Yup it will reduce sovereignty just like it has in the EU. It makes it easier to force agricultural standards and force imports like they did in Greece last summer with genetically modified
seeds. All this shit is wonderful for big business which is no wonder why the the Canadian Council of Executives was at this summit.
The US has to push this now more then ever as the world backlashes against the neocon ideology. So thats why regional politics are coming more into play as the US receives a backlash against it's ideology. They are no longer the unilateral leaders and their influence will erode so they need to push this SPP policy in our backyard.
Russia is pushing hard against US influence in eastern Europe. The US is pushing for anti-ballistic missles placement in Eastern Europe and Vladmir Putin has now resumed cold war ideology including jet fighter test flights near UK airspace.
The US thinks the answer to this is to erase the N. American Borders, Spend billions of dollars on military funding to Saudia Arabia and Israel to keep that front going against Syria/Palastine/Iran, and to have Japan do it's foreign policy bidding by arranging a new Asian alliance to weigh against China/India and the South Asian region.