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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 05
feelsssss love
Join Date: Jul 2001
Liqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the rough
Daily Stuff: April 12th 2005

happy Tuesday!!!!

Fact of the Day
In your lifetime, you will spend six months on the toilet, one and a half years stuck in traffic, two and a half years on the phone, work for eight years, and spend twelve years glued to the TV.

Quote of the Day
"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."

- Mark Twain


You've had it with delays, roadblocks, interruptions and all the rest of those interesting 'do not pass go' situations the universe has gleefully tossed in your path for the past three weeks -- or has it been three years? Regardless of what you call them, the nuisances are finally coming to an end -- and just in the nick of time. Still, give it a day or two before you try to make plans you actually want to keep.

You heard right: Mercury is going to end its retrograde period today, which should mean that the confusion and miscommunications will end, too. Of course, changes aren't always immediate, and it's going to be a couple of days until everything gets completely straightened out. This means that you'll need to be patient with a certain person, but fortunately, that's your specialty. Good thing, huh?

After the past three weeks -- which certainly seemed a whole heck of a lot longer than three weeks should -- you're ready for this 'interesting' carnival ride you've been on to come to an end. Unfortunately, you've got another day or two to go. Sit tight, and don't go anywhere you don't need to, especially if it's with 'interesting' company. The waiting will all be worth it soon.

It's safe to come out now. You've had your fill of trying to get in touch with people you love and having no luck at it -- but so have we all. Truth be told, no one has been able to connect when they wanted to lately. Hey, at least all that is set to change now that Mercury has finally switched gears. Might not be groundbreaking news, but if misery loves company, victory must love it too, right?

Finally, at long last, the nonstop communication snafus you've been dealing with are coming to an end -- just not quite yet. For today, in fact, things could still be just a little difficult. Now, don't get upset. Sure, it's been tough. But if you can hold on for a just a couple more days, it will be smooth sailing. In the meantime, distract yourself. You'll think of something.

You like things organized, so if anyone has a right to be irritated with Mercury's retrograde, it's you. The good news is that it's almost over. The bad news is that it tends to go out like a lion, not a lamb. So there's likely one more aggravating situation en route, but deal with it by keeping calm. After everything else you've been through, that ought to be a piece of cake.

One-on-one relationships are your specialty. So when situations make it impossible to get in touch with someone -- say, for example, the chain of events you've been dealing with for the past three weeks -- it's especially frustrating for you. It might even cause you to be less than pleasant, which really takes some doing. Fortunately, this period is almost over. Can you be nice for just a couple more days?

A work-related matter that's been on hold -- making you absolutely crazy for the past three weeks -- is about to come to a happy close. Not quite yet, however, and not nearly soon enough. If you can manage to pull together just a bit more of that legendary ability to wait things out, you'll be golden. How about it? Got it in you? You bet you do.

For weeks, you've been trying to get to the heart of a relationship matter -- and for weeks, everything that could possibly go wrong along the way has gone wrong. Whether or not it's your loved one's fault, you've been taking it out on them, and it's created a wall between you. Well, it's time to tear it down. Within the next couple of days, you'll see that none of this was their doing.

Technically, Mercury is done with that aggravating three-week retrograde, but it won't seem that way yet -- not to you. You're as organized as a sign could possibly be, and you've been dealing with this nonsense for far too long. Particularly when it comes to a certain family matter that's been 'pending' -- and absolutely making you crazy. Sit down, then, for a heart-to-heart. It can't hurt.

Forget about keeping quiet. You're feeling that the time has officially come to let the cat out of the bag. You may, however, need to wait just a day or two before you can say everything you've been holding back. It won't be easy, but it will be your best bet. In the meantime, get your facts straight and be sure that you're ready for any and all reactions to what you're about to let fly.

You know the expression, 'Hurry up and wait'? Well, that's exactly what you'll be doing for the next couple of days. It's aggravating for everyone, but in your case, you've got to be especially careful when it comes to money matters. Don't sign anything at all, even if it seems like a sure thing. Today, there's no such thing. Keep a careful eye on your wallet and your plastic, too.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 05
kick, push, coast
Join Date: Jun 2003
penguinabc123 is on a distinguished road
awseome dalyn, thanks for highlighting our horoscopes to lol, im loving it!!

i dono bout thursday tribecca anymore, but ill try to come visit you this week at work if i can make it down!!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 05
feelsssss love
Join Date: Jul 2001
Liqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the rough
do it....come see me @ work!!!

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