Originally Posted by Richard_Pyra
Just because someone is wearing knockoffs doesnt mean they are fronting. Perhaps they actually like just the style and not care about the name, or they figure they're going to break/lose/wear it out fast anyway so they dont want to blow the money. In the case of sunglasses, it's actually cheaper to buy Gucci knockoffs than to buy authentic cheap sunglasses... I guess what I'm trying to say is you can't really judge a person like that. (unless of course they're fronting, and actually going "check out my Prada gear" or strutting about all cocky... In that case, yeah, super lame)
both your arguments are valid...to a point.
and i agree that it's fine if people just don't care. Above all, it's absolutely wrong to judge people by the glasses they wear. BUT, if people like the style, they shouldn't have the right to remake or copy it. That's like taking a photo of Picasso's work, and hang it up on your wall and pretend like you're hot shit. wether you give a fuck about the art or not, I do believe that some respect should be shown to the designers as well.
you can always buy no-named glasses. they're cheap and all... but when you buy fake glasses that have "gucci" design and logo, then you're just stepping on toes.