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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
Join Date: Jan 2001
Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
Not knowing how much....

.... of what a person tells you...

to believe.

100% just give the person the benifit of the doubt.
50% though... what parts should you and shouldnt you believe.
0% if I'm not sure.. why should I even believe any of it.

So many people run thier mouths..... and say things.. perphaps.. you wanna hear... or dont... or make agreements.... or just tell you something.... or anything.. really....

And trying to figure out whats true and whats not. is a fukcing bitch.

Maybe it's just a good thing... I don't belive anything.. anyone says anymore.

it's all a load of shit.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
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I've come to the realization that you can never trust anyone completely.....
I hear everyone talk shit about each other and I jus let people have their opinions....If i judged everyone according to what other people have said I would have no friends...
I have to be my own witness...
....because I've ended up with some wikkid friends from not litsining to other peoples veiws on a person..and jus seeing for myself
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
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Corroborate, don't always just accept what people say, not because they're dishonest, but maybe because their perception and truth may just be a bit different.

It's not a matter of not being able to trust people. I trust everybody to go to hell in his or her own way. But that's just it - it's in their way. The more you get to know people the more you get to understand what bullshit they believe in and you can start to interpolate between the truth they present you with and the truth you choose to believe.

There's a lot to be said for making your own decision rather than simply accepting everything given to you.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
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usually just asking a person and actually talking about something usually stops all the "DRAMA" and bullshit....i never listen to ppl unless it come from the sorce.....sometimes ppl try to complicate a situation to benefit them selves(what can they gain from the situation)...fun how life is....and how a simple im sorry or what can we do to fix this usually is the simple way to go...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
Join Date: Jan 2001
Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by ebbomega

Corroborate, don't always just accept what people say, not because they're dishonest, but maybe because their perception and truth may just be a bit different.

It's not a matter of not being able to trust people. I trust everybody to go to hell in his or her own way. But that's just it - it's in their way. The more you get to know people the more you get to understand what bullshit they believe in and you can start to interpolate between the truth they present you with and the truth you choose to believe.

There's a lot to be said for making your own decision rather than simply accepting everything given to you.
I get what your saying.
but this is more so a general statement.

I dunno, I seem to not believe anyone.. like even when it comes to making plans. or they say.. they'll do something.. like.. grab a glass of water... like anythign anyone says.

I dont beleive it untill it happens.

but its not so much a trust thing... but whther to belive them... if that makes sense.
it's all in how one precieves what one says.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
George I am.
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Nothings real... we're all in the Matrix!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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^^ are you kidding me!!!! jovs is upset and you say that...pfffffittttttt!!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
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Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
^I'm not really upset... more so confussed.

but what do you expect from the moron above... he needs to eat more pills and do liquid.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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It's easy to know a shit talker and take everything they say with a grain of salt.

What is harder is knowing someone you care about isn't being totally honest with you 100% of the time because they don't want to upset you/make a big deal out of something/cause a situation..whatever, that hurts more.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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its really bad when you finally realize how many lies and shit you have withheld for someone else, that you have been a part of only because you thought the world of them that they thought the world of you, that they alone would hold all your secrets so why not keep theirs only to find that they have lied to you, told others who really didnt need to know things about you and who refuse to admit to anything that they have done to you or others.
i hate that.
i really dont like realizing how you can get sucked in by some people, believe their lies, and infact think that what they do is a good thing.
i didnt like what i did to find all this out, or realize all of it, or to end all of it, but it was what i had to do. drama was unavoidable, plus i needed it as the slap in the face of reality of what a friend is. lying about anything at anytime is not ok.
and i dont associate with people anymore who use others as tools to gain things in life - wether its me or other people.

and jovi i understand - i still trust people in many ways. i just learned a rough lesson.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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i find it unbeleiveble how deceptive people can be even to those who are really close. i guess thats just because ive never been good at decieving/hiding shit from anyone including myself.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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J o e l is an unknown quantity at this point
I always tell the truth...the BRUTALALY honest truth...whether you want to hear it or not. In turn, Ive become an expert @ pulling my foot OUT of my mouth...causses more little probs but avoids the big ones all together...and usually the people it offends are people who talk shit or that are so fake it hurts..so I dont loose any sleep over it
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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Maybe you should all just stop being so paranoid.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
I <3 House
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Ree Fresh is an unknown quantity at this point
I dont think you can ever believe anything 100%

trust no one - x files

Ive always been a very honest and open person. Therefore I tend to think other ppl are like that as well... however ive deffinently learned from life experinces there are some ppl who lie/bullshit/and talk through their teeth with out notice or care :(

Over all I like to give everyone a first chance, but once you blow it YOUR DONE!
(Thats why you should never lie/bullshit/manipulate storys)
As for loved ones and dear friends... sometimes its hard to believe them with certain things... but I would always give them the benifit of the doubt just as I would like them to believe me when no one else does.

If its dealing with gossip/stories... I always make note that im hearing their side and we all know how ppl can exagerate or manipulate it so you understand their feelings better etc. Therefore I try to get both sides of the story (you can be so surprised sometimes) or just take note of it before I let it really effect me.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
--&amp;gt;Tightcore Trucker&amp;lt;--
Join Date: Jan 2001
Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
You know what also sucks.. is when you didnt believe something someone was telling you about themselves. And its true.


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