I think it's a combination of old-schoolers and newbies. All the people who've been partying since way back when the scene was awsome, that are still partying today, are enjoying and contributing to the scene. All the new people, who weren't around for all the bullshit, are stepping into a nice new scene, therefore they have no reason to bitch and complain. Most of the peeps who were starting shit, and bitched and moaned about everything, got bored and went away. So now we've got some new kids, some jolly old folks, and very few whining little bitches.
Personally, this is why I have barely gone to any parties this year, up until recently. Same reason that I haven't thrown a party in over a year(since september 2002). I wanted to let all the political bullshit die down first. However I am planning on throwing another sequel to my birthday party some time near the end of feb or begining of march. Does anyone remember "Once upon a Flip" or "Twice upon a Flip" or "Once twice three times a Flippy", now what the hell am I supposed to name this one? hhmmmmmm............