Originally Posted by lildonkey
today... time to get rid of this stupid fucking 1 passenger rule
I wonder if the 1 passenger rule has made any difference statistically in preventing car crashes
I work for YD as my day job....
To my knowlege, Its had no impact, except help pay out the BC Government $86.00 for every person they catch that breaks that rule (depending on how bored the cop is at the point of the night as far as even inforcing it at all)...I think the 0 violations in the Class 7 stage in order to qualify for a 6 month time reduction for the Class 5 Road Test as opposed to waiting an exclusive two year wait will have a big impact wants it becomes more known to the public and when drivers get close to that stage of licencing. On paper, its better than the old system which only had a 3 month reduction...and for people who need a Class 5 licence for job related circumstances, this will really help them.