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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Apr 11, 06
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Originally Posted by fable
DUDE!!! WHAT THE FUCK!! That was heavy shit. And i know you're probably not into being "asessed" but you just spout out enough serious cynasism and demoralized sentiment for TWO x 90yr old Lithuanian farmers whos farmland only recently got jacked for a Philip Morris Factory!

Call me this weekend, i got time off school, and lets hang, seriouslly. Im fucking po-ass, but ill buy the coffee or beer if need be.

In Solidarity,

My week-ends are always full of shit I don't even know I'm doing until the old lady says "Don't you remember me telling you 2 weks ago."

So we'll just have to babble on der internets.

My battles spiritual now, nothing material or physical.

People in wartorn countries getting limbs blown of are there for a reason no one can understand and probably wouldn't want to.

Whatever happens happens for a reason no matter how horrible unjust unfair disturbing it is to us.

I look @ Karma as the natural law of the universe making sure that if you were a child molester rapist murderer junkie in your last life then this one your gonna get molested and murdered.

Theres no understanding nature and her ways, only accepting them.

Life is suffering, enlightenment is accepting that suffering.

Trying to help is impossible being a human because we're to dumb and ignorant/selfish/egotistical to actually know what real help would be.

I can give a bum a cheeseburger and feel great about myself.

That bum's a bum and he's happy a bum, he doesn't want to join the rat race and be a fuckin muppet.

To us he's scum, to him we're scum, who's right ? I'd say the bum.

All I'm trying to get across here is my belief that everything is as it is for that's it's nature.

Just like the old parable about the Scorpion and the turtle.

Too many people try and "Help" "Do the right thing" but life isn't a fuckin Spike Lee movie where Humans have enough divinity to know whats right and wrong, that's why you're average Joe isn't running the country, because in order to run a country/society/civilisation you have to be able to kill 1000's in order for 1000's to live.

Maybe the whole hierarchy isn't a bad thing, the inbred royals and presidents runnin shit, these freaks have run the show for centuries and we're still here, no one is equal but maybe we're meant to be a mass slave society based on iPods and Blue Jeans, maybe this is as good as it will ever get and there will never be a spiritual awakening and rebirth of humanity into a Golden Age.

Maybe this 3rd dimension is a vibrational prison for those who have fucked up and have been cast down from grace to suffer in a meat sack until they can open their 3rd eye and see just where the fuck they really are.........

In Hell.

How's that for cynical....:364:
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old Apr 11, 06
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John RevoLover
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Originally Posted by fable
You are looking at the surface manifestation and partially ignoring the importance of the process. Just like I am confronted with the notion of "man, why always the demonstrations and rallies...bla...bla..." I ask YOU - why do you think?

What do you think is the relevancy? Or more specifically why do YOU THINK that the organizations who carry out such rallies and demos think they're important?

What is the objective conditions of mobilization across the world and here in Canada?

We can talk shop all day, all night, over coffee, over beer, while painting, hiking Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh, or surfing San Sebastian. We can talk about the consumerist habits of society while climbing in Peru, or in a debate with a girlfriend over dinner at a restaurant. But none of it means shit unless it’s in the context of a group. Like I mentioned earlier, the demonstrations, the sit-ins, the pickets, bla bla, are for the purpose of education and unification. If you think that the awareness of Canadian society in general is at a level, that mobilization should be at a far faster pace, then you're too far ahead of the pack - actually I know you're too far in front of the pack, which is because i believe your awareness of the SITUATION is high, but not in terms of UNDERSTANDING HOW TO CONFRONT THE SITUATION. You cannot do it alone, not with twenty people, not with 38 million people, not a trillion people, UNLESS it is directed, purposeful and objective.

The demo's and rallies are a necessary boredom. I usually MC at a lot of events, and get to make the rousing speeches, but really I’m more comfortable with being the person who hands out the flyers and gets spit on. I'm the person more comfortable with dealing with Zionists from Hillel House, I'm more comfortable dealing with VPD (actually that’s a lie, but only because I've had far too man concussions and been in really dicey situations with no civilians, several officers, a holding cell, in the wee hours of twilight) Im more comfortable in the shitty, stressful, dealings with people who would sooner see me dead, or at least bashed with a nightstick.

