Originally posted by ninewells
holly shit, if i did this at my local quiznos she would shit a golden brick.
Chet back me up here.. How rude and anal this bitch is if we have a coupon or one of us is only eating.
i'm soo printing this off
D00d... Thats totally like my local Quizno's (the reason I was led to put out this coupon)... The first time I went, I had a printout from an older moddle Laser Printer, and the Manager wouldnt accept it because she thought it was... get this... A PHOTOCOPY!!!
First off, If I can print them off the web for FREE... Why would I wast $0.10 to photocoppy it??? Next, I came back a fue hours later and the bitch was still there, and wouldnt let me get a second deal (hours later)... She said the coupon says right on it 'one per day' tho it only says one per VISIT... When I showed her what it ACTUALLY said, she refused to listen, and started being even more of a bitch... WTF is that...
So, there is only a fue days left to abuse the Quizno's staff... Get printing... Yay!