Originally posted by lildonkey
The official stupid blind civic driving illegal street racers of FK.,.. warning do no invite us to any BBQ's or get togethers cause most likely we will be racing someone on our way there and be going 160 in a schoolzone in the snow/rain/extreme hail/tornado hurricane and loose control and his a bus full of nuns/children/old ladies/happy white familys...
Hey konrad wanna go max out our cars in stanly park near the waterpark at peek hours when there are lots of kids playing beside the road? Either that or lets go cut off schoolbusses on the highway.. its so fucking funny to see all the kids getting scared and shit! and the bus almost swerve off the road.. lol good times~
Dude. How old are you? We get it. You think some people overreacted in Mr special's thread and now you're trying to demonstrate how you were so in the right that you can mock the whole idea as much as possible. The last one was somewhat funny because of the reactions that it got from those who didn't realize it was a joke, but the whole thing's getting kinda old. Give it up. And really, how old are you? I want to know.