WHY?? Because its these hateful, ignorant, callous, glib, shitheads, that will turn the tide. Its the stuck up, money grubbing, rat racing, ego blasting, fuckers that we need. So we rally, we demo, we chant, we confront, we get yelled, get spit on, get arrested, get ignored, and we do it because we have to. Because in the midst of it all, we find new organizers, and with each one that is made apparent, the closer we get to create something that is THEN able to do what most "bedroom revolutionaries" talk about over starbucks lattes.

We still need to go for a brew sometime. I know you've done hella traveling, and I’d love to hear about your experiences sometime.

In solidarity,


PS:Its too easy to label people unwilling to change. It’s a copout to use the word sheeple. There are, in my humble belief, only a small amount of truly inhuman people in the world, and what seems like an infinite number of people who appear to be all the descriptors I mentioned earlier, but really deep down, people are decent, and they want roofs over their heads, food on the table, dancing on their days off, and time with their family in relative peace.

A challenge, is believing this.
dont dismiss me as just "looking at the surface"...you have a bad habit of doing that.

basically instead of using my energies for protest and revolt,like i would have when i was younger, i invest my energy into matters of the metaphysical and spiritual.

i prefer now to detach myself as often as i can OUT of this system and this frequency of thought.

Too rally and protest is the purest form of legitimizing the very forces you are fighting against, and would just drag me down further back to the etheral.

my protest is to learn from wise men,preists and shamans from all over the world and share that knowledge with the close knit-core group of individuals that are my firends and people i meet along the way.

mass conversion is pervertedly inaffective cause, as how blake so perfectly stated,sheeple dont want to be changed.

i admire your passion for protest and change. i think its great.

i just choose a different method.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old Apr 11, 06
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Originally Posted by Revolver
dont dismiss me as just "looking at the surface"...you have a bad habit of doing that.

basically instead of using my energies for protest and revolt,like i would have when i was younger, i invest my energy into matters of the metaphysical and spiritual.

i prefer now to detach myself as often as i can OUT of this system and this frequency of thought.

Too rally and protest is the purest form of legitimizing the very forces you are fighting against, and would just drag me down further back to the etheral.

my protest is to learn from wise men,preists and shamans from all over the world and share that knowledge with the close knit-core group of individuals that are my firends and people i meet along the way.

mass conversion is pervertedly inaffective cause, as how blake so perfectly stated,sheeple dont want to be changed.

i admire your passion for protest and change. i think its great.

i just choose a different method.
you were looking at "revolt+protest" from a surface level, i wasnt speaking in a grander sence because i do not know you, and i was refering to the relevant comments you made.

Why do i think so? Well lets start with "mass conversion is pervertedly inaffective cause"

Why do YOU assume "conversion" is necessary? Was I inferring to conversion? I was speaking in terms of uniting peoples with similair agendas. As for studying the spiritual/metaphysical, i cannot find fault in these endevours, they are a positive challenge indeed, but while people ignore larger causes for more sectarian education and enlightment, people are unjustly dying in the millions or being oppressed. This is what i am focussing on. How to defeat this. Not how to enlighten myself, that comes as a result of living a life with integrity, love, and honesty.

I think the only problem i personally feel with your own personal choice(just my opinion) is that it isnt being done in congruence with tackling the situation amidst the objective conditions. Essentially times demand that we work in a complete role. One that challenges the self, AS WELL as the many. Otherwise you become self reflexive and shun a large portion of the populace for your sectarian endevours.

Basically im one for supporting all manners of personal education and challenge, but once again, it needs to be done with a greater community in mind. Lets research how to live in a more humanitarian way, but lets also find a way to stop the people and establishments that really could care less.

Nonetheless, I think we can still share information and opinion with each other. I think we are at a point where we can be civil, where i dont call you a Zionist and you dont call me an anti-semetic. Like in any organization, there needs to be multiple fields of study and practise, lest we get wiped out in only one form of attack. I too, respect your endevours in the metaphysical and spiritual. Feel free to send me any info you find relevent, and ill reciprocate.

In Solidarity,

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  #54 (permalink)  
Old Apr 11, 06
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Originally Posted by Revolver
Amen brother. really interesting things are happening in Peru and south america right now. the elections are comming up and the front is Ollanta Humala who is ex-military and staunchly opposed to US imperilaism much like Venezuela.Boliva is right behind and soon the entire region will be in revolt against american installed, corrupt governments.
I am in full support and am consistently studying the ongoing revolutionary organization and political research going on in Latin America, but their struggle depends on us doing our part of the global fight right here in N.America.

