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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jul 18, 06
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Canadian governments actions towards its citizens in Lebannon

Fuckin sickening.... they are saying that it can take up to 2 weeks before they can possibly move out canadians.... The only hope people have now is hopfully they can get onto a ship that would allow them so that they can get out of there... So far the italian military has used its warships to already transport random people from out of the country.....

Stephen Harper and the Conservative government quite frankly doesn't give a shit about canadians..... Showed no remorse or sympathy towards the 8 canadians that were killed so far... Who knows how many more dead there are because right now they are only estimated based on the people killed on bodies that have been recovered... however since israel is now bombing citizen's.... suburbs.... buildings with people are coming down and all....

You'd expect a nation like Israel to have respect to the people of a nation and not bomb them, especially since we go back in time when nazi germany invaded and murdered millions of israeli's.... only for the world to come to there rescue.... Instead Israel is pulling the moves... attack the people directly and in directly. Cutting there resources to food.. shelter... power... and essentually corning the people by blowing up bridges around cities and borders so they can't move.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jul 18, 06
dumb it down, would ya?
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it'd take me more than two weeks to get thirty thousand people out of a country that's half way across the world.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jul 18, 06
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Originally Posted by b0ld
Fuckin sickening.... they are saying that it can take up to 2 weeks before they can possibly move out canadians.... The only hope people have now is hopfully they can get onto a ship that would allow them so that they can get out of there... So far the italian military has used its warships to already transport random people from out of the country.....

Stephen Harper and the Conservative government quite frankly doesn't give a shit about canadians..... Showed no remorse or sympathy towards the 8 canadians that were killed so far... Who knows how many more dead there are because right now they are only estimated based on the people killed on bodies that have been recovered... however since israel is now bombing citizen's.... suburbs.... buildings with people are coming down and all....

You'd expect a nation like Israel to have respect to the people of a nation and not bomb them, especially since we go back in time when nazi germany invaded and murdered millions of israeli's.... only for the world to come to there rescue.... Instead Israel is pulling the moves... attack the people directly and in directly. Cutting there resources to food.. shelter... power... and essentually corning the people by blowing up bridges around cities and borders so they can't move.
Welcome to reality in all its glory.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jul 18, 06
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The Chucksta has a little shameless behaviour in the past
half of them are lebanese with canadian citizenships, that have moved back to lebanon.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jul 18, 06
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^^ Agreed!
Too many people Just use Canadian citizenship for its perks.
A certain amount of them do just that while hating our culture at the same time.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jul 18, 06
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Originally Posted by b0ld
Fuckin sickening.... they are saying that it can take up to 2 weeks before they can possibly move out canadians.... The only hope people have now is hopfully they can get onto a ship that would allow them so that they can get out of there... So far the italian military has used its warships to already transport random people from out of the country.....

Stephen Harper and the Conservative government quite frankly doesn't give a shit about canadians..... Showed no remorse or sympathy towards the 8 canadians that were killed so far... Who knows how many more dead there are because right now they are only estimated based on the people killed on bodies that have been recovered... however since israel is now bombing citizen's.... suburbs.... buildings with people are coming down and all....

You'd expect a nation like Israel to have respect to the people of a nation and not bomb them, especially since we go back in time when nazi germany invaded and murdered millions of israeli's.... only for the world to come to there rescue.... Instead Israel is pulling the moves... attack the people directly and in directly. Cutting there resources to food.. shelter... power... and essentually corning the people by blowing up bridges around cities and borders so they can't move.
You don't know fuck about shit.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jul 18, 06
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Stephen Harper and the Conservative government quite frankly doesn't give a shit about canadians.....
WRONG. Stephen Harper is a beautiful man, and he cares about ALL non-arab Canadians!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
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logistically moving 30,000 people is a nightmare.

Even if the Canadian Gov't commandeer every trans-Atlantic planes Air Canada has in it's fleet (Fleet List) Then would barely have enough room for HALF of those Canadians. I'm also liberally adding to that number their trans-Pacific fleet.

Not that jacking a private Airline's planes is legal, or economically feasible for Canada. It would cost roughly $12 million in fuel alone (based on 767 transatlantic fuel load of 23,000 gallons @ $2.21 Gallon x 55 Planes going there and back twice (links pop to sources)) plus there's the cost of ground crews and pilots for each of those planes and the cost of compensating Air Canada for basically eliminating all Flights out of the country or across it).

