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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
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Join Date: Jan 2005
diaphorrhoea is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Bozga
Up to 100mg of MDMA...and up to 100 mg of any combination of... Crack, Coke, Heroine (used mostly as a filler becuase such small amounts wont affect a person much), Speed, K, Rat Poison (if they wished).
Holy Christ allmighty. Use your fucking head man, you sound like a total idiot. E is damn near the cheapest drug out there, why the fuck would anyone cut it with some of the most expensive ones? I have to laugh every time someone tells me they did "cokey" E. Take a quick scan of the dancesafe.org testing boards, you won't find most of the shit you just mentioned anywhere on them. Most common cut is obviously meth, with caffeine, MDA, MDE, ephedrine etc. trailing in the distance. Next time you decide to write up a long-winded post, at least do a little fucking research first. People like you are what's poisoning the legitimate drug culture today. The ammount of misinformation being spread on this board just fucking boggles my mind. Stating something as simple as "too much E causes brain damage" isn't a very good way to go about things either. A fairly recent German study on the effects of MDMA on the brain have disproved the much-touted George Ricaurte "holes in the brain" study that has been the propagandist's wet dream for the past decade and then some.
Using PET brain scans, the scientists measured the density of SERT, a protein that is part of serotonin neurons. If the ecstasy users had destroyed parts of their serotonin system (as some researchers have suggested), then the SERT proteins on the serotonin neurons would be missing as well. The results: Current heavy users of ecstasy did in fact have fewer SERT proteins than non-users. However, the difference was very small, on the order of 3-5%, and when the former heavy ecstasy users were examined, even that small difference vanished: The former user's brains were indistinguishable from the brains of people who had never used illegal drugs. The small differences seen between the brains of current heavy ecstasy users and non-drug users were apparently fully reversible upon quitting use, a trend seen repeatedly in previous research. (Visit Neurotoxicity for more information on previous studies.)
Taken from http://www.maps.org/pipermail/maps_f...ay/005454.html

Last edited by diaphorrhoea; Jan 19, 06 at 05:17 AM.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
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BenGiovanni is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by decypher
Bozga is spreading misinformation. There is no coke, crack or heroin in E pills.

Only drugs that have ever been found in E are as follows:

DXM(dangerous, caused deaths)
PMA(dangerous, caused deaths)

I'm sure there are a few to add.

Not positive but i'm sure some pills have contained rytalin and dexadrine.

Half the write-ups ive read in the past date back to 1998-2002...
its been 4 years... in 4 years allot has changed, middle schoolers are doing E for fucks sake... and this has only been a recent trend...
Its funny because I remember back in grd9, I did a project about E...the teacher thought it was pointless becuase most grd9 kids in my grade didnt even know what MDMA was... I did it anyways.
In 4 years... trends from people in HIGHSCHOOL not really caring about it... all the way to 2006, were countless middleschool kids ive seen are out on a friday night drinking and doing E carelessly wandering the streets. I hate walking to 711 now, a peaceful walk back in the day, is now a fear of running into a group of rowdy, coked up...hammered... middleschoolers. All for a slurpee haha.

I wont be surprised if a newer study shows that MORE substances have entered that already existing list of various cuts in the pills.
Dexies are hella common to find amongst stupid teenage dealers trying to make some quick cash... becuase the speedy effect and large pupils can be reached in a good dose of 2-3 pills (the usual careless dosage for teenagers.. they honestly dont know what theyre getting themselves into) but i dont think people will go out of their time to synth/cook dexadrine so they can cut it with MDMA. You never know though, times have changed...and for the worst.

Believe it or not there have been pills that have been tested and came positive for "heroin" like substances, aswell as "coke" in anoter confiscated pill. I would know because one of my good friends dad is a cop that deals with that type of stuff on a regular basis. He even came into my school (back when I was in highschool doing that drug project) and showed us some slightly edited test result charts (allot of blacked out stuff on the paper, mostly stuff that they dont want others to see, such as were the pill was obtained, case numbers, etc. along with some other funny objects like neddleless syrenges, I was impressed with his display)

I honestly dont know why people would cut pills with coke cause like stated earlier...why would anyone use expensive substances to cut with a cheaper drug. No one will know, the answers may be anywere from the chemist trying to get kids addicted to the specific batch of pills, to pills having coke residue on them due to them being in a baggie that was previously used to hold coke... you never know.