No offence, but unless your heading down there to actually aid them in their fight, all you will succeed is let someone else do all the bloody work while you delve into your studies?? And even if you have the intent of going down there to get involved directly, the common consensus that I have gotten from indigenous mobilizations in the regions is to continue and accelerate the fight here in N.America.

Eva moralez may not be the ideal representative in Bolivia, but the majority of his support base is the indigenous peoples, so he will be kept in line, Chavez continues to be solid, and in Cuba the general populace is as active as ever amongst the young peoples. I think our responsibility lies in doing our best to undermine the Cuban Blockade, and spread the knowledge of realities of poverty in Cuba and where it really stems from, we also need to form stronger ties with various movements, whether its the young communist league in Cuba or the Zapatista in Mexico. We may not all share common sentiment in our agendas, but we have common enough interests.

Im sure you are aware, but nonetheless there must be a continuing push to help people understand that much of the oppression and poverty that still exists in Latin America as a whole originates IN THE WEST, so therefore the platform of resistance has the best chance of maximum impact in the western nations.

However I do understand there is still a need of western humanitarian aid. But in the end, if this is all we focus on, then all we do is apply more Band-Aids, instead of cutting the fucking tumor right out. This will occur here, in N.America.


Here is the latest issue of the Fire This Time Newspaper. There are several key articles and interviews revolving around Cuba and Venezuela.

this is a translation of the Zapatista Sixth Declaration, I think It may interest you
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old Apr 11, 06
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John RevoLover
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Originally Posted by fable
you were looking at "revolt+protest" from a surface level, i wasnt speaking in a grander sence because i do not know you, and i was refering to the relevant comments you made.

Why do i think so? Well lets start with "mass conversion is pervertedly inaffective cause"

Why do YOU assume "conversion" is necessary? Was I inferring to conversion? I was speaking in terms of uniting peoples with similair agendas. As for studying the spiritual/metaphysical, i cannot find fault in these endevours, they are a positive challenge indeed, but while people ignore larger causes for more sectarian education and enlightment, people are unjustly dying in the millions or being oppressed. This is what i am focussing on. How to defeat this. Not how to enlighten myself, that comes as a result of living a life with integrity, love, and honesty.

I think the only problem i personally feel with your own personal choice(just my opinion) is that it isnt being done in congruence with tackling the situation amidst the objective conditions. Essentially times demand that we work in a complete role. One that challenges the self, AS WELL as the many. Otherwise you become self reflexive and shun a large portion of the populace for your sectarian endevours.

Basically im one for supporting all manners of personal education and challenge, but once again, it needs to be done with a greater community in mind. Lets research how to live in a more humanitarian way, but lets also find a way to stop the people and establishments that really could care less.

Nonetheless, I think we can still share information and opinion with each other. I think we are at a point where we can be civil, where i dont call you a Zionist and you dont call me an anti-semetic. Like in any organization, there needs to be multiple fields of study and practise, lest we get wiped out in only one form of attack. I too, respect your endevours in the metaphysical and spiritual. Feel free to send me any info you find relevent, and ill reciprocate.

In Solidarity,

(((forgive my lack of grammar and spelling. this is the internet. when i post here i go nonstop and do not go back and edit)))

mass conversion. meaning widespread change through rally and protest. i dont think it can happen becuase the mass majority of the poulation are so hopelessly entrenched in their daily routines they just pass off protestors as restless hippies rejecting authority and neglect the real message behind the cuase....

<<<"I think the only problem i personally feel with your own personal choice(just my opinion) is that it isnt being done in congruence with tackling the situation amidst the objective conditions.">>>

NOPE. its exactly being done in congruence with the current situation of the world. Spirituality and Metaphysics directly affect and are the cause of our day to day actions and evils in this world. The most powerful, the most Illuminated pay extremely close attention to esoteric and mystic knowledge and the signs of that are everywhere.

highlevel political power players and high level occultist practioners are two of the same it seems.

