Mass sighting in Texas stirs controversy in the bible belt
Already the subject of international media, the January 14th sighting in Stephenville Texas, allegedly seen in the multiple thousands, has ufo buffs and skeptics alike stammering away to explain the phenomenon.
Its easy to dismiss one person's account or that of a handful of people...but how do you get an entire town, one that's not some hippy commune, to fabricate this?
An unprecedented amount of smaller phenomenon have trickled off, which could be the subject of hoaxes, but regardless there stems a number of similarities to this sighting and last year's incident at O'Hare Airport in Chicago.
On a military level, it's expected to have an outright denial of the phenomenon. First off being the world's largest superpower, saying 'they' got you beat could more than likely cause a panic and thus economic instability, and like any issue of national security, secrecy is key to keep things in order.
Now if only they could make a visit during the halftime show of the superbowl...but I guess there's no challenge making it that easy on us... perhaps there's a simple explanation for this after all, it might be they're from France.