Studies show that it may not be as harmful as ive read it to be... but from what ive seen in many countless friends that ive seen get sucked into heavy use...they have gone down a notch. And from being off of that stuff for a while... I am NOW slowly to feel SOME SIDE EFFECTS... small paranoia instances, unwanted jaw clenching, random mood swings etc. I feel bad for those heavy users that will go through intense depression when being clean off of that stuff.

Originally Posted by diaphorrhoea
People like you are what's poisoning the legitimate drug culture today. The ammount of misinformation being spread on this board just fucking boggles my mind. Stating something as simple as "too much E causes brain damage" isn't a very good way to go about things either. A fairly recent German study on the effects of MDMA on the brain have disproved the much-touted George Ricaurte "holes in the brain" study that has been the propagandist's wet dream for the past decade and then some. Taken from http://www.maps.org/pipermail/maps_f...ay/005454.html
Its not misinformation, becuase I would not post something if I didnt see it with my own eyes... or atleast read it from a decent source...but like stated earlier... most of the information is from a good 3-4 years ago... and in 4 years...times changed and I NOW see stuff that 3-4 years ago I never thought were true, proven to be real, like some of those long-term side effects which I occasianly briefly go through and wouldnt want to see again.

The study may say its 'NOT THAT BAD'... but ive seen many instances were people have become litteraly stupid cause of that shit (its not a large number but still proof... for example I have 2 friends out of lets say...20 people) and having an indepth conversation with those two is a tough task cause theyre so fried... if thats not a small case of brain damage... what is it?

Last edited by BenGiovanni; Jan 19, 06 at 06:11 AM.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
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diaphorrhoea is an unknown quantity at this point
I know you didn't just site information you recieved from a police officer who came to speak at your school as "factual". You cannot call the most biased source possible "legitimate". You couldn't possibly fit enough cocaine into a presstab to get someone addicted to it, not to mention that methods of ingestion other than injection/insufflation are very inefficient ways of doing coke. I discovered first-hand the negative effects that ecstasy abuse can have on a person, and for quite awhile I observed very noticeable negative side-effects from my careless use, which drove me to quit the drug. And you know what? In time, all of those effects disappeared, even though while I was in the grip of them I would've sworn my life was ruined forever. My firsthand experience is proof enough for me of the legitimacy of the German study. If your friends are "fried" it is likely because of adulterants (read: meth), and I can think of no greater argument for legalization/regulation of ecstasy than this. Either way, I should appologize for jumping to personal attacks, and thank you for crafting a more mature response than I initially did, even though I vehemently disagree with you and still maintain that you are either misinformed or are interpretting things incorrectly.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
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diaphorrhoea is an unknown quantity at this point
Quick derail here. What's up with FnK tonight? It seems to delete all of my paragraph breaks and screw around with quotation marks when I try to edit my posts. Sorry for the big ugly text block.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
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diaphorrhoea is an unknown quantity at this point
To the OP: I would advise you to use caution if you decide to start taking 5-HTP on a daily basis. When I was doing this (100mg daily for about 2 months) I began to notice that, despite sleeping better and having the occasional vibrant technicolour dream, I became prone to wild mood swings. I would often find myself going from my usual happy self to deeply depressed for no apparent reason, often several times a day. This promptly stopped after I discontinued use, so I can only assume that the two were related. My roommate, who was taking a similar dose, reported identical symptoms.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
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BenGiovanni is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by diaphorrhoea
Either way, I should appologize for jumping to personal attacks, and thank you for crafting a more mature response than I initially did, even though I vehemently disagree with you and still maintain that you are either misinformed or are interpretting things incorrectly.
No worries...
Everyone has their view on things...
From what ive experienced first hand, heard from adults, seen/heard from excussive users, read online, heard from police, heard from dealers... is all I know, never really did any scientific studies/reading any further. Eventually I put it all together...and thats essentially what I know about the substance. In the end it still fucks with your head.
Im 18 and I dont think im going to obsess over this topic either way becuase its a drug I decided to throw away from my life...
but I must say.. for an 18 year old...ive come to my senses QUITE QUICKLY.