A sensitivity for the greater comunity yes, absolutly. but NOT when the greater comunity calls you a crackpot for disscussing things like:

mind kontrol
alchemy.....and so on

As far as im concernd, the majority of people are so helplessy addicted to haveing the latest 'puma' shoes or being guestlisted for the hot club night and keeping up with the jones'es to give a damn. SHAME on them for not taking the time or having to courage to look a little deeper and see beyond the glare of that shiny new BMW you know what i mean?

*although i must admitt..those new BMW's are fucking mint!!:)*

so fuck em. thats what i say. if they dont have the steam to get out there and do some homework and enlighten themselves then im not going to waste my time trying to change their way of thought.

they can fucking rot when jesus comes back and flushes them all away with his jesus juice.

i know one thing for sure, whenever i come back to north america im always fighting this sensation sucked back into the routine,sucked back into the programe, sucked back into the system of consumerist living....and i find this frustrating.

mark props for sparking a intersting thread.....lets DOC it up eaither tonite or tomorwo yeah?
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old Apr 11, 06
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good read, guys. shit like this makes everything else seem so petty
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old Apr 11, 06
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Originally Posted by NinjaBoy

You shouldn't judge everyone, unless you are at the standards you want to use.

Really easy to lose sight of this when you are so enflamed with passion.

Honestly, may not agree with everything that is said, but it can be really refreshing to see young people who refuse to be complacent with the way the world is.

I know a lot of people don't really see the point of protesting. I can be guilty of this myself. But really, you have to realize that without people being persistent in aggressively challenging the status quo nothing would have progressed in society. Big change does not happen quietly.

Where would we be today without the renaissance? The protestant reformation? Scientific revolution?

Even take a look at this last century or so? Labour protests. Pushes for civil and women's rights?

It's hard to see the big picture, and I think what makes it tough for a lot of people is sometimes the loudest can also seem self righteous. I know that is definitely something that has made me disilusioned with really going against the flow.

I'm not saying fuck mcdonalds and burn your bras, but seriously, do we all agree with meaningless wars?
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old Apr 11, 06
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
I'm not saying fuck mcdonalds and burn your bras, but seriously, do we all agree with meaningless wars?
Most people don't agree with 90% of what their Governements do, but they seriously believe Democracy is a real entity that they will die for.

Here's Coke, Here's Pepsi....that's democracy, I want Water but that's not on the list.

Vote for this swindlin scumbag or this scumbag swindler.

As long as people think it's their voices that are being heard tehy're happy.

As long as they can put a lil x on a piece of paper every few years they'll ignore all the blatant tax rip-offs and insider trading stealing their pensions.

Nothing pisses people off enough to riot not even child molesting judges that are still judging others after being secret shake and winked to freedom.

Hockey and GnR is all I've ever seen people riot about in Van.

That just shows you the level they are on.

Maybe after the massive cock of the Olympics is shoved up everybdys ass til their tate tears maybe then we'll see some real riots.

One can only hope.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old Apr 11, 06
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To me living in a 'free society' is not necessarily about the choices (or lack thereof) that I have, because let's face it, even if we had a choice of pepsi, coca cola or water, you're still going to have those that just want a nice cold glass of lemonade..it's about being able to challenge power, it's about being able to openly voice an opinion without facing the guillotine.

Freedom means different things to different people. Western society is definitely not perfect. I see 'democracy' as more of an ideal that society has been pushing towards for a few hundred years.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old Apr 11, 06
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
To me living in a 'free society' is not necessarily about the choices (or lack thereof) that I have, because let's face it, even if we had a choice of pepsi, coca cola or water, you're still going to have those that just want a nice cold glass of lemonade..it's about being able to challenge power, it's about being able to openly voice an opinion without facing the guillotine.

Freedom means different things to different people. Western society is definitely not perfect. I see 'democracy' as more of an ideal that society has been pushing towards for a few hundred years.
The ability to voice opinion is being stifled more and more.

The fact that if I try to voice my opinion on Israel and it's treatment of Palestinians will get me locked away and charged with hate crimes now, is pretty totalitarian.

If you're a journalist in Canada and your editorial isn't the same as Ottawas, you're fired.

(When Izzy Asper took control of the media he held a press conference and stated that any bad remarks against Israel and it's actions would be met with zero tolerance prompted Canada's top 50 journalists and newspeople to quit on the spot.)

Not only is the media told what to say and how, the citizens are also.

The level of freedom to voice ones opinion is limited to politics and sports.

