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  #101 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Antenna_Boy
I think they decided to invest in real estate outside where they lived. They moved because the market was good to sell! People DO move around you know :070:
Actually the term is called 'white flight.' They even teach you about it when you go for your Real Estate liscense lol.
  #102 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 04
eff eff
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The best, most interesting, and happiest places I have ever been are ethnically integrated and diverse. Diversity teaches tollerance and teaches people about difference. The only way to prevent violence, ignorance, and hatred is to expose people to difference - to teach them to think and to communicate; to accept new ideas, not to be myopic and closed-minded not to form preconcieved ideas and hate on sight. That is why multiculturalism is good.

More important, the integration of the world is a fait-acompli. Nothing can be done about it. So even if you disagree with me on the fundamental value of exposure to difference, you need to recognize that the only way that people are going to learn to cope with difference is to open themselves up to it; when people learn to see that others who LOOK or ACT different are really, in the end good people with interesting ideas and the same hopes, fears, loves, ect. as anyone, that is when they learn to live side by side - something we are going to have to do if we plan on surviving the 21st century as a species.

Anyway, I dont have time to stay up arguing with your ignorant little dipshit ass. I'll conclude by reminding you that you are (once again) in direct violation of board rules. I know you are a wanna-be libertarian and will cry foul: "YOU NAZIS ARE CRUSHING MY FREEDOM!" But as a wanna-be libertarian, you must understand the basics of voluntary contractual agreement. That said, by 'agreeing' to be a member on this board (which is a private community) you are contractually agreeing to follow its rules. Rules which you must know by now. So shut the fuck up. You are entitled to your opinions, and you are free to draw swastikas on your wall all day long, to bitch to your friends about the 'foreign hoards' that are 'stealing all the good jobs' (never mind the fact that our economy is highly dependent on immigration, or that immigrants do many of those unsavoury jobs that actually ensure that our society functions), to stand on a street corner and exercise your right to free speech by ranting all day to whomever will listen (I suspect you'll get the shit kicked out of you) - BUT KEEP IT OFF THIS BOARD.

Now I sleep.
  #103 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 04
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Originally Posted by thumper
Germany is not as radical, but they are highly restrained by their past, but still regard all non-whites as 'Auslanders.' Plus Teutonic ancestry is still required for citizenship. Switzerland is the same story, and both have a living standards higher than Canada.

And if you think racial dissolution is so great, you should probably go back and read my post about Greece and Rome.
So you are saying that Germany and Switzerland have higher living standards than Canada? Maybe they have higher standards than you! And you are jealous! So if you want to play hardball...get a fucking career and change your life and stop wasting your time bullshitting about this racist shit you post up because face the fact....we live with different cultures and different races..we are faced with multiculturalism and there is not a damn thing you can do about it! So if you want to live a higher standard life...MOVE TO FUCKING GERMANY OR SWITZ-LAND! If you feel so radical about racism go kill yourself and have your pain done and over with!
  #104 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 04
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Originally Posted by se7en
im curious do all your friends have the same attitude towards color people like you? If you have children, will you be teaching or preaching ( you know what i mean ) the way you look at other colored people to them? If you have a girl and she marries a color and has kids will you disown her? im assuming you go to meetings and what not also, i always hear of them in surrey. im curious where you got this attitude towards colors from? parents, friends or just realized it on your own?

i know i shouldnt be responding to your comments but im curious how a full blown aryan ( skinhead or whatever ) thinks. you must have at lot of hatred towards colored people.
We're all a bunch of regular guys. Basically if we go out and anyone in the group complains about a racial incident, or ethnic group, I don't trip over myself to give him the PC version of the events: "Woah woah guys, we live in a multi-cultural society now, you just can't say that!" I guess we form our own opinion about things. It's actually quite liberating :)

You'd be surprised how many people are 'racist' if they sensed that you wouldn't immediately call them a Nazi if they made a perfectly candid observation.

Anywho, if I had children I would teach them that race mixing is bad. To be honest my parents never taught me about racism or any of that bullshit. I was quite neutral on the matter, but at the same time when I could see the glaringly obvious differences between the races, no one would freak out and say "you just can't think that." I think it comes quite naturally actually, like the way at school how all the asians, whites, pakis, etc, sit at their respective tables in the caff.

