Haha what the fuck, ohhh this is funny shit |
lol that works for me, I guess thats common?
So I take it someone had the whole areacode thing going on before hand and made it not cool? thats a shame... I'm not worried, I'll take it back like porch monkey. :nuts::nuts::nuts: |
laff and I thought for sure my clerks reference would clear my name, not so much huh.
24 years old, working for Sleeman Breweries, certainly not a cop. Not too worried though, I'm a pretty decent guy so I'll fit in sooner or later. |
yo that was clearly a clerks 2 reference. try a REAL clerks reference and youll get marginally better results.
Sorry about the 604 in the name. Sorry I like glow sticks. (i figured it was the only pic of me that was rave related) Sorry about the Clerks 2 reference and then not specifying it was from the second movie and just saying Clerks as if it would blanket the brand. However, I'm not sorry for ppcock's garbage taste in beer, you don't like Sleeman, thats fine, but saying we're no better then Canadian is ridicules. I'd venture a guess that Sleeman brews more brands of beer then you've even tried. Also, just to inform you ppcock, announcing that something is worse then something else when you obviously don't know what your talking about just makes you look unintelligent, but then you told me to change my name when yours is ppcock, looks to me like you have unintelligent covered huh? you guys are really warm and receptive to new members, I guess thats why I only saw ppl from 2005 and before on my short 2 day venture into the world of fnk... I'm out. |
I said sleemans tastes like shit, it's right up there with Canadian. I know Molson is not a brewery. Sometimes, I wish I hadnt. The point is, Canadian beer tastes like shit except from the obvious... no, i thought about it. Canadian beer is shit. |
Come on! Am I the only one that thinks sleeman's is the worst beer ever? I'd rather drink piss, everyone knows, to get good beer you have to go over seas, Grolsch, stella, guiness, etc. People who enjoy the taste of the usual brands, clearly are poisoned by the myth that Canada makes good beer. In terms of my username, yeah.. i'm ppcock and I'm a fuckin awesome dude. when I initially got the name, everyone laughed and always came up to me asking "are you ppcock?" sometimes, I still get that. Now, you look and probably are a huge tool, you've got the dumbest, most unoriginal nickname and you like glowsticks. I'm not going to go on, but I'm pretty sure we'll see you on to catch a predator on Dateline. Because, that picture makes you look like a future pedophile and if not future... current. |