Originally Posted by Chewy
ive been parting for 5 years... its just that i dont spend all my time typing messages onthe computer... Listen to some of burufunks tracks he or she or they have about 9 releases and 3-4 remixs..... this sound of breaks has not yet been to vancouver and i believe it will have a postive effect on our scene... i hope you will check it out to see what i mean... thanks for responding to my post.... i hope someone can ring burufunk here
peace out
1) I've been parting ever since my hair was long enough. Moses did it when it was still oldschool.
2) Don't spend time typing messages on computers? What exactly do you do then? Throw parties? Ever actually gone through the pain of trying to bring someone out? Or you just going to throw out some names and expect that all the local promoters are gonna give some anonymous kid the time of day because this act is "dope".
3) For such a fan you don't seem to know that much about this project.
4) Breaks have been in Vancouver since before you were partying, so I have no clue what the hell you're talking about insofar as "the sound of breaks has not yet been to vancouver". Talk to the Pound Boys if you're keen on breaks acts.