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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Aug 09, 05
Hugs & Kisses
Join Date: Jun 2002
*Geminiz* is an unknown quantity at this point
My fishies are dying

2 or possibly 3 (couldn't decipher from all the guts :() got caught in the filter already and I haven't even had them 2 weeks! What should I do? Should I get a different kind of filter?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Aug 09, 05
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ceiling cat!
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First post!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Aug 09, 05
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Veni*C will become famous soon enoughVeni*C will become famous soon enough
hey neighbour!!!!!! :D :D

what kind of filter do you have?... u just got the fish right?... how long have u had the tank set up for.. ect ect ect....
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Aug 09, 05
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babygirlazn is an unknown quantity at this point
i tryed fish as pets when i was a kid unforunately never worked out they kept on dying i dunno what i was doing wrong but couldn't take it anymore i'm not much of a pet kinda gal anyways
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Aug 09, 05
i wish...
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jomama is on a distinguished road
maybe you need bigger fish?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Aug 09, 05
Hugs & Kisses
Join Date: Jun 2002
*Geminiz* is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by ~Veni_C~
hey neighbour!!!!!! :D :D

what kind of filter do you have?... u just got the fish right?... how long have u had the tank set up for.. ect ect ect....
Well helllooooo neighbour! :silly:

The tank was given to me by a friend... she had it set up for a long time and when she brought it all over she included the tank/filter/rocks/1 little fishy and she brought the water too! :) I let it sit for a few days then ran to the store and got the fishies! It's the water fall type filter... I heard there is an under the rocks type.

Jomama - I think you got the right idea there :) The thing is also, one of my bigger ones got stuck around the filter just a few days ago! I think I need even bigger fishies.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Aug 09, 05
Get down, I do!
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If you can let me know some better details of your tank I can probably help you out. I have a decent tank at home and it's very rare that I lose fish. I've had them for a good 5yrs now and on top of that my parents own a pet store that specializes in fishies.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Aug 09, 05
Hugs & Kisses
Join Date: Jun 2002
*Geminiz* is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Cdn_Brdr
If you can let me know some better details of your tank I can probably help you out. I have a decent tank at home and it's very rare that I lose fish. I've had them for a good 5yrs now and on top of that my parents own a pet store that specializes in fishies.

Thanks for the link :) I'm with you 100% - the water running and fishies swimming around is sooo relaxing. I love it!

I don't really know too much about fish tanks, I'm just learning. The one I have is 27 gallons and the filter is like a water fountain? It sucks the water up a tube. The fishies that are getting sucked up are Neon Tetras (they are so pretty). I think they are just really small so get sucked up easily. Would you maybe suggest a different kind of filter?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Aug 09, 05
Straight Outta Mocash
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i'd like to see the filter try to kill a salmon. i say get a salmon.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Aug 09, 05
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Or a Halibut! What more could you want than a Pet Halibut! Hell, it's even a fun word to say. Halibut... Halibut... HalibutHalibutHalibutbutbut Halibut Halibut... Annyways... I'm done now.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Aug 09, 05
Get down, I do!
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Cdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really nice
Originally Posted by *Geminiz*
Thanks for the link :) I'm with you 100% - the water running and fishies swimming around is sooo relaxing. I love it!

I don't really know too much about fish tanks, I'm just learning. The one I have is 27 gallons and the filter is like a water fountain? It sucks the water up a tube. The fishies that are getting sucked up are Neon Tetras (they are so pretty). I think they are just really small so get sucked up easily. Would you maybe suggest a different kind of filter?
The type of filter you have is USUALLY suggested for much larger tanks and also more so for salt water tanks.

Depending on the length of the tube you can mesh it and stick it in the gravel itself which will prevent fish from getting sucked up it. Personally though I recommend getting a 'Fluval 3+' underwater filter. It's relatively cheap, around $25 or so and is easy to maintain. All you need to do is clean the filter once every couple of weeks and all should be well.

Inside the filter you should also put a carbon pad in between the two filter pads. It helps filter out a lot of the stuff that regualr filter pads can't contain. Just be sure to NEVER re-use the carbon filters after a couple weeks as they will just start releasing poisons into your water. Also make sure that you always change at least ONE of your regular pads per cleaning. Once used you can wash out the used filter in a washing machine or dishwasher and use maybe once more but it's not too highly recommended. For best results just rotate one new pad in with every cleaning.

Fish can be relaxing but they DO take a lot more work than people think. To make it easier on yourself pick up a water vaccuum, which is basically just a simple siphon to clean your gravel. If you don't do this all the fish shit just sits there and releases nitrites into your water which is toxic to fish. As well, pick up some form of an algae eater like a cory or a plecostomus.... they will keep the inside walls of your tank nice and clean, trust me. They're pretty cheap too.

Finally... one of your best friends when it comes to having a fish tank is a water testing kit. It allows you to test the levels of ammonia, nitrites and other baddies in your water. When levels get too high it means a super cleaning and a 30% water change (use the vaccuum to empty the water). Make sure that when you add ANY water to the tank that you use a de-chlorinizer to get rid of all the chemicals in tap water that will kill fishies!

All of this stuff is really cheap and easy to find at almost any pet store. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll help you out best I can.

With a little time, a little effort, and a relatively small amount of money you can have yourself an amazing, relaxing little tank!

Last edited by Cdn_Brdr; Aug 09, 05 at 11:07 AM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Aug 09, 05
Hugs & Kisses
Join Date: Jun 2002
*Geminiz* is an unknown quantity at this point
Wow - thanks for all the info :) I will most definately send you a PM with more specific questions soon - I want happy & healthy fishies and it makes me sad when they die. I'm completely willing to put in some money and whatever time it takes :)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Aug 10, 05
Control Canonical
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Leviathan will become famous soon enoughLeviathan will become famous soon enough
Once you get up to speed a bit and your tank gets older it will settle down and thrive on its own. You've already comitted to the time and money so all you need now is the knowledge and you'll be good to go!

Originally Posted by *Geminiz*
Wow - thanks for all the info :) I will most definately send you a PM with more specific questions soon - I want happy & healthy fishies and it makes me sad when they die. I'm completely willing to put in some money and whatever time it takes :)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Aug 10, 05
not colbert
Join Date: Oct 2003
stephen_c will become famous soon enoughstephen_c will become famous soon enough
cut ur losses short.
start thinkin sushi.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Aug 10, 05
Join Date: Oct 2004
Goodfellow will become famous soon enoughGoodfellow will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by *Geminiz*
2 or possibly 3 (couldn't decipher from all the guts :() got caught in the filter already and I haven't even had them 2 weeks! What should I do? Should I get a different kind of filter?
Different kind of filter?! Sounds to me like you got the best filter out there..

Grrrrind fishies, grind!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Aug 10, 05
Get down, I do!
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Cdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really nice
Originally Posted by Leviathan
Once you get up to speed a bit and your tank gets older it will settle down and thrive on its own. You've already comitted to the time and money so all you need now is the knowledge and you'll be good to go!
This man speaks the truth.... it's not nearly as difficult to take care of the tank as it is to learn HOW to take care of the tank! ;)
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