PS... i noticed if you edit and end up adding multiple sentances..it wont go through when you press save...youll have to press the advanced button THEN press save... i think its a bug in the edit system.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
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John RevoLover
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whoa....i cant beleive this thread. 3-4 pills in 1 night? oh my gosh man thats really heavy use.

at my height of use back in 99 i could only take about 1 or 2 a night about twice a month. could never understaand people who could handel 4 pills, then acid,then k then shrooms and then all sorts of nutty shit the day after.

those who know me know im a BIG enthusiast of entheogens...you should start working with some in some nice natural settings. they could do really good things for you...help you get away from all these FUCKING DIGUSTING CHEMICALS YOUR INGESTING.

unlike chems. entheogens will help you,heal you and im sure provide you with some very interesting insights. If you want to take it further...you can connect to some amazing things through your conciousness.

http://www.ayahuasca.com/ -the holly grail and my personal fav. ayahuasca.

.....dude you should just take a trip to peru.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 06
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John RevoLover
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Originally Posted by Etard
for the past one month, i've been dropping a total of 3~4 e on ONE single night every weekend (sat-drop/sun-rest) so around 12 to 16 in month.

before i was dropping 3~4 e in one night. and i don't drop more than twice a month. just once, sometimes two months.

just 2 days since the last time i dropped... i suffered depression big time.

everyone (including my friends) says i've changed, i get annoyed/mad for random reason, even when just having a conversation.

looks like i wont be dropping e much anymore.
and dude you know theres a video of you on the internet eh?


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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 06
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fable is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by diaphorrhoea
Holy Christ allmighty. Use your fucking head man, you sound like a total idiot. E is damn near the cheapest drug out there, why the fuck would anyone cut it with some of the most expensive ones? I have to laugh every time someone tells me they did "cokey" E. Take a quick scan of the dancesafe.org testing boards, you won't find most of the shit you just mentioned anywhere on them. Most common cut is obviously meth, with caffeine, MDA, MDE, ephedrine etc. trailing in the distance. Next time you decide to write up a long-winded post, at least do a little fucking research first. People like you are what's poisoning the legitimate drug culture today. The ammount of misinformation being spread on this board just fucking boggles my mind. Stating something as simple as "too much E causes brain damage" isn't a very good way to go about things either. A fairly recent German study on the effects of MDMA on the brain have disproved the much-touted George Ricaurte "holes in the brain" study that has been the propagandist's wet dream for the past decade and then some. Taken from http://www.maps.org/pipermail/maps_f...ay/005454.html
Wow, i havent heard dancesafe in quite awhile. I remember meeting quite a few really good people involved with the movment in my other life.

Although i agree with your swift, attack on "misinformation" completely, i would be interested in getting some links or locations where i could find these reports by a "recent german study"

The model that involves "the holes in the brain" idealogy comes from the amphetamine school. Some research labs, have designated ecstacy an "empathogen" and in the process of doing so, have somewhat dissected the original ideas of ecstacy having the same sort of long term affects as perhaps crystal meth or pcp. Ive been somewhat of a guinea pig in regards to studying the effects of long term ecstacy use through my mental health team, and although through the course of treatment, seminars, and self study ive come to realize that there about 5 to 6 "solid" beleif systems held by various "professional bodies!" the idea of synaptic burnout or in laymens terms, the idea that specific processes involved in producing seratonin failing over a period of time, seems to be entrenched in almost all the different effectual models.

So really "brain damage" is valid. The severity, or permanentness of such damage may still be in question, but dont kid yourself mate, you can use irony laden terms like "legitimate drug culture" all you want, but in the end of the days most street drugs do damage. What is acceptable, and allowable is really whats up for debate.

Please also note, that as much as i support and applaud the efforts of dancesafe, its platform is "harm reduction" which in no way is the same as "educating towards an acceptable level of drug use" The platform understands that there is no real way to eliminate all drug use, and it understands that as humans we all have an acceptable level of risk we are willing to take, the hypocricy comes into play when someone tries to implement legislation into the mix. In turn a collective of youth based organiztions, with the support of the progressive medical community decided to create some sense of proactivity in a realm that has always been reactive. I agree with most of your statments but Its important to understand these fundematal distinctions, if you are going to support an idealogy or condemn another.

dont forget about trying to send me some info on the german study please.


