Originally Posted by Ragga_Wh0re
I did and it translated into this "bla bla bla I dont know wtf im talking about bla bla atomic family bla bla bla."
And yeah, it is hard leaving your child at daycare but its even harder staying home with a child that isnt getting the social ineraction that they constantly need. To stay home with a child is equal to working a full time job. Even if I had the option to stay home, I wouldnt.I like to work, I like to converse with adults, I like to be an adult!Work is basically my only interaction with adults, aside from that its snot face the terrorist thats declared a jihad on my home.Which is great...in moderation.For me atleast.
Its not easy being a stay at home mom either, not easy on mom and not easy on the kiddos. Look after snot face,clean the house,cook,social outings/playgroups and then somehow have time for yourself too?Doest work out too well all the time.Kids demand a lot of attention from as many people they can get it from. If theres only a few people providing that attention theyre bound to get burnt out sooner then later then the wee ones going to go on a rampage. Thats unfair to the parents/attention providers and thats unfair to the children.
Thats why daycares are good, although a tough decision and sometimes a scary one...but necessary.Which brings me to my point, planned/unplanned is irrelevant really. Your basing your opinions off idealitys and emotion. Wake up from dreamland now because God forbid if you were ever to be thrown a "curve ball" youll have one hell of a fall back down to earth!
1. I don't know what i'm taking about, I only have an opinion.
2. I was taking about very young children. BABIES.
3. I didn't say anything about women having to stay at home exclusively. I wouldn't want to do that either.
4. I didn't say daycares were bad places. I just dont think BABIES (under 18 mo.) should be in them. I don't think you can argue that a BABY is better off in a daycare.
5. Who's talking about curve balls? Planning to have a child isn't a curve ball. It's a conscious decision.
I haven't said anything negative about your parenting skills. Since I wasn't talking about unplanned pregnancies, I don't know why you're taking this personally...