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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Apr 22, 05
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The Gomery Inquiry & Calls for an election

You know, with all these people nattering on about mismanagement of funds, am I the only one that is completely irked with wasting millions, if not billions of dollars on another federal election? Is it worth it? Does this issue strike enough Canadian's hearts deep enough (other than the politicians who will take anything and run with it to slander the other party?)

Do Canadians care ENOUGH to vote out Mr Martin? I know I don't at all, and I'd honestly hate to see a conservative alliance government elected over this.

I don't see enough people talking about this issue, and lately it's really been worrying me. I reaaaallly don't want there to be another election.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Apr 22, 05
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i feel exactly the same way. i don't want to go back to the polls. and if i do have to go back, i don't want to go back before this whole Gomery Inquiry thing is finished. it seems completely stupid to go to elections when we don't even know the full extent of what happened.

i will not be voting conservative either way. i hope stephen harper sprays himself accidentally in the eyes with the hairspray he uses to so meticulously create his perfect Lego hair-do.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Apr 22, 05
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Billions? The Pentagon can't account for lost trillions
"According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions," Rumsfeld admitted.

$2.3 trillion — that's $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America. To understand how the Pentagon can lose track of trillions, consider the case of one military accountant who tried to find out what happened to a mere $300 million.

And watch how they squirm when confronted


Last edited by wum; Apr 22, 05 at 10:41 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Apr 22, 05
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^ That's the United States. We're talking about Canada.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Apr 22, 05
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I'm just saying don't be so surprised. Our governments are corrupt, through and through
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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All governments are.. particularly ones that are in power for 10 years with no real opposition.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, after all.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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It was the mismanagement of OUR money.
That's what makes me the most angry.
I mean, Cretien made ppl hire members of his family. Cash was passed in envelopes at Italien restaurants--a la mafia style.

Canadian should care.
The federal liberals should be out of office.
It's about time politicians realized that they worked for us, and any fuck ups could render them jobless.

I want a federal election, and I want the liberals gone.
You can't say you don't want an election in one breath, and whine about the cuts to education and health care in another.

These people wasted a fucktonne of our money.
No paper trails, no nothing.
If fact, if it weren't for a few insiders missing a ball sack or two, no one would have known about this.

Fuck, i'm drunk.
Someone correct my spelling mistakes.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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Originally Posted by Sidekick
i feel exactly the same way. i don't want to go back to the polls. and if i do have to go back, i don't want to go back before this whole Gomery Inquiry thing is finished. it seems completely stupid to go to elections when we don't even know the full extent of what happened.
I think we know enough about what's happened to know that our money was stolen and misused. (they have televised footage of the hearings, that's all we should need) We'll just be hearing more of the same. The prime minister should be kissing our asses right now.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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See no one is getting the real story out of this in regards to the sponsorship thingy. What the liberals were aiming for was something that was primarily important based on the liberal movement in Quebec. Now obviously western canada would be pissed either way based on the outcome but there are key importances that I will mention later. The liberals was in a situation where the seperatist movement (bloc quebecois) had alot of support in Quebec and there was a referendum that was coming up that really put the situation in a tight spot whether if they wanted to seperate or not. Now the liberals initially tried to setup conventions/events/etc that would normally pass within the house of commons. Only problem was that it wasn't working. Now based on the federal budget Quebec always receives the most amount of funds when it comes down to the provinces that are to receive money. At the time "bloc quebecois" was holding the money and telling the people of Quebec how the liberal government never lived up to its promises and never gave the province any money at all.

So you have the federal government (liberals) against the seperatist movement (bloc quebecois) which of course wants to seperate Quebec from canada. What ended up happening in Quebec is that as a result of the Bloc Quebecois holding money you had more and more people vote for them whether if it was for a referendum or for premier. Now they always have there tactics, if you watch the house of commons stuff on tv when ever the leader of the Bloc Quebecois "Gilles Duceppe" talks he talks just about quebec and thats it. Does not talk about other provinces or anything, the main focus is on Quebec. So because there was a up coming referendum and there were little turnouts at these so called conventions or events the liberals used a strategy that worked good at that time only to kick them in the ass now.

What they did was got ahold of large corporations/promoters/etc that hold massive events and decided to make deals with them. Now the deal really was that these corporations/promoters/etc would not only advertise there event but also would promote propaganda for the liberal government. Infact these events you'd see all the sponsors listed and the number one would have a signature that said "Canada" which symbolizes the federal government. Now keep in mind also the deal also included "bonuses" to that company and executive as a result of playing a role in these events. So in the long run as a result alot of people ended up seeing "wow the federal goverment is sponsoring this, they really are spending money on Quebec" So that brought up public opinion polls up and when it came up to a referendum the vote was clearly "No" not to seperate. Also what ended up happening as well is that they had a provincial election to which Jean Charest of the liberals won and is still now premier of the province. This would of been unheard of typically. But the federal government kept on pushing more money to these corporations and what not even with the province under "liberal" government.

Now alot of you may think "Well Canada doesn't need Quebec!, just let them seperate". The problem is, is Quebec is a key province that makes his country go round and round. Resources such as hydro electric dams, imports/exports going up and down the st lawrence river draws in billions of dollars to this country. It also is #2 when it comes down to the lumber industry. So you have all these imports coming from europe going up the st lawrence river to dock at montreal, toronto, hamilton. sault ste marie, thunder bay. After that it go's all over the country.

