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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Aug 02, 03
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We're Finally Free!

Or are we... that's what a lot of Iraqis are asking these days.

Well Saddams gone and it's hard to say that's a bad thing.

A lot of people are concerned though as the reality of freedom isn't quite what they expected it to look like.

A big problem is that the liberating army destroyed a lot of things that were critical to Iraqi's well being. From government buildings to water and sewage treatment plants... it's all been destroyed.

As we all know war has a very expensive price, part of that is the loss of human lives.

But in Iraq the majority of the population is under the age of 15 years old and when all those people were killed it left a lot of orphans.

A lot of women have gone to their husband funerals.

It was said that among other reasons Saddam had to be toppled because he posed a threat to the world. Now it has come to light that the CIA's official possition on this was that he would be more of a risk if he was toppled. It was also said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. None have been found and it's been revealed that inteligence that was used to asert this was known to be suspect. It was said that Iraq had saught out to buy enriched uranium. It's now been revealed that when George W made that claim he knew it was a lie.

So how is anyone in this picture better off now... well except the oil companies and arms manufacturers that have made billions of $ in profits from all of this.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Aug 02, 03
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Also the U.S. Army has finally admitted that they are now fighting a guerrila war as occupiers of a foriegn country. Vietnam ring a bell anyone?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Aug 02, 03
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Aug 02, 03
The Truth is..So Ruthless
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I agree I hope leaves soon and I hope all go's better for Iraq

But what would be better in the long run for Iraq
Saddam who's killed 350 000 of his own people; to pass on his legacy to his sons who are just as crazy

or the States who I admit aren't angels but 10 years from now how many less people will be tortured and die

I don't understand why when people post posts like this, they seem to forget what Saddam has done and continued to do every day

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Aug 02, 03
neophyte hollywooder
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I think Iraq should have overthrown Saddam's regime on their own accord.

Hell, I wouldn't want a body of non-Canadians overseeing Canada's political scene.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Aug 02, 03
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Originally posted by watscum:
I think Iraq should have overthrown Saddam's regime on their own accord.

Hell, I wouldn't want a body of non-Canadians overseeing Canada's political scene.
Exactly, at this point it's becoming more and more clear that the reasons the U.S. had for invading were all bullshit. Now after all of this who's to say that when the U.S. installs a puppet government that things will get any better.

Further more the main reason that I see for the U.S. making up fake reasons to invade Iraq is that the real reasons that could have been cited would point out just how bad some of the U.S. foriegn policy has been. The U.S. gave Saddam the means to take power in Iraq. That is his weapons, money and training. They then gave him the materials to manufacture chemical weapons in the first place, including anthrax spores. Then when he started attacking his own people and enemies with these weapons they tried to keep things hush, hush and didn't even condem his actions till right before the first gulf war. When you look at the U.S. record of regime change over the last 50 years you'll discover that Saddam isn't even that bad... if I was an Iraqi I'd be doing the same thing they are... (fighting off the invaders that is)

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Aug 02, 03
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U know what I think should happen to mister george dubya...he should be tortured and it should be broadcasted on cnn.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Aug 02, 03
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Originally posted by AGROculture:
I agree I hope leaves soon and I hope all go's better for Iraq

But what would be better in the long run for Iraq
Saddam who's killed 350 000 of his own people; to pass on his legacy to his sons who are just as crazy

or the States who I admit aren't angels but 10 years from now how many less people will be tortured and die

I don't understand why when people post posts like this, they seem to forget what Saddam has done and continued to do every day

Americans as individuals and their government are very different things. Have you done any research into what has happened in the past and well even the present with the U.S. inciting regime change? As it happens not only was Saddam Hussien a product of U.S. regime change but so was Al Queda and Ossama Bin Ladden.

You know when it comes right down to it things aren't all that perfect in a lot of places around the world, a lot of bad stuff happens every day. How many of these countries though would ask for the U.S. to invade thier countries if it was put to a vote?

To be fair though the U.S. has had a hand in a few successful regime changes. For instances post WW2 Germany. In this case there's no way you can argue that the U.S. has installed a pupet government. Clearly the German people at this time do control their own destiny. However there was a huge differance with this case. The differance was that Germany engaged in mass genocide and tried to take over the world creating a unarguable need to change the regime there. Also the whole world was in support of that change. In this case the U.S. was alone, with the exception of Great Britain and a handful of brutal dictators, in proclaiming the need to invade Iraq.

Did anyone notice in George W's state of the union address that when he talked of the great evil's of the last century he only mentioned communism and dictators? Is it that he can't bring himself to say the "F" word... fascism that is.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Aug 02, 03
The Truth is..So Ruthless
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^^Well thats why I don't really agree that That the US should take things in their own hands
but I do think The World as a whole should get more involved in brutal regimns...If the whole world agrees its probably ok

The whole world didn't agree with the iraq situation, becuase The US didn't convince them...wether they're truthful or not I'm gald Saddam is out of there and hopefully in the near future Iraq can be in control of their own destiny

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Aug 02, 03
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Originally posted by AGROculture:
^^Well thats why I don't really agree that That the US should take things in their own hands
but I do think The World as a whole should get more involved in brutal regimns...If the whole world agrees its probably ok

The whole world didn't agree with the iraq situation, becuase The US didn't convince them...wether they're truthful or not I'm gald Saddam is out of there and hopefully in the near future Iraq can be in control of their own destiny

The whole world was doing something about Iraq. The U.N. was back in Iraq carrying out the most stringent weapons inspections in history and Saddam's regime had severe economic sanctions for the last 10 years.

The thing is that you might want to think that in some way what the U.S. did was a good thing but it's not. They have now opened a can of worms that will likely be a guerrilla war indefinately. This will not help Iraqis or Americans as people will die on both sides and it has greatly weakend the support for the war on terrorism that the U.S. had in the post 9/11 world.

Look at Isreal and the Palestanians, that conflict has been ongoing for 30 years and shows no sign of stopping. That conflict is the result of a war that lasted just days and was won by the Isrealis (with U.S. weapons) but has since claimed many more lives than were lost in the actual war.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Aug 02, 03
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Further more even if you can find any good in the outcome of George W.'s war(s), how can you condone fascism?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Aug 02, 03
The Truth is..So Ruthless
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I don't condonme facism but why don't you post pics of Saddams torture pics and then tell me he should still be in power

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Aug 02, 03
el jefe de automático
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Originally posted by AGROculture
^^Well thats why I don't really agree that That the US should take things in their own hands
but I do think The World as a whole should get more involved in brutal regimns...I
the US has more people behind bars per capita than any other country in the world (686/100,000 as of january 2003 according to the ICPS (http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/rel/icps/)and growing faster than just about anywhere else in the world). more young black men end up in jail than end up in college. the penal system is one of the fastest growing for-profit industrys in the US.

never mind the foreign policy records of the CIA, or things like the school of the americas http://www.soaw.org/new/

land of the free my ass.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Aug 03, 03
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interesting articles on the war in Iraq and other major world events.
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