But that's all people want to talk anyways.
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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Apr 11, 06
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
Really easy to lose sight of this when you are so enflamed with passion.

Honestly, may not agree with everything that is said, but it can be really refreshing to see young people who refuse to be complacent with the way the world is.
I see what your saying, but I don't agree with the idea that someone can come down on everyone except himself.

It's not as if he's refusing to be complacent.

I think that a lot of these people will fight the system, as long as it's not too much of an inconvience for them...
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 06
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(((forgive my lack of grammar and spelling. this is the internet. when i post here i go nonstop and do not go back and edit)))

>>no worries, my is grammar terrible be!>>

mass conversion. meaning widespread change through rally and protest. i dont think it can happen becuase the mass majority of the poulation are so hopelessly entrenched in their daily routines they just pass off protestors as restless hippies rejecting authority and neglect the real message behind the cuase....

>>the only change that rally and protest attempt to carry out is peoples level of awareness/and hopefully gets them to question what they're perception is of priorities specific to them. Nothing more, nothing less. Think of it has depressurization, so real dialogue and organizing can then take place

NOPE. its exactly being done in congruence with the current situation of the world. Spirituality and Metaphysics directly affect and are the cause of our day to day actions and evils in this world. The most powerful, the most Illuminated pay extremely close attention to esoteric and mystic knowledge and the signs of that are everywhere.

>>i disagree. If you are not willing to put it into the context of mass mobilization then its purely subjective. How can one speak of the imortance of investigating the metaphysical/esoteric/whatever adjective you want to use - and then talk about not giving a fuck about the general masses of ingnoramuses??

highlevel political power players and high level occultist practioners are two of the same it seems.

>>Does it really matter if they are or not, at this point? Perhaps if this connection gives me the knowledge to dismantle specific establisments or structures, then ok. But im still new to the metaphysical, so be patient with me. BUT nonetheless, i sometimes wonder if bringing up the illumati, or occultists comes from the same vein that believed in the resurrection of jesus. I personally feel that a large amount of people where so cynical, so base, that they just couldnt accept that jesus was an ordinary man, who practised extraordinary love. Do you ever ask yourselves that perhaps the illumati could just be a structure that enables people to put a inhuman face to great corruption? Why is basing a significant resistance on the premise that people in power need to suppress the rights of those who are not, to stay in power and as a result structures like capitalism where created, seen as futile? Im not arguing against the realities that you find prevalent, but once again if you're forgetting to put your personal journeys into the context of the many, you are just looking out for number one. Couldnt i call this being just as selfish and self serving as the venture capitalist who is a major enron shareholder, has a ranch in Argentina, is pushing for the felony criminalization of illegal immigrants in the US, and bla bla bla. Your both looking out for number one. And it could be argued that in both cases, the presumed selfishness could have a root in demoralization?

A sensitivity for the greater comunity yes, absolutly. but NOT when the greater comunity calls you a crackpot for disscussing things like:

mind kontrol
alchemy.....and so on

>>Getting mad at being called names is fine, but turning your back on the people who call you such names is something we where supposed to get over while playing in the sandbox at age five. I would never presume to know your history, but i've been called everything from a dirty paki, to a lazy immigrant, to a traitor, to a militant, to a extremist, to psycho since i was old enough to comprehend that i was being dealt with in a negetive manner. The simple truth of the manner is, that we need to try to make amends and educate such people now, or have to destroy these people later. Which i hear is murder on ones soul.>>

As far as im concernd, the majority of people are so helplessy addicted to haveing the latest 'puma' shoes or being guestlisted for the hot club night and keeping up with the jones'es to give a damn. SHAME on them for not taking the time or having to courage to look a little deeper and see beyond the glare of that shiny new BMW you know what i mean?

>>Thats the hype getting to you. You ever stop to think that while we speak on how so many people are oblivious to the realities that billions face, and are in fact controlled/manipulated/exploited/used, WE the very people making such condemnations are being sucked into the hate and indifference ourselves, and this is in fact a premeditated, synthetic reaction?>>

*although i must admitt..those new BMW's are fucking mint!!:)*

>>yes, yes they are!>>

so fuck em. thats what i say. if they dont have the steam to get out there and do some homework and enlighten themselves then im not going to waste my time trying to change their way of thought.

they can fucking rot when jesus comes back and flushes them all away with his jesus juice.

i know one thing for sure, whenever i come back to north america im always fighting this sensation sucked back into the routine,sucked back into the programe, sucked back into the system of consumerist living....and i find this frustrating.

