Originally posted by pbreak
Other Robert Anton Wilson books of note: Schrodinger's Cat (although you only need to read the first 2/3rds to get the point - the rest is pretty redundant) and Quantum Psycology - excellent for those who enjoy science (especially physics) and waxing philosophy re: the meaning of life and such (or the lack thereof)
This may be of interest to you and I found it to be an odd coincidence, but there is a Schrodinger's Cat theory in reference to Jesus, where 2 or more Jesus' were used to come up with the old testament and the new testament due to conflicts with the orginal meaning of what messiah actually mean in the ancient Hebrew text (so is it even Jesus than?). The conincidence is that this is mentioned in
The Hiram Key in the middle of chapter 3, and besides the fact that I am reading these 2 books right now, I didn't see such a direct connection between these authors. Well this seems to prove ever more that it's a small enough world that maybe we will see the cat get let out of the proverbial bag after all! And they say science can't prove everything, heh.