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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
Join Date: Jul 2001
joelc is an unknown quantity at this point
Record Selection

I've got a question:)

So I'm getting into this whole DJ shit head first, and have a few records, but I feel that I'm not finding what I really like. Perhaps I haven't spent enough time in the shops looking and listening to everything that looks promising.... I dunno.

My question is if one way to go about finding stuff is listening to DJ mixes that i have track lists for and picking through those... How hard will it be to find stuff in those? I have a lot of mp3's that I've downloaded over the years, but it seems like the sales industry is geared towards new releases and finding stuff that is a few years old is going to be a royal pain in the ass. I suppose I should just start coming up with a list of stuff I like and start searching down the stuff on vinyl...

Comments? Joel.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
*addy* is an unknown quantity at this point
You can buy vinyl off the internet.
You may be more successful there trying to find stuff that isn't so mainstream.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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just curious, what genre did u plan on spinning?

shop around man, obviously vancouver doesn't have the best selection, u can't do anything about that... just shop around, u'll eventually find SOME stuff that u like... get in good with the guys working at record stores too, most of the shopkeepers around vancouver are pretty decent guys, if u give them business, they'll help u out...

otherwise, take addy's advice... shop online... u can get stuff from the UK, or wherever. and it's not too expensive... i don't buy vinyl online, cuz i don't have tables... but i scan the sites to see what's being released, and prices and stuff... just so i know... and i order cd's from the UK, it's cheaper than going to HMV or whatever and buying it as an "import"... as long as u have a credit card, u can go nuts online... if u don't, find a friend with a card, and just front him the cash... i'm sure he'll do it for u...

shop around online too, don't just buy off the first site u come across... u'd be surprised how many different prices u can find for 1 record... and if ur just starting off as dj, and u don't have that much experience spinning, i'd recommend u get used records to start... u'll care less about wrecking them, and u'll save a wad of cash...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 01
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joelc is an unknown quantity at this point
Sweet, thanks for the advice guys.

I guess I just have to spend more time in the record shops listening to everything. So far I have probably been too hasty buying music and have ended up with stuff that I don't really like after I bring it home and play it awhile. Just gotta be more picky I guess....

Thanks again.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sep 13, 01
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A few tips

It's true that the tunes can make or break a dj and from my experience it's a combination of crowd pleasers and unknown gems or soon to be hits. If you want to get big just start producing your own stuff. The trickiest part about starting up is the selection curve that he/she goes through when first starting your own collection. I know I spent quite a bit of money on Frisbees (useless vinyl) when I first started. Start by searching for records or the sound that you’re after and soon you'll have records that fit your collection. The bottom line is to pick a style and go with it.

There's several ways of obtaining records and I’ll name a few to get you started.
  • Record shops:
    The easiest most common way to shop for records
    Downside: Competition, 1st come first serve and waiting for turntables

  • Ordering Online:
    Great selection of latest tracks, old tracks and upcoming releases.
    Downside: Records with warps, bad shipping times, duty and records that aren't really in stock
  • Mp3 & demo identification:
    Found by listening to a dj's latest cd/tape and or the internet and obtaining a list of tracks you want
    Downside: Hard as hell to find, slightly outdated and sometimes it's a remix that won't be out for awhile

Couple ways to stay on your game

1) Label shop: Often you'll find great releases that are from the same label.

2) Artist: Pick your fav dj and scout out those labels and tracks

3) Bonus packs 2-3 records: Often risky but sometimes a release by several dj's that can cost big buxs ($35-$60) but have an unbelievable amount of good tracks

4) Word of mouth: Listen and search the web for top releases...keeping in mind labels and artists...

Hope that helps..

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sep 13, 01
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i have one of 3 things that i do to "get the good shit"

1 - know exactly what i want, from hearin it somewhere, mp3, prior party etc....

2 - label/dj scouting, knowing the dj/label's i like and lookin thru them

3 - orderin songs i want that i cant find @ bassix...........they can basically get ahold of anything.........

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sep 22, 01
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vesperstina is an unknown quantity at this point
You don't have to pick records you REALLY are dying for at the moment. Pick easy to beat match tracks. If it's house, no worries there.

If you want old records check Otis and Vinyll, if you live in Vancouver. New records go to Bassix and Boomtown.

For the older records they are more hard to come across, if they're good and if many weren't printed. A lot of records are being reprinted right now. Which takes some of the joy out of finding a "hard to find" record.

My advise is if you don't have tons of cash to spend on records narrow your selection down to records with similar beats and your personal top picks.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sep 25, 01
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Originally posted by vesperstina
You don't have to pick records you REALLY are dying for at the moment. Pick easy to beat match tracks. If it's house, no worries there.

If you want old records check Otis and Vinyll, if you live in Vancouver. New records go to Bassix and Boomtown.

For the older records they are more hard to come across, if they're good and if many weren't printed. A lot of records are being reprinted right now. Which takes some of the joy out of finding a "hard to find" record.

My advise is if you don't have tons of cash to spend on records narrow your selection down to records with similar beats and your personal top picks.

Exactly, I didn't do this, I went, liked a track and bought it...

I ended up having tracks that I couldn't use, which just attaracted dust
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Oct 19, 01
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Soul_Boy is an unknown quantity at this point

well its nice to have tracks with easy beats that you can match, especially in the begining. But if you find a track , especially four on the floor, then by all means buy the track. If its 4/4, eventually your going have to learn how to beatmatch all types of beats. Don't let a certain beat prevent you from buying a record. Your skills can even beat some other djs if you just learn from the begining to listen to all types of beats. It's like learning a new skill, if you get lazy now, pretty much when you become more experience, the harder it is to get rid of bad habits.

Ok, i've been hearing alot of crap about how there is no good music to buy in Vancouver. That is a load crap. I am a house dj... tradional in a sense that i follow alot of the ol'skool new york house djs in my preference towards certain sounds. I am not too down with westcoast house sound that seems to be flooding the record stores, nor do i really care for the always popular subliminal sound, yet i still can pick up tunes. I just have to stay in the record shop longer. So pick a day where you have lots of free time. Just stay there and listen to practically every label, then you can get a sense of labels with different souns. And always talk to the guys that work there. They know their stuff and labels and can turn you on to new labels and sounds. And you can order anything from a record shop, so take advantage of this service. If they cant find the record on their computer then probably it has already gone out of print.

Online shoppin can be a bit dodgy. Sometimes it has work out for me. And sometimes i hasnt. I recommend that if your willing to save money then do not buy anything from the UK.. unless its super super cheap for records .. let say 4-5 pounds a records .. the shipping will absolutely kill you for some records. Instead there are plenty of record shops in the US ... like Satellite and Groovetech.. check them out.

Finding old records. From the begining , it is going to be hard. Start buying new stuff but always remember old stuff in your head. You are not going to be able to find old tracks right away. Just keep them in your head and always look for them. Dance music is still pretty common music and you probably will come across the track in 4 months. Now first print jazz records are another question. Not only do they burn a whole in your pocket but afterwhile you ask yourself how crazy are you to pay such a price.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Oct 19, 01
Join Date: May 2001
vesperstina is an unknown quantity at this point
well to follow soulboy's shit versus brilliant track selection's in vancouver...

vancouver has a shit drum and bass selection. it'll take a long time to get the records i'm looking for in vancouver... pardon my ear, but i'm partcular. vancouver does get a lot of good drum and bass in!

ambient, it gets excellent ambient/leftfield/stuff like downtempo and triphop. everytime i go to otus i find a delite. :)

s t i n a
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