oh man laser pens!
one morning when i'm feeling evil and it's foggy at the track i'm gonna take a laser pen out to the gap and when some jerk (and there's a couple) who has really been a dick lately or who i saw being pretty bad handed on a horse for the sake of macho-ism goes by on a horse that's towin' the line pretty good, i'm gonna shine that bad boy through the fog about 15 feet infront of the horse they're on. you know that they're animal will pick up on that laser so fast and hit the breaks so hard.
OHHH! pea shooters are fun, but i don't aim at horses........ most of the time. my old boss bob and i run around and hide and shoot the grooms that annoy us most which is usualy the hen club or 17yr old girls that is always gathered for an hourly stitch-n-bitch of highschool proportions infront of one particular barn.. it's awesome to watch them jump and yelp and not know where the machine-gun fire of dried beans are coming from.