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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 06
Get down, I do!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Cdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really nice
Your tax dollars at work.....

As most of you know I work at BC Children's Hospital. My job here is basically to do all the major PC purchasing and such for most of the major medical facilities in the province as well as government funded med. groups like BC Cancer, BC Transplant, RVH and FPS.

Anyways, the fiscal year end for the PHSA (the group I work for) is March 31. Basically that means that the previous years budget is up on that day and the new budget is assessed after that. Of course the way it works is that if you don't spend all your budget you lose it in the next year.

The spending that I'm doing is ridiculous right now. Orders for 12 laptops, 12 pdas, and 12 20.1" LCD's.... when we question the purchaser as to what they're for we're told things like 'just in case', 'future employees', 'we're not sure yet'!!

WE'RE NOT SURE YET!?!?!?! I'm sure of one thing... it's these people's fault that the medicare system is in the situation it's in. There is hardly any accountability for the spending made by some of these people.

Good job everyone... the taxes you've paid all year just bought some jerk doctor a new G5 and 23" cinema display for his personal use at home.... what a joke.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 06
Straight Outta Mocash
Join Date: Nov 2003
Gusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really nice
so this is how my $20/mo donation is spent.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 06
Get down, I do!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Cdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really niceCdn_Brdr is just really nice
^Luckily no.... the donation money for Children's Hospital is spent on new equipment specifically for the kids. The money I'm talking about is the gov't specified budget for each dept.

Trust me when I say the donation money is put to proper use!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 06
Registered User
Join Date: Sep 2001
matéo is a jewel in the roughmatéo is a jewel in the roughmatéo is a jewel in the roughmatéo is a jewel in the rough
theres a demotivator for yah.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 06
Straight Outta Mocash
Join Date: Nov 2003
Gusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really nice
okay good, just wanna make sure its not used to buy video games and shit.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 06
semblence within chaos.
Join Date: May 2003
decypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the rough
Damn bureaucrats
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