Originally Posted by tiedye
I was just sent this link today, I hadn't seen it before. But it's still worth being brought up. The only reason I was offended was that many americans I have met express similar opinions, and frankly, I'm tired of Canada being looked at as a weak, dependant country. We're our own sovereign nation now.. they can't say we're dependant on britain, but now they just say we're dependant on someone else. It's just frustrating. That's all
In times when we need to show solidarity with the average american people, these kind of clips only perpetuate a mindset that is reactionary in the most extreme of cases. There are just as many ignorant Canadians, if not more.
Canada is its own sovereign nation, and to think that the "evils" that are created on the homefront as some sort of american influence shifts accountability from Canadian government, and does nothing to alleviate our current struggles.
"God damn yankees" is an extremely prejudiced comment. A postive and realistic goal is to identify with american peoples that are undergoing the same struggles as poor and working class peoples here, but at a much more severe level. We need to allign ourselves with their struggles and vice verca. This is the only way we can create a sizeable civilian population to instill new forms of self rule, production and distribtion.
dump this fucking clip already!