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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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Old Dec 11, 05
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fuck yeah
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Merging onto the highway

So I've been working out in North Van the last bit and take the first exit off the Second Narrows to get there. On the way home every day I just shake my head that no one seems to know how to merge onto the highway. They drive to the end of the on ramp at the edge of the highway and wait for a gap. Then every car promptly pulls up right to their bumper making a line of people that have little chance of safely merging into traffic going 70-100km. So today I'm sitting their about 50 feet back of the car in front of me and some guy in his SUV pulls up behind me and lays on the horn. I sit and wait anyway till all the idiots clear out of the way and proceed to calmly merge into a gap no more than 3 times the length of my truck... If you're going as fast as the other traffic it's no different than a lane change people!!!!

Can someone start revoking these people's licences????
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