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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 06
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My Knees!!!

I really hate them right now!
I have really messed up knees where they don't sit properly. (my doctor described it as my knees sit more on a ridge that tips them from side to side) And the only thing that really keeps them in place is the muscle around them. So sometimes when I'm dancing really hard, or doing a new kick in kickboxing they can pop out and back into the socket really fast. WHICH REALLY HURTS!!!

Anyway this happened to me a week ago. I was really embarrassed because I fell to the floor mid kick, and started to cry. (which I hate doing in public) Now it feels really weird, like it creeks and feels like it kind of floats slightly out of place from time to time. It's the grossest feeling. I just want normal knees that I don't have to feel worried about all the time. ( I've been told that when I'm older I can be at risk of tearing ligaments if I'm not careful.) :(

Last edited by Kandyapple; Mar 13, 06 at 10:40 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 06
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i hope your knees will be alright
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 06
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That really sucks I ahve no idea how horribley my life would change if my knees or legs went, I live for running soccer and dancing if things got taken away from me i would be the saddest person in the world. I hope its nothing to serious and it can be fixed soon good luck and hope to see you at the next rave
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 06
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^^ I DO TOO!!! :p
Yah I mean it doesn't totaly disable me. But I never really know when they can go out again. Usualy they just give me a good shake. But sometimes they will pop out completely and I'll just drop to the ground. It never hurts for very long. ( I'm more in shock then anything ) But they feel strange for a while after. Just weak and swollen.

I just worry that one time I'm going to chip the bone or tear something. It just feels like only a matter of time before it gets more serious. I'm sure would take some major surgery to fix the problem. Because I think it would mean we would have to shave down the area that the knee cap is supposed to be sitting in, so that it's not just swinging freely. blah this just makes me feel gross to even think about.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 06
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Wow that sucks!

I don't know what I would do if I had problems like that.
Raving/dancing ect has become such a huge part of my life.
rave/afterhours/clubnights/ ect.

Maybe corrective sugery will become an option for you later on.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 06
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This is almost too easy...

MAYBE IT'S ALL THAT nah I ain't even gonna say it.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 06
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I'm going to go with a wild guess, and assume you were suggesting I invest in some kneepads??? :p
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 06
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Originally Posted by ebbomega
This is almost too easy...

MAYBE IT'S ALL THAT nah I ain't even gonna say it.
Sometimes it's frightening how much we think alike.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 06
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i was suprised a bj comment wasnt in the top 3
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 06
veN veN is offline
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My knee does the same thing honey. Just the one (Right)... bc I tore my ACL 7 or so yrs ago. I never got surgery to correct it, bc it seemed to sort itself out well enough and my schedule wouldn't allow it (they said I could always get it later if I wanted to). So it randomly pops out from time to time. Totally embarassing, esp bc it usually results in me tumbling over to the side, and perhaps shedding a few tears. The piercing pain stops after a short while, but it feels loose and swollen for a while afterward. :n:
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mar 13, 06
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Hey kandy apple you gonna be at insomnia?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mar 14, 06
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i got horrible knees too.. I know how you feel.. I really need to get them checked out.. anyways peace to your knees, good luck with them in the future.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mar 14, 06
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Originally Posted by Nev
My knee does the same thing honey. Just the one (Right)... bc I tore my ACL 7 or so yrs ago. I never got surgery to correct it, bc it seemed to sort itself out well enough and my schedule wouldn't allow it (they said I could always get it later if I wanted to). So it randomly pops out from time to time. Totally embarassing, esp bc it usually results in me tumbling over to the side, and perhaps shedding a few tears. The piercing pain stops after a short while, but it feels loose and swollen for a while afterward. :n:
Yah I think it's the feeling afterward that bothers me the most. It just feels so wrong! Creeking and shifting in funny possitions. I used to have most of the problem on my right side as well. But this time it was my left that gave out. So now they are both buggered. I find it really can kill my confidence when it comes to sports and excercise. I just always want to hold back a little.

Last edited by Kandyapple; Mar 14, 06 at 06:09 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mar 14, 06
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I've had knee problems since I was about 4-5 years old. For YEARS my doctor kept telling me that I had juvenile arthritis. I went to hospitals for xrays every couple years and they could never tell me anything. Sometimes the pain was so intense that I couldn't get out of bed because it hurt too much to walk.

A couple years back while my doctor was on vacation I went to see his replacement and I told her what was up and that I was sick n tired of dealing with this pain after 20 years. She sent me to the sports medicine clinic at UBC and all I had to do was walk up n down the hallway for the doctor n he knew what was wrong with me.

I can't remember what the condition is called but he sent me for physio to strengthen the muscles around me knee cap. It's a lot of really boring work that seems silly but if you do it regularly after about a week or so (well for me anyways) the pain was gone. I also wear arch supports in my shoes (right now just the ones you can get at London Drugs cuz I have no monies) and they help a ton.

Seriously demand your doctor to send you to a sports medicine clinic so they can help you out... you'll be amazed at what it can do.

Editted to say... this knee condition is SUPER common in women and is almost always diagnosed improperly.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mar 14, 06
veN veN is offline
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^ Cheers honey, thats great advice! I see a podiatrist for custom insoles, and know that my condition is due to my injury. It happens so rarely that I don't fret it. But Lauren, if you haven't already, you should give Cerah's plan a go! :)
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mar 14, 06
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that harsh sucks lauren.

I feel your pain tho..........[literally]

only the doctors and specialist have no fucking clue whats wrong with me.

it's better to explore your options with more then one doctor/specialist tho... incase one misses something the other didnt.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 06
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Originally Posted by cerah
Editted to say... this knee condition is SUPER common in women and is almost always diagnosed improperly.
Is it patello femoral syndrome? (or however you spell it) I have that, and it only bothers me occassionaly, but can be very annoying.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Mar 16, 06
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Originally Posted by cerah
I've had knee problems since I was about 4-5 years old. For YEARS my doctor kept telling me that I had juvenile arthritis. I went to hospitals for xrays every couple years and they could never tell me anything. Sometimes the pain was so intense that I couldn't get out of bed because it hurt too much to walk.

A couple years back while my doctor was on vacation I went to see his replacement and I told her what was up and that I was sick n tired of dealing with this pain after 20 years. She sent me to the sports medicine clinic at UBC and all I had to do was walk up n down the hallway for the doctor n he knew what was wrong with me.

I can't remember what the condition is called but he sent me for physio to strengthen the muscles around me knee cap. It's a lot of really boring work that seems silly but if you do it regularly after about a week or so (well for me anyways) the pain was gone. I also wear arch supports in my shoes (right now just the ones you can get at London Drugs cuz I have no monies) and they help a ton.

Seriously demand your doctor to send you to a sports medicine clinic so they can help you out... you'll be amazed at what it can do.

Editted to say... this knee condition is SUPER common in women and is almost always diagnosed improperly.
thanks for the advice. I'm going to be setting up an appointment soon with my regular doctor. I haven't seen him in a while, so we are playing a bit of catch up on the situation. The last time I had a really bad blow out with my knee I had another doctor in his office look at it. He suggested some exercises like sitting against a wall, and lifting my legs with snowboard boots on. (which I must admit, I haven't been very good at remembering to do them)
But I'll remember to ask him about seeing someone at a sports medicine clinic as well, and see what he says. They seem to think that it's something hereditary that is strange with my knees. So it may involve surgery anyway. But I'm going to look into getting some x-rays done on them to make sure.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Mar 16, 06
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