That is a freakin travesty! The worst part is that it was a Canadian beer. If it were an American beer like Coors Lite, it wouldn't be so bad. No offense to anyone who prefers watered down de-alcolised beer, but if your favourite brand is Coors, you might as well just spill it out, rather than try to choke down and piss out ten or twenty of them, in the hopes that you'll get a buzz.
If you want to drink real man's beer, you drink "La Maudite", "Fin Du Monde" or "Terrible". All made by this Montreal company called Unibroue. They are in 750 ml bottles with really cool artwork on the labels and they are usually near where they sell the individual bottles of weird foreign booze. That shit will put hair on any man's(or woman's) chest. heh heh hairy boobies. Gross!