k what the fuck....a few days i turn on the tv and start channel surfing...u know usual shit like spike and showcase. then i check out Life...and this show called Kink comes on...and dude those images are going to scar me for life. holy shit its like 80 year old faggots whipping each other...WHO the fuck watches that shit...
i couldnt get over why they air shows like that wut do u think? |
me n my friends were sitting in my playroom not really paying attention to the tv when one of my friends was like "wait a minute. isn't that NEXT on the tv?" (as in the next on granville that does peircings and tattys). It turns out one of the guys that works at next is on this Kink show! He was saying how he actually enjoyed hurting ppl..like it got him off, but he couldn't let any of the costomers know. ahh im so glad he didn't do anything on me.