i was just really pissed off the first day..ive been dancing for years and years..and last year i was like heyy why not take dance in school it will be fun, and it was the most fucked up class ever, and i worked full time outside of school so i couldnt make any preformances, and i probably wouldn't have gone even if i did have time because the routines were so embarassing...anyway in the beginning of the year we were told we would pass with a 50% if we didnt make prefomances, as it was a Dance and preformance class, so half the marks were from shows we danced at, i decided to stay in it (i wasnt working at the time and i thought i would go..so we had to pay $140 to cover dance shows) and the part that pissed me off was the 2nd to last day she told me i was getting %54 then the next day she tells me she cant pass me , gives me a 42%...making me fail my first class ever, and killing my GPA ...and that fee..not everyone paid it..so at the end of the year i found out my money had been used for other students to go to the shows, i asked for my money back and she said yah..then everytime i tried contacting her after that day she was never "available to talk to me"..
first day of classes this year: shes my fucking transition teacher for my grad portfolio...and denies everything about last year, and the money and everything.
and thats what i meant by teachers having power over me..i never bitched or complained in class about her teaching..i just went did what i was told, in the end. i failed