And I don't go to meetings. I'm just a regular guy who prefers to kick it with white people. :)
  #105 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 04
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Originally Posted by Antenna_Boy
So you are saying that Germany and Switzerland have higher living standards than Canada? Maybe they have higher standards than you! And you are jealous! So if you want to play hardball...get a fucking career and change your life and stop wasting your time bullshitting about this racist shit you post up because face the fact....we live with different cultures and different races..we are faced with multiculturalism and there is not a damn thing you can do about it! So if you want to live a higher standard life...MOVE TO FUCKING GERMANY OR SWITZ-LAND! If you feel so radical about racism go kill yourself and have your pain done and over with!
woh... hey i'm doing all the white people a favor here. then again you could be non-white. and there's plenty that can be done about multi-culturalism. i would vote for a nationalist party in a hearbeat if it ever took off the ground, like most of Western Europe already has. i think you're being very pessimistic.
  #106 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 04
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thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by -ff-

The best, most interesting, and happiest places I have ever been are ethnically integrated and diverse. Diversity teaches tollerance and teaches people about difference. The only way to prevent violence, ignorance, and hatred is to expose people to difference - to teach them to think and to communicate; to accept new ideas, not to be myopic and closed-minded not to form preconcieved ideas and hate on sight. That is why multiculturalism is good.

More important, the integration of the world is a fait-acompli. Nothing can be done about it. So even if you disagree with me on the fundamental value of exposure to difference, you need to recognize that the only way that people are going to learn to cope with difference is to open themselves up to it; when people learn to see that others who LOOK or ACT different are really, in the end good people with interesting ideas and the same hopes, fears, loves, ect. as anyone, that is when they learn to live side by side - something we are going to have to do if we plan on surviving the 21st century as a species.

Anyway, I dont have time to stay up arguing with your ignorant little dipshit ass. I'll conclude by reminding you that you are (once again) in direct violation of board rules. I know you are a wanna-be libertarian and will cry foul: "YOU NAZIS ARE CRUSHING MY FREEDOM!" But as a wanna-be libertarian, you must understand the basics of voluntary contractual agreement. That said, by 'agreeing' to be a member on this board (which is a private community) you are contractually agreeing to follow its rules. Rules which you must know by now. So shut the fuck up. You are entitled to your opinions, and you are free to draw swastikas on your wall all day long, to bitch to your friends about the 'foreign hoards' that are 'stealing all the good jobs' (never mind the fact that our economy is highly dependent on immigration, or that immigrants do many of those unsavoury jobs that actually ensure that our society functions), to stand on a street corner and exercise your right to free speech by ranting all day to whomever will listen (I suspect you'll get the shit kicked out of you) - BUT KEEP IT OFF THIS BOARD.

Now I sleep.
Fait Accompli my ass. Just try stepping foot into post-BNP UK. :)
  #107 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 04
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I suggest you stop making an ass out of yourself and go read some business books

Originally Posted by thumper
Actually the term is called 'white flight.' They even teach you about it when you go for your Real Estate liscense lol.
YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT A FUCKING LOSER YOU ARE! I HAVE GONE THROUGH ALL THE REAL ESTATE COURSES THEY HAVE TO OFFER.. I have been educated as such as to promote the real estate business and respect all races for it is who they that will help to turn our economy and real estate industry. I can guarantee that anyone who is a racist in the industry would be under severe real estate board actions and their license be reprimanded if the guilty party is to be proved of making racial accusations.

"They even teach you about it when you go for your Real Estate liscense"
"They even teach you about it when you go for your Real Estate liscense"
"They even teach you about it when you go for your Real Estate liscense"
"They even teach you about it when you go for your Real Estate liscense"
"They even teach you about it when you go for your Real Estate liscense"

^ That was the most wrong statement that ever came out of your herpes filled mouth...and no matter how many lice, ticks, and fleas you have visible on your shaved head, you will never be right as to what the real estate industry is about unless you pay close to $4000 for the course...plus extra monies for additional course and license requirements, such as seminars, feature lectures by lawyers, and so on.

I suggest you do not talk like you know the truth. Because in fact, you are a catch-penny type of guy with no real educational background for making a decent living in life. Rule of thumb..co-operate with those who you are neighbours with, for it will be those who will provide you with business down the road. And I don't care how many neighbours hate you, but I definitely will not do business with you!
  #108 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 04
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To elaborate on my Switzerland example, as someone said it was indeed "multi-cultural," all three of those cultures/races have attained high degrees of civilization and are white. Plus they have their own respective zones: i.e. French to the West, Germans to the North, Italians to the South.
  #109 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 04
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thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Antenna_Boy
YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT A FUCKING LOSER YOU ARE! I HAVE GONE THROUGH ALL THE REAL ESTATE COURSES THEY HAVE TO OFFER.. I have been educated as such as to promote the real estate business and respect all races for it is who they that will help to turn our economy and real estate industry. I can guarantee that anyone who is a racist in the industry would be under severe real estate board actions and their license be reprimanded if the guilty party is to be proved of making racial accusations.