>>perhaps foccussing on how studying the metaphysical can conquer your cynasism might be worth your while, becuase although in your prose you peg me as an intelligent, bright, well travelled individual you sound as callous as the mutherfuckers with the boots on your neck.>>

>>We cant afford the same luxuries of indifference as the enemy, that's all im really trying to say. But like ive mentioned a few times already, its not the content your studying, its what your ignoring.>>

In solidarity,

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  #63 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 06
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fable is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by 3507321C
The ability to voice opinion is being stifled more and more.The fact that if I try to voice my opinion on Israel and it's treatment of Palestinians will get me locked away and charged with hate crimes now, is pretty totalitarian.
i wonder how many people realize that Israeli Aparthied has its roots in the creation of the Canadian reserve system?

I wonder how many people realize that Canada alongside with the US and Israeli have been calling for democratic elections in Palestine forever, and as soon as Hamas is elected, Canada adds them to their designated Terrorist list?

I wonder how many people understand that Canada is one of Israels largest trading partners.

I wonder how people understand that after land has been illegally annexed based on technicalities, Israel turns them into national parks until the next major developer is ready to throw serious money down. And on one parcel of land, which so an amazing amount of death, is a park that is named Canada Park?

What else is there...to much to mention right now, and with major Zionist organizations based in Canada, it will only become more difficult to counter the media apartheid wall.
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 06
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Originally Posted by fable
i wonder how many people realize that Israeli Aparthied has its roots in the creation of the Canadian reserve system?

I wonder how many people realize that Canada alongside with the US and Israeli have been calling for democratic elections in Palestine forever, and as soon as Hamas is elected, Canada adds them to their designated Terrorist list?

I wonder how many people understand that Canada is one of Israels largest trading partners.

I wonder how people understand that after land has been illegally annexed based on technicalities, Israel turns them into national parks until the next major developer is ready to throw serious money down. And on one parcel of land, which so an amazing amount of death, is a park that is named Canada Park?

What else is there...to much to mention right now, and with major Zionist organizations based in Canada, it will only become more difficult to counter the media apartheid wall.
What you just said is now a "Hate Crime".

Welcome to the new Canada.

Words can be used against you now.

Words are no longer weapons as the barrel of your mouth is now pointed at your own face.

Actions are all that are left.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 06
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fable is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by 3507321C
What you just said is now a "Hate Crime".

Welcome to the new Canada.

Words can be used against you now.

Words are no longer weapons as the barrel of your mouth is now pointed at your own face.

Actions are all that are left.
It could be argued that the "New" Canada is the same ol, same ol
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 06
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Originally Posted by 3507321C
I put a vs so I don't have to quote Hagel every damn time.

But ya, ying-yang, dark light, neg pos ad infinitum.

Universe is one big tie, no one wins.

That's why all these do-gooders just end up doing bad.

For the price of a cup of coffe you can give these kids false hope in a jewish carpenter who's 2,000 years late.
You guys mean Hegel.

thesis + antithesis = synthesis concept which is called "dialectics,"

Hegel and Engel's only developed it further but it's also seen in socratic dialectics as described by Plato. An argument can be disproven by a string of rational assertions which show a contradiction. Dialectics is also seen in the Vedic but i don't know much about that yet...
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 06
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Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
First things first. You have looked way to deeply into my comments. I simply want to point out, that you should judge yourself, and make sure you are up to the standards you want to judge everyone else by.
I am, like I said earlier already, I don't think that I am flawless in my approach, the difference between me and the people that I am judging as you say, is that I will ALWAYS revise my opinion based on the information that comes my way, no matter how extreme it may seem. Those that I am venting about simply don't do this. BTW I don't have to proove it to you unless I feel like it. When I have tried to do so in the past I have been met with childish, uneducated opinions.

Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
All this can be summed up as such: I have a diffrent politcal, and ethical view then you.

