thats also part of the fun.. watching really high drunk ppl trying to write.. lol. |
heh raver books.. i remember those
i always write stupid shit, the most random thing i can think of at that point to freak the high people out or shit that i know will realy make them think and they'll be like "wtf" for a long time.. though considering most e-tards attention span it doesnt happen often if ever. and i agree with goat, inkster you're sure making a lot of threads lately geoff.. any particular reason |
awww shit.. thats where it went.. i was just looking for it.. wondering if i left it with amaan.... *phew* ya ill be back in 2 weeks! :) |
when i first starte partying i always wanted one but then i never bothered now i think im kinda out of that partying stage...it was more back in my kandy kid days but raver books can be fun i just never care 2 write anything interesting in other peoples because they usualyy ask me at a dumb time while im dancing
haha i think rave books are an awesome idea... i havent been to many raves, and so this is the first time i've heard of rave books. the funny thing though is that last weekend i was at my friends house party, sooo hammerd and i wrote myself reminder notes for example; who a persons name was, where i hid my purse, where i hid my booze, phone numbers, who i was getting a ride home with, etc. haha i had so many post it notes in my pocket and i forgot about all of them and in the morning i went to do laundry and i pulled out all these post it notes and laughed my ass off and some of the things i wrote. it was excellent!
:D :D :D I think a rave book is an great idea!!!! i was actually talkin to my freinds about it the other day n how itd b nice to have. Although u may never talk to the ppl that sign it ever again or ifu do meet them again they will probably not remember u, its still funny to read the things that ppl put and just have it for memories sake. :D :D :D