^ That was the most wrong statement that ever came out of your herpes filled mouth...and no matter how many lice, ticks, and fleas you have visible on your shaved head, you will never be right as to what the real estate industry is about unless you pay close to $4000 for the course...plus extra monies for additional course and license requirements, such as seminars, feature lectures by lawyers, and so on.

I suggest you do not talk like you know the truth. Because in fact, you are a catch-penny type of guy with no real educational background for making a decent living in life. Rule of thumb..co-operate with those who you are neighbours with, for it will be those who will provide you with business down the road. And I don't care how many neighbours hate you, but I definitely will not do business with you!
No need to get over-emotional. One of my friends in Los Angeles doing the course inquired about falling house prices in the San Fernando area (majority hispanic) and although the instructor tried to put diplomatically, she basically said, "immigrants tend to displace long time residents (i.e. whites moving out of richmond)" Other examples cited were Baltimore and Detroit. This is euphamistically called "White flight."
  #110 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 04
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Originally Posted by thumper
To elaborate on my Switzerland example, as someone said it was indeed "multi-cultural," all three of those cultures/races have attained high degrees of civilization and are white. Plus they have their own respective zones: i.e. French to the West, Germans to the North, Italians to the South.
Maybe they have better schools there? Have you ever put our government into question of how are schools are being funded to support higher continued education??? I think not. You blame race over government support of education. Education is what makes higher standards of living what they are. Look at Japan...they go for high education standards. That is why they are more "smart" as it may appear on their grade cards.
  #111 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 04
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Originally Posted by thumper
No need to get over-emotional. One of my friends in Los Angeles doing the course inquired about falling house prices in the San Fernando area (majority hispanic) and although the instructor tried to put diplomatically, she basically said, "immigrants tend to displace long time residents (i.e. whites moving out of richmond)" Other examples cited were Baltimore and Detroit. This is euphamistically called "White flight."
You know how different we are from the states? You don't! We have different ways of living here. And if you can actually go look at our real estate market as of July 2004...you can see that race has NOTHING to do with people moving around! NOTHING!!! It has to do with how interest rates of banks and loaning agencies affect the real estate industry and the overall flipping of marketable equities which affect our economical growth. Do some market analysis (if you can on www.mls.ca) and prove to me what race has to do with real estate. Try it! :070:
  #112 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 04
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Originally Posted by Antenna_Boy
Maybe they have better schools there? Have you ever put our government into question of how are schools are being funded to support higher continued education??? I think not. You blame race over government support of education. Education is what makes higher standards of living what they are. Look at Japan...they go for high education standards. That is why they are more "smart" as it may appear on their grade cards.
Well i'm gonna tackle this one tomorrow. It's 1:30 after all and I got school tomorrow. But let me leave with a phrase that has always helped me maintain my grasp on reality in times like:

"If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck... it's probably a duck"

In other words, if minorities (i.e. blacks, hispanics, brown people) show a history of performing badly, must we always rely on the some strange default that it's the "government's" fault? I'll elaborate later.

  #113 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 04
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remember to do some real estate research so that you can prove to me what race has to do with real estate markets...
  #114 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 04
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From the highly reputable American Demographics magazine

"In the past, we had whites leaving neighborhoods and cities," said Frey, an expert on race and migration. "In the current situation, we have whites leaving entire states and regions in response not only to the new racial and ethnic diversity, but also the urban and economic problems that accompany turbulent demographic change." The stage for this new white flight of unprecedented sweep was set by a decade of unsurpassed immigration.
—Jonathan Tilove and Joe Hallinan, "Immigrants spur latest white flight," The Times-Picayune, August 8, 1993

As you know, when there's a wholesale migration like that and the land becomes undesirable, prices tend to fall like a rock. That's just some of the obvious examples of white people not wanting to be minorities in their own country. If you call yourself a Realtor, you probably want to get hip to this fact.

This is happening in the UK on a pretty dramatic scale and thousands of Brits leave every year to resettle in places like Belgium, France, or some other white majority country. For the ones who can't afford that they keep getting pushed further and further to the fringes until they're right up against the sea. :259:

Just ask yourself where all the white people in Richmond went? lol

Last edited by thumper; Nov 05, 04 at 12:27 AM.
  #115 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 04
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man, you are one fucking idiot...I ask you to go and do some market analysis within Canada..not America, you you bring some stupid shit ass American study? Dude, really..go get yourself another brain, because your forebrain just does not work right. And while you get that neurosurgery done, get another cerebrum too cuz you can't remember a damn word I say.

"Just ask yourself where all the white people in Richmond went?"