That dosen't make me a social parasite, that just means I check a diffrent box during elections.
You don't know how perfectly ironic that statement was. You either are indifferent to the fact that we are overpopulated and subjected to laws these days that the Nazis didn't even put on paper, they just did, or you want to fight it with as much as you got. Thing is, many see themselves as having to sacrafice their time of leasure for this, but I think we as a society are parasites if we don't try to protect the measures that give us the freedom for that leasure. I would say since your understanding of politics is flawed and you are to proud to revise your opinion, henceforth not protect the safeguards that ensure our freedom of expression, you are a parasite.

Thing is, it's hard to see that when you don't see the forest for the trees, and when you've been raised by well meaning kind hearted people that couldn't get over the paradigm and see it either. I get that...it's not in your nature to be parasites per se and if it were more obvious you would probably do something about it, but it's simply to large in scope that you can't see that there is a global agenda using the notion that you have an opinion that counts for something (ie: predetermining your choices) to further undermine it.

Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
If you are ever going to make a diffrence in the world, you have to understand that not everyone intellegent has the same world outlook as you. And no amount of web links, or essays on a raver message board are going to change that.
I was griping. I don't want to change opinions of short sighted, arrogant people. I just don't them to fuck off. Were you even reading anything I wrote?

Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
You believe that I am wrong, and people like me are making the world bad. However, what are you doing that is making the world so damn good? How come you have the right to decided everyone else in the world who dosen't agree with you is wrong in every way.
I have the right to my opinion, as you do. I have the right to disagree, as you do. I also have the right to feel upset and voice my opinion about it if I feel those that I disagree with are being short sighted. All of a sudden I need to have a greater reason other than I feel like expressing myself?

What it's not good enough for you that I am concerned about the state of humanity?

I could tell you that I put over 600 hours of work time annually in educating myself through literature, networking and creating projects for sustainable communities, but I'd rather not dick wave and make myself look like a hippy. The onus isn't on me, it's on both of us. You tell me what you've done, if I think you are sincerely trying to make a difference, I can tell you more about what I've done.

BTW I never said people that don't agree with me in every way are wrong. You are taking baseless statements and going to the bank with them, hey if it works for you keep doing that. I think it makes you look like an idiot though.

Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
You refuse to acknowlage diffrences in the way people think. Just like the governments that you critizie (sp?)
No I don't. More baseless statements...ad hominem is one of the greatest fallacies.

Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
You shouldn't judge everyone, unless you are at the standards you want to use
I am, and I'm not perfect either, far from.

Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
You have yet to convince me that your better then the people who are donating money to cancer research or participating in chairty walks.
I don't have to convince you. Especially when all you do is critisize my thesis, point out that you feel I am not expressing what I have done, but you only point the finger throughout this entire thread and not mention what you have done either. If you believe the onus is on me to explain myself, you should lead by example and do the same. I can explain more what I have done, but I'm not gonna do it for someone who only wants to point the finger.

Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
PS- Don't talk about the loss of induviduality, if your not willing to accept, everyone isn't like you.
Translation, because I am not willing to see this contextually from your perspective, let's just revoke your right to express your opinion. Chris I don't think you realize how much in congruence this sort of attitude is to a totalitarian agenda.

You make a fundemental flaw in your observation here, and it's that I do accept others from different belief systems, hell even all my friends that are into this sort of research I have debates with and disagree with half the time...thing is though we respect each others opinions and can agree to disagree.

So 1 you are wrong, I do accept that people will have different insights.

2 I have every right to talk about the loss of individuality, as does everyone, regardless about how they feel about everyone else. Even if your statement was true and I wasn't to accept that everyone didn't see things from my own unique perspective, I have a right to critisize the loss of individuality, as long as those people with their action (or more accurately inaction) were further undermining freedom of expression and furthering the loss of individuality.

Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
I see what your saying, but I don't agree with the idea that someone can come down on everyone except himself.

It's not as if he's refusing to be complacent.

I think that a lot of these people will fight the system, as long as it's not too much of an inconvience for them...
You're way too short sighted...please read carefully all I posted above.

Last edited by djmarkpaul; Apr 12, 06 at 05:19 PM.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 06
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
You may be right. But that's Human Nature... deal with it.

Now, I'm off to work my second job so I can make things better for myself.

P.S. I'm drinking a Pepsi too! OMG COMMERCIALISM!!#(*!#)(&!(*& FUCK ME I'M GOING RIGHT TO HELL!!#(!&#&(!*^
It's not human nature.

Go to a playground and watch the kids play, that's human nature.

