if this is the same one
Medicinal properties of White Lotus include astringent antiseptic anesthetic (extracts) anaphrodisiac sedative. Medicinally, the Egyptian Lotus (its roots, stems and leaves) found uses both as a culinary delight and starchy food staple as well as being used internally as a treatment for gastrointestinal disorders and jaundice. The Persian Lotus was introduced in Egypt much later in its history and was also used in medicine for its narcotic properties, most commonly applied as an anesthetic. Soaking the Persian White Lotus flower petals or leaves in wine and then ingesting the extract also lent itself well as an aid in meditation and relaxation. It has been rumored that powerful extracts of dried White Lotus flowers were used in the first World War as an admixture to opuim for surgery, or even as a substitute when opuim was not available as an anesthetic. Has medicinal uses, but do not self-administer. Do no use if pregnant. Not legally restricted. Nymphaea alba has herbal applications as an astringent, as an antiseptic, as an anesthetic and as an anaphrodisiac. The rhizome and the flowers are used in herbal preparations.