being a hippy does not necessarily make you a funloving, peaceful, worldloving, potsmoking, try-to-change-everything-for-the-better person. And being any of the above does not make you a hippy. ps. many hippies think that because they are hippies, they can automatically play the drums... this pisses me off. A small handful are very good, but most really really blow and keep playing the same fucking thing over and over and over and over... makes me want to smash their drums over their heads. They can play what they wanna play, but it's their persistance in playing in public areas that makes me want to kill them. |
For the record, I commonly wear patchouli, listen to grassroots hiphop, go to and plan protests, meditate on shrooms, like goatrance, quite engaged into mysticism and that NeWaGe shit, stay away from fastfood, flouride, aspertame, colour...eat organic, and have a bongo.
Let me just say that perhaps there is a difference in being a bleeding heart hippy, and a hippy. I only want to save those who save themselves. Oh yeah and the new world order is real bitches, stick that in your bong and smoke it. Late. |
i got peace and plenty of love to give, but i also won't be happy without iced cars and lowriders and 4x4s hahah money is a big key to happiness i feel, wouldn't you rather have jet skis and vacations and dope vehicles AND peace/love? seems to me hippies just aren't ambitious and determined to get somewhere in life so they claim they are happy living a basic/simple life. yes they could be happy, but they ain't havin more fun.
hippies are pretty cool. i talk to them on the bus sometimes. one of them looked like a serious hermaphrodite, or a bearded lady, or a guy with a high voice, anyway, this person was all into mysticism and told me how the world was governed by crystals and free flowing energy. and how mathematics was the only 'true' language.
they're tasty! |
''We live to love, servive for the hope, caring for the sharing and peace, with life we learn to defend our conception of family and not objects, and stay in total harmonie with our environment with what we live and servive, the poluting materials that surrounds our everyday life is just a other energy poluting our resources'' Those people are trying to live without the percpective of materialism (CAn you think of this, that 10'000 of years ago people lived without these technologies and were probably happy without all this.....) money is definitly not the key to happiness, and certainly not the key to a healthy mind! just look at the environment and what nature is showing us, before saying money is the key to happiness, and then come and discuse with the people that understand, money is just one detail on a other of our human lifes ''not the key to it''.... And money will definitly not bring you more loving or what you need for true love/caring.... |