Originally Posted by mojo
currently messing around with it, but not having much luck. i can manage to crop the image, but as far as reducing the file to a nice small size.....no luck.
up until now all i used it for was looking at the purdy pic turessssssssss
i havent used the program you gots, but im sure theres an "image size" section somewhere, that sizes the entire image, there might even be a constrain proportions box as well, otherwise youll just have to do the math. You can fuck around with the dpi, but for regular sized photos up to a full 8.5X11 page, you dont really need to go any higher than 300dpi. Understand that it doesnt gaurantee an amazing amount of clarity or improvement if the images is fairly small, and your enlarging many times over, or if its a generaly shitty photo. But options like hue/saturation and light/dark as well as shadows and highlights might help. Try out a few photo filters, and noise reduction.