Last edited by fable; Jan 20, 06 at 01:25 PM.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 06
like a kick in your side
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as many of the people in this thread have already said: i was in the exact same situation as you were a few years ago. too much E...seems fun at the time, but man, does that shit mess with your head.

even now i find that i'm more susceptible to being sad than i used to be. there are way more times now where i am sad for no real reason than there was in my pre-ecstasy days.

lay off doing that shit so much. allow your brain time to recover. it takes awhile, i think.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 06
Logic vs Emotions
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frankie_V is an unknown quantity at this point
E sucks these days anyways... pretty much all METH...

its good ur friends told u that uve changed... its the truth... people can notice the slightest differences in you... only one thing i can say... STOP TAKIN CANDY!

why would u wanna pop outta raves anyway... it sucks that way

Last edited by frankie_V; Jan 20, 06 at 11:19 AM.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 06
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Originally Posted by decypher
Bozga is spreading misinformation. There is no coke, crack or heroin in E pills.

Only drugs that have ever been found in E are as follows:

DXM(dangerous, caused deaths)
PMA(dangerous, caused deaths)

I'm sure there are a few to add.

Not positive but i'm sure some pills have contained rytalin and dexadrine.

It's a combination of these drugs which will cause the hallucinations, body highs, up's, down's, eye wiggles and whatever other crap that you experience while high. They are all cost affective which makes them suitable to be used. I don't think anyone uses PMA anymore because of the horrible side affects that were found to kill people. DXM and the fact that it prevented you from being able to sweat and that 1 in 5 people lack the enzyme which breaks down DXM into DXO in the body allowing the drug to recycle in the body. This causes the person to get way higher then other people on the same dose. Last pills i knew which had DXM in them were Off white, slightly purple Spiders that were around about three years ago. Bad shit. You probably won't find 2C-B in any pills since it's hard to make and when it is found, it's kept to the people who found it.
mmm ketamine.. anyways, as far as I'm concerned, there has been heroine found in ecstacy. Only one batch that I've ever heard of, though. They were small white pills with double-lined x's pressed into them. They burned my nose so bad, I couldn't finish the line, and I have a fairly conditioned nose. I asked the dude what was in them and he told me heroine.

Of course, I thought he was bullshitting me and I figured I was railing something vile, anything from sawdust to toenail clippings (ew.). But I got a familiar feeling. and a buddy of mine went into 'The Nod'.. I remembered this from when I tried opium, and it was such a similar effect that it really shocked me.

Coincedentally, I was living with a recovering heroine addict at the time (my buddy's dad's gf.. haha, that sentence probably sounded pretty sketch), so she asked me to bring her one so she could see it and she ended up swallowing a pill and two hours later she told me that if it wasn't heroine in it, it was definately some kind of opiate. I highly doubt it would have been any other opiate than heroine, due to it's potency. My buddy only swallowed one pill and was out, despite myself being able to continue to party all night.. it was his third time doing anything with meth in it... the dude should have been tweeked, not crashed.

Edit: and I've done dex, and felt a similar feeling in some tabs.. it's extremely possible, since it's just pharmaceutical speed, right? Rytalin however.. fuck.. if it floats.

Last edited by tiedye; Jan 20, 06 at 07:24 PM.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 06
I heart speed garage!
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~*tct*~ is an unknown quantity at this point
Hey I want everyone to know Im a drug addict and I know it but Im not gunna stop or do anything about it WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Jan 31, 06
Think happy thoughts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Only_Glory is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Chewy
why dont you try doing 8 caps per weekend.. maybe it will counterbalance the depression and you will feel like god
thats pretty stupid, obvioiusly it wont counterbalance his depression, the only way to really fix things is through healthier suppliments,
try mixing opium and meth amphetamines together, take dose 3 times a day or suggested dose recommended by your doctor, you will feel better pretty soon im sure
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