Of course this is still totally irrelivant since Isreal keeps bombing all the flipping airports.

There's nothing on your passport that says the Canadian gov't will swoop in and save your ass if you decide to go to a foreign country politically allied with a terrorist organization. I sympathize with those that are trapped there, but you can bet your ass when they left Canada to enter into Lebanon they were warned of the dangers by the Canadian Gov't.

Those 30,000 people aren't all within 300 miles of the Isreali/Lebanon boarder.

Two weeks? That's a fucking EPIC success for Canada. The USA (FAR richer and better equiped) is having a HELL of a time and yeah, Italy has already started moving people out of the country, but that's because they're just across the Mediterranean sea.

Christ man, THINK before you make a post with sweeping condemnations and basisless claims. You're just adding to the sensationalism.

In this story one of the relatives of those Canadians killed in Lebanon is quotes as saying "Hezbollah is our protector". WTF? Hezbollah is the protector of Canadian citizens in Lebanon from Isreal?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
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^^ I love how people take one persons opinion and adhere it to an entire group of people. That person was refering to hezbollah as a protector because when you have no protection from destruction and killing from your own government, obviously you are going to look to militants to protect your family. Maybe that is hard to imagine for us because most here have never experienced such things unless your family fled from former Yugoslavia in the 90s. The idea of universality should not be subjective to national interests.

Yes both sides are wrong, i'm not siding with hezbollah's actions but just look at what Israel has done. The amount of killing is far out of proportion. Looking at the issue in such a superficial lens is the easy way out for most.

To simply say the killing is ok because hezbollah kidnapped soldiers is not right. There is no need to bomb infrastructure that is the means for sustaining the population when Israel has far more advanced technology then the qassam and other rockets that Hezbollah lob into Israel. To actually take a constructivist point of view and see the reciprocatory factors of past and present that contribute to the situation takes more effort.

Some get stuck at a standstill seeing a paradox for the situation and do not know what to think but it's time to change that. Don't take these 2 sentence statements by the US and Canadian leaders as a real addressing of issues.

Look at the facts: What did sanctions do to Iraq? consolidate power around Saddam. What does killing civilians and infrastructure do? Foster an environment where people can't sustain themselves, playing into the hand of militants.

People who agree with this bullshit are being blindfolded by rhetoric, think critically! Before 1980 when American universitys were willing to train Iranian nuclear scientists and the Shah leadership was accepted in US foreign policy what did people think then?

When they tell you that a nuclear Iran is a danger to world stability they neglect to tell you that they are allowed through the NPT and it is nations like Israel and the US which are not following such agreements. A nuclear US and Israel creates instability by forcing other countries to arm to protect themselves, tit for tat.

During the Clinton and Bush administrations they have taken on this policy that the US can do whatever it wants without agreement by any state.

And, apparently the Canadians are doing a good job. Yet i am still disgusted at Harper's complacency.

“The embassy has been great. They've really been doing a great job. It's no piece of cake when you have tens of thousands of Canadians to deal with,” said Amal Shebaya, a Vancouver resident booked to leave Lebanon Thursday.

She said she was anxious to get her teenage children out of the country, which was starting to look more and more like the civil-war-era Lebanon she grew up in.

“Like my kids said, when we get home, we're going to kiss the ground of Canada.”
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
the fink it girl
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This situation is messed and heated... the people that are stuck there right now have to hang tight as bad as it sounds. Officials of Canada have to be careful towards what moves they make in this situation... afterall this is how we got our passive aggressive nature and aren't fucked like the States is with a war that probably won't end, nor can they end it now. Really, is this anything new in Canadian history. Not to mention that Italy is way closer to Lebanon than we are to them... of course it's going to take longer. I am not siding with one or the other... but the actions that are made have to be very careful ones indeed
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
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^ That is crazy news. Apparently our Prime Minister is the Lone Ranger. Give him some credit for not being afraid to go on that kind of adventure..


In response to questions, Harper denied the trip was a photo opportunity.
Only Harper's wife, Laureen, a couple of his communications staff and his official photographer, will join him on the 3 1/2-hour flight to Cyprus
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
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i agree with the point that the vast majority of "canadians" in lebanon are primarily lebanesse holding canadian citizenship and are using that just as an out of the country.

