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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
The Orginal Trance Addict
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trance4life is an unknown quantity at this point
^^^ haha nice
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
Join Date: Jan 2003
e_BoY is an unknown quantity at this point
bah liberals are gonna win anyways.

but i think im gonna vote for NDP
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
Join Date: Oct 2002
Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
im voting for ndp
fuck the liberals.
fuck the conservatives.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
just why?
Join Date: Jan 2003
pbreak is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Dead Mike

so i encourage people to vote conservative because money wont get wasted, thers no hidden agenda, its jus a party that wants to make out tax dollars work, even tho theyre still politicians..lol
please for the love of whatever you hold dear DO NOT VOTE CONSERVATIVE!! Their leader is an inexperienced, right wing nutcase who would love to see our country become as american (reffering to the American Government here only) as possible while destroying any tiny bit of progress (social or otherwise) we've made in the past 10-20 years by inflicting his orthodox biblical morality on all of us. Paul Martin isn't exactly the best leader in history, but almost anything is better than Harper.

But what you should do is...

VOTE GREEN!! This is the only party that's actually interested in positive change for our country (and the world) and is trying to earn our votes from their dedication to applying real, substainable solutions to our country's problems - unfortunately solutions that actually work don't sound as wonderful and quick fix it as the "obviously never going to happen" promises that the populace keeps on believing no matter what. Instead of tossing around meaningless rhetoric like the rest of these monkeys, the green party candidates do not use their political party as a vehicle to get into office but as a basis for a group of people that share common concerns and actually want to effect change based on those concerns.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
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Dead Mike is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by ~*goddessa*~
im voting for ndp
fuck the liberals.
fuck the conservatives.

out of all the parties....WHY WOULD U VOTE NDP?! i jus cant believe a word they say....fuck its incredible how u can even consider voting for them
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
Join Date: Nov 2003
Dead Mike is an unknown quantity at this point
pbreak...i think that im gonna go with u on this one and vote green....ur rite about the right wng status of steven harper...but i jus want these fucking gun restrictions to go, they are pointless!
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
the bluebus is calling us
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I'm going to vote. But its a secret ballot, so I'm not telling.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
'latinum respect.
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Originally Posted by Dead Mike
out of all the parties....WHY WOULD U VOTE NDP?! i jus cant believe a word they say....fuck its incredible how u can even consider voting for them


You could say that for _any_ political party that you don't side with.

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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
The Toothbrush Guy
Join Date: May 2003
Niko is an unknown quantity at this point
While I'd normally consider voting green, the candidate in my area seems more-or-less completely "green." I rather like my NDP candidate, and to be honest, I like the party's platform.

I wouldn't vote for the Liberals because they're too stodgy and east-canada. They've also been in power too long, and are moving to the right socially, which is a no no in my books. And I'd never vote for the Conservatives... well, I would. But this isn't the Conservative party, it's the Alliance. The leader is a nutjob, and the party's "social progressiveness" rivals that of the US Republicans. They're financial platform is fine, but they make the semi-environmentalist, pro-choice, low-income, gay guy in me vomit blood.

Last edited by Niko; Jun 10, 04 at 08:54 AM.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
Join Date: Jan 2003
e_BoY is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Dead Mike
out of all the parties....WHY WOULD U VOTE NDP?! i jus cant believe a word they say....fuck its incredible how u can even consider voting for them
and u suggest what then? vote for liberals who have lied their asses off and wasted our money?

i think ill vote NDp or Green Party
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
The Toothbrush Guy
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My only problem with the green party is that they've got very few stable politicians in their system. They open themselves up to hippy-dippy candidates who really do nothing to give them a better image. Provincially, the Greens are doing much better in that department, but federally, they've got a lot of "follower" environmentalists. And most environmentalists don't have half a clue what's bad for the world, or how to work to solve it.

So yeah, the green party is something I want to see if I can get involved in, and see if they're moving to the realistic green type. But right now, they don't get my vote.

Oh, and one more note about the NDP: How many people running for Prime Minister can you get to have a sit down coffee conversation at the Grind (a popular cafe at 25th and Main) with University students and politically active youth? It's kind of suicide if you're a blowhard, speechwriting rich white guy. Well, Jack Layton's done it here, and all it seems to have done is got him votes.

Last edited by Niko; Jun 10, 04 at 09:00 AM.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
u dont compare
Join Date: Jun 2003
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.. cant stand the thought of privatization

Conservaties is Big NO .. and they're for privatization

and fuck liberals all they do is lie
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
Living In The Schisms
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Originally Posted by Dead Mike
out of all the parties....WHY WOULD U VOTE NDP?! i jus cant believe a word they say....fuck its incredible how u can even consider voting for them

Before you type anything again, research your statements. Please visit their webpage at www.ndp.ca and learn the platform. It's one of the most sensible, and their support is rising very quickly. They're already at 20% , which is a NDP record. The have the highest chance to get a good seat, and let a lot of great points be heard.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
u dont compare
Join Date: Jun 2003
Partizan is an unknown quantity at this point
canada should switch to proportional representation.. if any of you know wat that is
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
The Deaf Squirrel
Join Date: May 2004
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Aww man, with this election it's just too hard to pick. They are all EVIL!!! Which one is the lesser evil??? Libs will fuck us for sure, NDP has a long history of fucking us, and now they want to tax inheritances (I've got some big ones coming so no way to that). Conservatives are completely on the side of big business.. which is pointless because small business is Canada's backbone these days... Marijuana party isn't going to win (too bad), but they'll probably get my vote seeing as how I just can't bring myself to feel good about putting any of the others in power....