Go and do a proper market research and find out^
  #116 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 04
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Oh yeah..and that article was publish in August 8, 1993..you are so outdated...too bad your researching skills suck :haha:
  #117 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 04
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greggywhite is an unknown quantity at this point

I gotta say that Im cool with living with everyone, but please try to speak better english, im sick of these company's who hire ppl who can't hardly speak a word of english to talk to u about your problems woth your cell phone for example! shit like that makes me mad! or when sitting on a bus surrounded by foriegners, and them al talking in there language and u have no clue what they are talking about! I do some times feel out place in my own damn neighbourhood.
  #118 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 04
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^Now that is something I can agree with! I also get annoyed if someone speaks another language around me..so if this is an equal rights society..then I have aright to understand what they are saying in ENGLISH..as that is the universal language(basically speaking)
  #119 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 04
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Originally Posted by Antenna_Boy
man, you are one fucking idiot...I ask you to go and do some market analysis within Canada..not America, you you bring some stupid shit ass American study? Dude, really..go get yourself another brain, because your forebrain just does not work right. And while you get that neurosurgery done, get another cerebrum too cuz you can't remember a damn word I say.

"Just ask yourself where all the white people in Richmond went?"

Go and do a proper market research and find out^
Well I thought you just wanted something to verify my claim that "white flight" was indeed a phenomenom. Is it really that hard to apply the rule to what we currently see happening?

What white person here would want to live smack dab in the middle of Chinatown? Harlem? Use common sense.
  #120 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 04
..Bo0m TingZ..
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Originally Posted by Sidekick
i wouldn't suggest anyone trying to get into a debate with this guy. i tried it last time, but it's hard to get inside the head of a white supremist racist bastard.

it's people like you that's whats wrong with this society, not your so-called 'foreign invasion'

-proud liberal homo.

not to mention stupid and ignorent..

thumper.. u seece to amaze me, on how fucking.. ok.. u kno wut.. ur jus a moron.
  #121 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 04
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Originally Posted by greggywhite
I gotta say that Im cool with living with everyone, but please try to speak better english, im sick of these company's who hire ppl who can't hardly speak a word of english to talk to u about your problems woth your cell phone for example! shit like that makes me mad! or when sitting on a bus surrounded by foriegners, and them al talking in there language and u have no clue what they are talking about! I do some times feel out place in my own damn neighbourhood.
There is no reason to adapt if you have a community of your own to live in. You could live a lifetime in Miami only knowing Spanish. I should think Richmond isn't too far off.
  #122 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 04
..Bo0m TingZ..
Join Date: Mar 2004
Ms.Chop is an unknown quantity at this point
p.s u must hate me.. since im part morrocan..

got a problem..? good take it up w/ my fist bastard. :)
  #123 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 04
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Originally Posted by thumper
Well I thought you just wanted something to verify my claim that "white flight" was indeed a phenomenom. Is it really that hard to apply the rule to what we currently see happening?

What white person here would want to live smack dab in the middle of Chinatown? Harlem? Use common sense.
that "white phenomenon" bullshit is just ONE PERSON'S opinion...it is what they see as happening down in the states...NOT HERE IN LOWER MAINLAND! Get a grip on how contradictive you are! It's one thing to speak on an article based out of an American study and solely based on the American life and market. Not here.
"Is it really that hard to apply the rule to what we currently see happening?"
^For you, it may be hard to grab the concept of what, first of all, what the word "rule" means...so let me grab your Webster dictionary and AHEM! read the definition for you:
-A generalized statement that describes what is true in most or all cases
ex)In this office, hard work is the rule, not the exception.

"What white person here would want to live smack dab in the middle of Chinatown? Harlem? Use common sense"
^Think about this for instance. Seeing as you still need to grow up and figure out how the world turns, I would honestly say that if the property value of an area was feesable to buy, than I would go ahead and move there as an investment purpose. If I wanted to sell my place to a person who offers a relatively comprehensive price of purchase for my investment, then I would sell my investment to the higher bidder(should there be any counter-offers to the first bid). So I could honestly say, for example, I would buy a place in Richmond whether it is a mostly asian community or not. Would I live there? Maybe if I wanted to. What is the better choice? The choice I would make is to rent the property off so that the tenant pays off my mortgage on the investment. And then I use my other monies to buy another lot somewhere else.

Don't make yourself look more like a joke. In everyone's opinion here, dated not August 8, 1993, rather Nov. 2004 (as a month so far), you are a MORON!!!
  #124 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 04
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thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Ms.Chop
p.s u must hate me.. since im part morrocan..

got a problem..? good take it up w/ my fist bastard. :)
:333: I'm not really into that freakyshiat
  #125 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 04
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yeah you are^ :D
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