We learn war, confusion (I know that seems like a paradox but just think about it), hate. Some of it I would say is a part of a natural human archetype...but that would remain us in equlibrium with the Earth. We are destroying the ecology of this planet, so don't talk to me about human nature when we go against nature.

We are being engineered as a race. The advancement of technology is avdancing as we revert in spiritual wisdom that previous Earth cultures had. It's a control agenda, not human nature.

Pepsi can clean a penny pretty damn good...enjoy your sodium laurel sulfate diet.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 06
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
If you spent as much time arguing and debating the pros and cons of globalization and consumerism online as you did as "trying to solve the problem" then don't you think it would be a whole lot more productive? :)
Great point...I am gonna address this more further on.

What makes you think I don't?

Check this site, read the global and local mission statements...it's already in the works.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 06
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Originally Posted by Revolver
Spirituality and Metaphysics directly affect and are the cause of our day to day actions and evils in this world. The most powerful, the most Illuminated pay extremely close attention to esoteric and mystic knowledge and the signs of that are everywhere.

highlevel political power players and high level occultist practioners are two of the same it seems.
quoted for truth

Originally Posted by Revolver
A sensitivity for the greater comunity yes, absolutly. but NOT when the greater comunity calls you a crackpot for disscussing things like:

mind kontrol
alchemy.....and so on

As far as im concernd, the majority of people are so helplessy addicted to haveing the latest 'puma' shoes or being guestlisted for the hot club night and keeping up with the jones'es to give a damn. SHAME on them for not taking the time or having to courage to look a little deeper and see beyond the glare of that shiny new BMW you know what i mean?
Chris you should be taking notes here.

Originally Posted by Revolver
so fuck em. thats what i say. if they dont have the steam to get out there and do some homework and enlighten themselves then im not going to waste my time trying to change their way of thought.

they can fucking rot when jesus comes back and flushes them all away with his jesus juice.
Jesus Juice! Priceless! :D

Originally Posted by Revolver
mark props for sparking a intersting thread.....lets DOC it up eaither tonite or tomorwo yeah?
Tonight fo sho...I will call l8r on....btw if anyone is interested in some time in the not too distant future for watching documentries and having a discussion afterwords, all opinions are welcome...I just ask those that may be very opinionated to try and leave a window open if you are gonna close a door. PM if interested.
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  #71 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 06
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Originally Posted by djmarkpaul

You're way too short sighted...please read carefully all I posted above.

Same for you.

If your going to post something like this, calling the human race a bunch of jackasses be prepared to deal with a few people who don't agree with you.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old Apr 14, 06
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Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
Same for you.

If your going to post something like this, calling the human race a bunch of jackasses be prepared to deal with a few people who don't agree with you.
The human race isn't a bunch of jackasses, but the masses are. If you can't see that, you've further illustrated my point.

Speaking of points, way to omit every rebutal and wallow in another ad hominem.

You are scared of the truth. I pity you.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old Apr 18, 06
Well, that's your opinion
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Originally Posted by djmarkpaul
So I am convinced that human beings are among some of the most perverse, selfish creatures the universe has ever seen...
So this goes out to you, dear reader, parasite et al. Chances are, if you're reading this, you're wasting your time somehow today in a way where you could be bettering this mess we're in. So fuck you. FUUUUUUUUCKKKKK YOOOOOUUU!
It's amazing how many people on this forum are huge fans of Nike, especially considering the sheer number of alternative shoe companies. Nike is one of the worst corporations in world history and people talk about buying their newest models like CDs. Fucking evil little sheep, every one of them.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old Apr 22, 06
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^^^Yeah, Nike is surely evil, but they make pretty comfotable shoes and some pretty dope styles. I got a pair of Air Force 1s that work for me. Sorry.

I didn't see anyone address Mark's initial question about what you are personally doing to help the planet.
As for me, I had showed my roomate the Loose Change documentary today, Dj'd last night with lots of political sentiment, and I taught little Japanese kids English. The last one doesn't count. Well, I think these posts are a tad bit long, just have no time to read 4 pages of text conveying the anger expressed at other on the forum and in the world relating to our human condition. Keep it coming, less content, more sentiment.
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old Apr 22, 06
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^COOL your in japan? dude thats fucking rad!

waht are you doing there? teaching english?backpacking? if your living there extended how did you sort your papers and such?
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