BUT, they are infact human beings. and for shear humanitarian purposes our government should help them.

i also agree with the logistical nightmare of that evacuation. but again, as far as im concernd if your lebanese who holds canadain citizenship but you have lived in lebanon for years and were born there and call that your home thats completely different....stay there.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
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Holy Harper, all we need is trumpets as he rides in on a reering horse, haha. That's crazy.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
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Updated Canadian Evaculation Story From CBC
- 1st of 7 ships now boarding
- Ships are transferring passengers to Turkey & Cyprus where they will be able to fly to Canada on Ottawa's dime

As an added bonus Kim Girtel (Foreign Affairs Spokesperson) is quoted as saying ""It would be nice if we could Star Trek them out but it's going to take time." How the HELL did you land that job Kim? Certainly not on the basis of an English Degree =P
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
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Speaking as someone with an English Degree, I actually find that quote pretty damn funny. Although I might have avoided using the name of a TV series as a verb.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
dumb it down, would ya?
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it would be nice though.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
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It would be nice if technology existed that would allow Islamic extremists to crop up anytime, anywhere? As in, strap on a bomb, type in "White House", and there you are?

I think the Western World is quite happy to keep the vast majority of them contained in the middle east, actually.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
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yeah, but I'm sure somebody could figure out some smart way of teleporting them to a specific location upon detection of explosives
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
dumb it down, would ya?
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Originally Posted by Grapes
It would be nice if technology existed that would allow Islamic extremists to crop up anytime, anywhere? As in, strap on a bomb, type in "White House", and there you are?

I think the Western World is quite happy to keep the vast majority of them contained in the middle east, actually.
if it means that i don't have to sit on an airplane for *insert number of hours here* then i'm all for it!
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
dumb it down, would ya?
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Originally Posted by thebobman
yeah, but I'm sure somebody could figure out some smart way of teleporting them to a specific location upon detection of explosives
like the middle east?
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Jul 19, 06
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Whether your a Canadian, Lebannonise canadian, or who ever... dont you think any inocent civilians deserve to be helped out?

Going off about our government taking 2 weeks to send help is a bit ofer board. Do you have any idea how long its going to take to send transports from canada to isreal alone? Then to help save 50,000 + ppl.
Why are you blaming our government for a problem they didnt create? This happend out of notice and is very un-fortunate. We can only do our best.

When going to an other country always be aware of its politics and dangers. Dont expect your own country to do everything in its power to help you abroad. Thats the risk you take when you leave you own country... your now in the hands of an other country.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Jul 20, 06
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I just realized that Harper is picking people up from Cypress, and not Lebanon.

So much for the drama points.

I think the best thing that could come out of this would be for him to end up with a planeful of Lebanese-Canadians giving him an earful about the Arab perspective on the conflict. Because he's clearly already got the Israeli perspective.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Jul 20, 06
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I like the title of this thread. It implies the Canadian government is actually taking action in this whole ordeal. Going to Cyprus to pick up a few people because you were in the neighbourhood and have some spare room for a good PR stunt isn't action.

I know it's probably not relevant, but it'd be nice to have a PM that isn't such a douche. I know we all hated Paul Martin but at least the guy would have really openly condemned the war and both sides for their actions by now and pressed for a resolve.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Jul 20, 06
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The following quote brings saliency again to Harper's sphincter retentive policies.


“Well, it's fair to say that some Canadians arrived on Sunday, but only just,” said one diplomat involved in the operation.

It was hard to find staff, since huge numbers of Foreign Affairs and embassy staff were on vacation, and many of the embassies were unable to spare workers. Of the approximately 36 people now working in Cyprus, the majority arrived Tuesday or yesterday.

They set up shop in two cramped rooms at the International Hilton hotel, and the staff found themselves cut off from most decisions, unable even to communicate with the local government.

“I haven't heard anything from the Canadians — they haven't even told us they're here,” Homer Mavrommatis, head of the Consular Affairs division for the Cypriot government, said Wednesday.

Aside from shortage of staff, the Canadians involved in the operation say they were hampered by another difficulty: the Prime Minister's centralized command and communications policies — frustrations that were expressed both in the Middle East and in Ottawa.

All decisions had to be made and approved by Ottawa. And, with six time zones between the locations, decisions were often painfully slow.

While other countries were already marshalling large cruise ships on Sunday, Canada spent two days in long-distance discussions before any calls were made.
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