This really was done so that there wouldn't be a collapse. At the time Jean Chretien even said that if the bloc quebecois even won he would send in the army into quebec and have them guard all key provinvial and federal governments. He was even going to issue marshall law in quebec so that they didn't end up getting an FLQ crisis like in the 70's where there were car bombings and assasinations. However on the night of the last referendum there were military snipers that were said to have surrounded the Bloc Quebecois headquarters so that if they would of won then these snipers would open fire on the leaders of that party. Scary ain't it... I know alot of this because I am originally from quebec and have seen some really crazy shit with the governments fighting each other.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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Originally Posted by diva
It was the mismanagement of OUR money.
That's what makes me the most angry.
I mean, Cretien made ppl hire members of his family. Cash was passed in envelopes at Italian restaurants--a la mafia style.

Canadians should care.
The federal liberals should be out of office.
It's about time politicians realize that they worked for us, and any fuck ups could render them jobless.

I want a federal election, and I want the liberals gone.
You can't say you don't want an election in one breath, and whine about the cuts to education and health care in another.

These people wasted a fuck-tonne of our money.
No paper trails, no nothing.
In fact, if it weren't for a few insiders missing a ball sack or two, no one would have known about this.

Fuck, i'm drunk.
Someone correct my spelling mistakes.
settle down boozey.

but I whole heartedly agree with you.

PS - I went through the quote and fixed things for you.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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Someone correct my spelling mistakes.
That's the Grapes equivalent of flashing the bat signal.



I don't have a clue what to do with "fucktonne" other than submit that it should be added to the english dictionary.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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Originally Posted by diva
I think we know enough about what's happened to know that our money was stolen and misused. (they have televised footage of the hearings, that's all we should need) We'll just be hearing more of the same. The prime minister should be kissing our asses right now.
yeah, we know that money was misued and stolen. THAT'S pretty obvious...what i would like to know before i head to the polls to decide who runs my country, is WHO was actually directly involved, and to what extent. i think that is extremely important.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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we wouldn't have this problem if we just repealed income tax
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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Originally Posted by diva
You can't say you don't want an election in one breath, and whine about the cuts to education and health care in another.

When have I done that recently? I don't recall. :p

I'll have to stand firm on my opinion that I think another election is a huge waste of money.

From the options we have right now, out of curiousity, if you want this party out, who would you rather have running the show?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
When have I done that recently? I don't recall. :p

I'll have to stand firm on my opinion that I think another election is a huge waste of money.

From the options we have right now, out of curiousity, if you want this party out, who would you rather have running the show?
I wasn't talking about you specifically, myra. I was speaking in general terms.

I'd rather have a party in power who knows how to spend our hard earned tax dollars. I want a goverment in power who knows how to govern, is that so much to ask?

I don't even mind the liberal party, i just want the fucks who spent the money to go to jail. They committed fraud on a grand scale. In Canada, you can go to jail for tax evasion. I think these people should either pay the money the wasted back, or do their time in a correctional facility.

Someone needs to be punished for this debacle, though.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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if we didn't pay taxes we wouldn't have this problem in the first place
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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I think we should wait untill the inquiry is finished to pass a full judgement.

either way, I don't know who I'd vote for now.
I wouldn't vote for the conservatives and I definately would not vote for paul martin.
that's not to say I wouldn't vote for the liberals if they got a new leader, although untill the inquiry is finished, it seems unlikely.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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Originally Posted by diva
I don't even mind the liberal party, i just want the fucks who spent the money to go to jail. They committed fraud on a grand scale. In Canada, you can go to jail for tax evasion. I think these people should either pay the money the wasted back, or do their time in a correctional facility.

Someone needs to be punished for this debacle, though.
and you just answered the question of why we shouldn't have an election right now. let the Gomery Inquiry finish and punish those responsible, THEN decide what you want to do with the rest of the Liberal party.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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even tho Paul Martin didnt steal the money himself it falls under his responsibility to make sure money is on the up and up. He used to be a finance minister for fuck sakes. While i think the liberals can govern better than the NDP i dont think we need to wait till the end of the inquiry. From the testimony already presented its obvious huge amounts of money were mismanaged by the liberal party. Go find out who did it, but that wont put out the fire that the liberals find themselvs in. Paul Martin is stalling for time, who knows what other schemes werent uncovered or will continue to happen. How the hell do we vote for a government under criminal investigation for gross mismanagment of funds.

Last edited by Royal_Phunk; Apr 23, 05 at 03:12 PM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Apr 23, 05
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Y'know, Bill Clinton was found guilty of perjury and then got re-elected.

If anything, the conservatives have given me a reason to abandon my personal scruples and just vote for the liberals.

Like fuck I'm going to vote for them after they disintegrated the parliament over pointless squabbling.

I fucking hate politics.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 05
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Originally Posted by ebbomega
Y'know, Bill Clinton was found guilty of perjury and then got re-elected.

we have this:

which showed the president as a liar and a cheater and got people really upset, which in turn got us this:

which ultimately led the usa into this:

and some of this

and finally, a whole lot of this

So, with that in mind I understand that what was done was infact wrong, but sometimes it's really important to look at the bigger picture here. What would Canada be like if the conservative alliance ran the show?
In addition, many recent polls have suggested that the majority of Canadians do NOT wish to go to the polls. So now what?
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Apr 26, 05
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I'm terrified of us going to the polls and ending up with a CA government. ALL women who believe in their right of "choice" should be, as should all people who believe that GLTB have the same rights as everyone else, as well as those who don't wish to have an American-esque right-wing agenda shoved down their throat.

Yes, the sponsorship scandal was wrong, and yes, I'm as concerned about it as anyone else, but I also think that an election NOW would just be an even bigger waste of taxpayer money. I agree that we need to know the degree of culpability of everyone involved. I will say though, that out of the options, the Libs are STILL the lesser of all evils (because let's be honest...The NDP won't get in and neither will the Greens...And you've already heard MY take on the CA).

I say we wait until the inquiry concludes, then make our will known through the polls.
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