need PC help
k i got a new rig just last week or so
its a fuckin beast and a half and i shoodnt be having probs. http://pc.ncix.com/pcbuilder/index.p...latformid=1000 thats it... now ive installed my OS along with all my pirated software... ive had these installed on my old comp and it runs fine now the rip of XP i got is new, and i can update this 1 i installed it on the old comp aswell and it seems 2 be running normal but on here, my load times are crap and the thing is crashing alot! i ran quake4 @ 1600x1200 4x antialiasing ultra high quality and after a smoke and a shit the game wood finally load. the game was amazingly smooth. now if i closed the game and re opened it it woodnt even load @ all! now ive taken it back 2 ncix they havent even suggested it 2 be the OS but im getting very impatient now i want the thing 2 be running wat are some suggestions? wat are some memtests i can run on my cpu/ram? how do i use/understand em? please help!!! |
theres a program called memtest... and prime95 for your cpu.
http://www.memtest86.com/ http://files.extremeoverclocking.com/file.php?f=103 Make sure your OS is up to date and I recommend buying a legit copy of XP... considering you just blew $4,500 on a new computer (which probably should of only cost you half of that) I'm sure you have some loose change for a copy. |
but cood it really be the OS causing so many problems? thank u for the links :D |
mabye take a look at some known issues with the game. Mabye Q4 isn't compatible or has some problems with some hardware that you have. The mobo or ram are usually the contenders. |
the whole pc seems 2 slow down after i perform one task another example is i had cubase going half decent for awhile and eventually it slows right down... i even tryed installing quake 3 and sof 2.... my old comp loads em faster |
1stly you should never use a cracked operating system.. you are just asking for problems.. long term and short term.. if you can afford a system you can afford XP
However... i would be wondering.. did you even defrag after all that install? id hope so.. but anyways besides that.. i have a sweet rig as well and when i installed a bunch of pirated software i had the same sort of problems... pirated software just often does not run as efficiently and often clogs up your memory.. especially games with no cd cracks and such. But you havnt described ANYTHING about your problem in computer geek speak :\ so its kinda hit and miss... One problem i see however is your using a single harddrive... too be honest it isnt nessesary but 2 harddrives i find has increased my computers long term health by at least 50% ... i have all my system and LEGAL games installed on one hard drive.. the other is for all my downloads, and cracked games (its also larger) This keeps the harddrive that my system runs off of clean and efficient. you have 4 gbs of ram tho.. so unless you have burnt them out (tho i expect that box has to have some sort of cooling...) you should be fine. Now i dont kno what else to suggest other then defraging, cleaning up your file.. checking your memory with the tools listed above and buying a legal OS... Howevere tip on your next computer purchase, just cuz ure graphics card is 768 mbs doesnt mean its the best. Your cards only 545 mhz... my card is almost pushing that and its a 256... what you want is max clock and mem speed.... The money you dropped on that could have gotten you upwards of 800 mhz... after 256 the amount of memory is unimportant unless you plan to try and use your card in 3 years when it will still suck even with that big memory amount. I would have suggested droppin some cash on a nice 512 with 700+ clock speed |
Sorry i dint rea;lize the 545 mhz was memory speed... my mistake... but even still ... my point still stands theres a ew cheaper card on that list of cards ncix offers that are 600+ with 1.4 ghz core speed...
(Raedon x1650 pro 600 mhz 1.4 ghz) for example only 200 $$ tho you coulf afford a much higher qaulity card such as... XFX Geforce 7900 GTX 675MHZ 512 mb 256 bit 1.7 ghz (612$) Last edited by Caps/\L0cK; Dec 19, 06 at 11:04 AM. |
It sounds like a heat issue to me.
I had a similar issue. I would turn the computer on, and it would run amazing, but slowly the performace would degrade. I learned that my CPU had a built in mechanism to scale back its clock speed in the event of excessive heat. I think all modern CPU's do this. My case got really hot because I had a crazy grfx card which also generated a lot of heat. To fix the problem, i tore off the small heatsink and fan and replaced it with a large heatsink with heatpipes. ($50 at NCIX). Also, make sure your computer is in a well ventilated area with a lot of space to breath. After that my computer ran solid and fast. Hope that helps |
Junglist, ya Intel chips underclock when overheating to avoid crashing, it's a sweet feature, but annoying when you want full performance. Like he said, go grab some fans or even look into water cooling if you want. You can then be able to OC both vid card and cpu if you wanted too. |
Are all your drivers updated from the actual product site or are you using the windows stuff?
If it's still loading and generally working I wouldn't think it too be a hardware issue aside from memory. When I setup my new rig, I had the same issues and they improved after I updated drivers PROPERLY. However, I still needed to replace my video card because it still wasn' up to par. I'm not a certified pro or anything, but just making sure you check the small stuff before you go nuts. edit: If that was all useless I hope this link isn't:) www.pcpitstop.com Last edited by Capt.AA; Dec 19, 06 at 12:56 PM. |
search google for genuwine bypass. first link, download.. problem solved. yeah, i agree.. for that setup.. you spend way too much. |
Dont buy from NCIX...... thats my final suggestion.. go to a good local computer store and talk to people who actually care about their customers becuz they directly affect their monthly pay check...
i use Multi Tech Micro Systems.... www.multitec.ca / 6852 Merrit avenue Burnaby 604 435 5259 They treat me good and offer intelligent comments on what to buy, even if it makes them less.. (Like when i wanted a 512 and they enlightnened me that the 256 version of my card was not only cheaper but better) |
yeah, the service there is ass but i make sure i read all reviews on hardware im thinking of buying. |
well i took it back 2 ncix they can figure it out
the OS and software i use are fine, i got it installed on the old comp works great and there shood be no heat issue if thats wat it was i got a huge heatsink and even an xtra fan on the HD ah well they'll fix it just take 2 long |
get somebody else's copy of XP that you know works well and do a repair install over your current OS. Quick and dirty way to figure out if its your copy without having to re-install everthing (your Antivirus and shit might have to get reinstalled)
also. check w3b 4 h4x. |