oh man i know. i was reading it cause this dude is all "omg i really like you" and then i was like, wait why dont you call me then? and then i pulled the book out.....100% of guys polled said that if they like a chick they are NEVER too busy to call.
k honestly dudes.....if you like a chick you'll call her.....period. correct?? why wouldnt you??? *edit* and kat..........yeah ummm i dont call but i initiate every hangout and tried to open the random "im at work but want to say hello" texts(IM SO LAME WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ME?????) |
a few possible reasons (besides not liking you):
- he was gonna call you, then he got high - he's nervous - the timing is wrong, doesn't want the complication there could be any number of reasons. guys are individuals just like you and you can't expect them all to act the same. |