Mar 18, 05
Originally Posted by impure
not all injuries become inflammed, my horse had a little scrape on her knee yesterday, it was hot but not inflammed.
when a horse gets a bone chip in it's knee it gets hot, or when they buck their shins their shins get hot but there's no inflammation (with a bone chip in the knee, the joint capsule may fill up with a bit of blood or a little extra sonovial fluid causing pressure in the joint which is very hard to detect to the inexperienced eye/hand).
so, heat is not only inflammation, but injury.
and yes, i know what an abscess is, being a horse trainer and having horses for most of my life i have learned how to deal with them in hooves and muscles.
i didn't say not to worry about an abscess, but if the dog isn't in obvious pain don't go rushing him to an emerg vet. watch it and see what happens, if in a few hours the swelling subsides, then it was probably a bug bite, if the swelling becomes harder or uncomfortable in a couple hours or dosn't go away after a day or so, then call your vet or go see your vet. like many have said, it could very well be a bug bite.
my horse's hematoma is hot, bruises, when fresh, are hot.
i will also add that my the hematoma on my horses hip is mostly gone now, it's taken a few weeks for it to reabsorb, but it's going away on it's own.
unless the inflammatory response in animals is vastly different from humans inflammation is actually the first response to an injury. so with any injury you WILL get varying degrees of inflammation, as it's part of the healing process.
and I'm sure are right about bruises initially be warm... but once the heat and swelling is down, I still consider it an 'injury'.
--Joanne :P