Just think... if I vote for the party that wins... every time they fuck us, I won't really be able to bitch about it cuz I will have helped get them there.

Choices choices choices....
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
of reality
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JUST VOTE god damnit! enough bickering. it's not a bloody contest. well it is but...
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
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C_squared is a jewel in the roughC_squared is a jewel in the roughC_squared is a jewel in the rough

nuff said!
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
femme fatale
Join Date: Feb 2003
Jingles is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Dead Mike

so i encourage people to vote conservative because money wont get wasted, thers no hidden agenda, its jus a party that wants to make out tax dollars work, even tho theyre still politicians..lol

The Conservatives have been talking PRO LIFE, comparing abortion to the beheading of Nick Berg -- They are a scarey scarey option ...

NDP has always been about social programs, and I like that. In previous years my choice has always been easy, as i live in Svend Robinsons riding...However now, since he can't seem to stop taking things for his illegal Cuban houseboy/lover, I'll have to check out my new canidate

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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
femme fatale
Join Date: Feb 2003
Jingles is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by deafsquirrel

Just think... if I vote for the party that wins... every time they fuck us, I won't really be able to bitch about it cuz I will have helped get them there.

Choices choices choices....
No way - your VOTE gives ou the right to bitch

it's al those fuckheads that didn't vote at all that complain about our system that need to stop their whining cause they didn't do anything when they had the chance!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 04
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Jen-E-03 is on a distinguished road
I don't like voting...i'm not really into all the politcal stuff...I hardly ever watch the news or pick up a newspapaer.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Jun 11, 04
just why?
Join Date: Jan 2003
pbreak is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by cheebus420
Before you type anything again, research your statements. Please visit their webpage at www.ndp.ca and learn the platform. It's one of the most sensible, and their support is rising very quickly. They're already at 20% , which is a NDP record. The have the highest chance to get a good seat, and let a lot of great points be heard.
Having a platform layed out on their website does not mean they have the integrity or conviction to carry it through... not to mention most platforms, especially ones that make promises (that goes for any party), are often not based on reality - they make a couple assumptions here, leave out a couple variables there, et voila, the makings of a political promise. This tends to make their platform rather unstable very soon after getting elected.

Originally Posted by Niko
My only problem with the green party is that they've got very few stable politicians in their system. They open themselves up to hippy-dippy candidates who really do nothing to give them a better image.
Define "stable politician"... and as far as experienced politicians they have fewer than other parties, but this is fairly meaningless when you consider how much 'quality' work's been done by all our 'experienced' leaders. And does this mean your not voting Green because of their image? There is no doubting that to the teaming masses image has a huge effect for votes, far surpassing the effect from the actual capabilities of the candidates to govern... of course this popularity contest is nothing new but I would hope that some people out there wouldn't care if a candidate stunk of pattulie (sp?) as long as they got the job done. An image isn't going to make our country a better place.

Originally Posted by Niko
...but federally, they've got a lot of "follower" environmentalists. And most environmentalists don't have half a clue what's bad for the world, or how to work to solve it.
I think you're drawing a little too hard on the tree-hugger stereotype... if environmentalists didn't know what was 'bad' for the world, then why would they be environmentalists, they wouldn't think anything was wrong. In truth, a large portion of the environmentalist movement (I hate calling it that because it should be standard practice anyway) is comprised of left leaning, educated types that are also know as scientists. Many of these 'scientists' have a very good idea of what is 'good' or 'bad' for the world and us silly humans in the long run... they simply don't have the political clought to effect change in a more dramatic yet necessary way - mostly because this gets in the way of business and who's the politician going to listen to.

Originally Posted by Niko
So yeah, the green party is something I want to see if I can get involved in, and see if they're moving to the realistic green type. But right now, they don't get my vote.
I'm assuming by 'realistic green type' you mean sustainability? I think the focus has been on sustainability pretty much the whole time, although the media as always has done a good job of making them seem like extremists, ready to drop the joint their smoking and chain themselves to a tree at the hoot of a spotted owl. Even David Suzuki has always focused on sustainability - by our very nature we need to consume to survive, there is no escaping this... but there are better ways to go about the way we consume - i think this is the focus of any 'real' environmentalist and why political representation is so important.

I'm glad though to see the interest in at least checking them out even though the vote isn't there this time...
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Jun 11, 04
'latinum respect.
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Originally Posted by Partizan
canada should switch to proportional representation.. if any of you know wat that is

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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Jun 11, 04
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ugh I realized yesterday that I'm going to be on vacation during the election.
does anyone know when the advanced polls are?
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Jun 11, 04
'latinum respect.
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miss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to all
ps- you people using all your time and effort to try to convince other people to side with who you are voting for are making me giggle.

Fuck, even I know better than to put my political opinion on here.
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