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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Apr 05, 07
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Traffic and Construction of Lower Mainland

I recently used to live downtown until early this year, and I couldn't take it anymore. I just got back after a short shift at work and some errands, and was re-routed three times just to get out of the Georgia/Howe/Pender area due to construction at 1:30pm!!

How many members are affected by the continuous high volume of traffic and/or construction in the Lower Mainland?
Is it just me or is "rush hour" traffic running on a constant from the wee hours of the morning to late evening now?
Is the noise/air pollution too much?

  #2 (permalink)  
Old Apr 05, 07
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there building the skytrain right down no. 3 road where i live (thats in richmond). it adds 10-15 minutes to my commute time and that really sucks :(
  #3 (permalink)  
Old Apr 05, 07
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Well it may not be Vancouver, but there's major tearing up of Dundas Street in Toronto. The Streetcars are diverted for the majority of the length and no Cars are getting through either. It's a big friggin' trench where they're laying new Rails. SOOOO ANNOYING.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old Apr 05, 07
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Yeh sometimes you go over cambie and half way you're like, fuuuuck i forgot.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old Apr 06, 07
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to get to my offices I'm only affected by minor construction, and the streets still have two lanes of traffic going both ways.

I'm glad I moved away from Cambie Street.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old Apr 06, 07
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It's always a bitch getting across the second narrows in the morning but they have started construction on it for god knows what and word has it they are going to knight and 49th... good luck trying to get anywhere around there or richmond... yikes!
  #7 (permalink)  
Old Apr 06, 07
R Wellbelove
Traffic is TERRIBLE! I believe its one of of the city's biggest complaints too. Although I understand our city is planning for the Olympics, I dont think its enough for how fast Vancouver is growing.

But the city isn't interested in helping since single car drivers are on the bottom of their list. The city bases it transit growth planning based on this hierarchy of priority:

1. walkers
2. cyclists
3. public transit (bus/skytrain/seabus)
4. commercial trucks
5. HOV
6. single car drivers

What I found most interesting though was the recent study on the Lions Gate bridge. They predict in ten years the traffic will double, BUT its not from every day local commuters... instead a lot of traffic is com from the ferries and Whistler. I see the same thing for Deep Cove locals. They only have 2 ways from North Vancouver into Deep Cove both via the highway/highway traffic. So if there is ever a back up on the bridge... than no one is getting into deep cove/east north van.

Overall all traffic is terrible in the lower mainland... even when your going against the traffic. Although im not proud of my single driving... I dont really have a choice when the transit system is such crap.

Last edited by R Wellbelove; Apr 06, 07 at 02:21 PM.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old Apr 06, 07
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Traffic and construction around my house right now is out of control.

I live in the Cambie Village area and my neighbourhood has turned into something resembling Kosovo.

The blame rests solely on grapes and his damn Canada Line project.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old Apr 06, 07
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*Abstrakt* is an unknown quantity at this point
i'm lucky i work 10 min driving from my house. i can't stand all the construction in the city but at same time its for better!
  #10 (permalink)  
Old Apr 06, 07
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if you live downtown you should be on a bike, or park your car and walk around and do your errands.

As much as downtown interests me i can do without the noise and busy lifestyle. The suburbs are much more quiet and relaxing , its especially nice to have a big backyard to bbq and drink with friends. You cant do that downtown.
  #11 (permalink)  
Old Apr 06, 07
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Originally Posted by Chewy View Post
ipark your car and walk around and do your errands.
  #12 (permalink)  
Old Apr 06, 07
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I live downtown but I work outside of downtown and I need to drive out of the downtown core.

I do park my car on friday and don't see it until monday morning.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 07
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I'm fine with all of the annoying consutruction. I'm hoping that come 2010 the result will be more venues for Twisted/Cargo to use. :p
  #14 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 07
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people need to stop bitching about the Canada Line construction.

yes, in the short term, it kinda sucks. but then we will have a brand new skytrain line to the fucking airport! it's good for the environment, it'll be good for business along the line and at the stations. vancouver should have more skytrain lines than it does. we need one to UBC.

think ahead a bit and stop whining!
  #15 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 07
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getting dt from north van is f'd
lions gate bridge
  #16 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 07
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i like how ppl that live in n.van is allowed to be late at work due to how impossible it is to get over the bridge. i want a reason to be allowed late... shit.. i live only 3blks away :(
  #17 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 07
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I used to live right by Cambie, and god damn am I ever happy to be away from there. I actually lived right in between the two worst bus routes in Vancouver a while ago: Cambie and Oak. Both are horrible, but at least Cambie has an excuse; Oak doesn't.

I'm still in the general area (just off Main), but it's amazing how much better it is away from there. But, one thing I have been saying all along is that, yeah, it DOES SUCK, but once the Canada Line actually opens, things are going to be sooooo much better. There is a price to pay for progress, and that price is a ton of inconvenience. Thankfully, I'll have a car on the road soon, and that should make things a bit better.
  #18 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 07
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so glad i'm not affected by this.

i walk pretty much everywhere, or take the bus if absolutely necessary. :)
  #19 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 07
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Originally Posted by cubed View Post

The blame rests solely on grapes and his damn Canada Line project.
Moo hoo ha!

Your tax dollars at work!
  #20 (permalink)  
Old Apr 20, 07
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Even in my 'hood Surrey they've done up a few places.

So it's looking good.
  #21 (permalink)  
Old Apr 20, 07
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Originally Posted by cubed View Post
I live in the Cambie Village area and my neighbourhood has turned into something resembling Kosovo.


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