..
-at my father for never being around..
-at my mother for taking her anger out on "only" me..
-at my father and mother cuz they never take time to know wuts goin on in my life..or who my friends are or anything..
-about how everytime things seem to be alrite..they like to fall apart..
-that my hair is so damn flat and annoying..can't wait to chop it!
-about how sumthings i find very important mean absolutely nothing to the people they involve..
-at myself cuz i've let a lot of people down
-at myself cuz i never seem to try hard enuf for anything..and when i do..thats still not good enuf..
-at myself cuz i'm always so clueless or confused about things
-at myself cuz i never seem to know wut i want..and when i do make a decision..its either stupid or a wrong one..

...i could go on forever..but..i'll stop here...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 02
Join Date: Jun 2001
Rytalin is an unknown quantity at this point
go run off and listen to limp bizkit or something, you god damn whiners.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 02
i really look like this!
Join Date: Apr 2001
yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough

*tears hair out and screams while jumping from octave to octave in an annoying whine*
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 02
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
I'm pissed because my parents wake me and my bf up so they can tell me he has to go home.
I'm pissed because I'm too un-motivated to do well in school.
I'm pissed because this world is too god-damned corrupt.
I'm pissed because my mom has cancer.
I'm pissed because there is WAY TOO MUCH to be mad about.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 02
Join Date: Jan 2001
Glendita* is an unknown quantity at this point
I'm pissed because i always procrastinate.... like RIGHT NOW!
i'm pissed because she phones me on her cell and while ppl are over
I'm pissed because he doesn't call, even after he says he would
I'm pissed because i don't want to be where i am in life rite now
I'm pissed because i always end up screwing myself over
I'm pissed because he uses glow sticks *shivers*
I'm pissed because the limo is going to cost me $180
I'm pissed because my provincial are less then a week away
I'm pissed because i'm always sad and down and i don't know why
I'm pissed that the tixz cost more then 40 dollars
I'm pissed because i want to push everyone away
I'm pissed because i can't turn back time and now my hands are tied
oh yeah I'm pissed because i always get bruises from work
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jan 21, 02
stabmyhead's Avatar
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stabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nice
i PISS because i drink too much.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jan 21, 02
The dingo ate your baby!!
Join Date: Sep 2001
IvoryBaby is an unknown quantity at this point
"why does no body bitch about shit worth bitching about!!!"

do you think that this post you posted is worth bitching about?
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jan 21, 02
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2001
Crunch is an unknown quantity at this point
I couldn't be happier right now.

other than The procrastination and 1 provincial in thge next week and school is pissin me off.

Everything else is GREAT! :PartEkid:
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