I dunno, I just don't get anything from seeing her gum a mickey of alcohol. I don't mind the trashy look, and it definately works for her, just not in that picture. For me anyways. I wasn't even a biggest fan of her until tomb raider. My word did that movie blow, but her accent in that movie moved her a couple notches on the ol' scale. Her voice is hipnotic. I even broke down and saw the sequel. The first 30mins are her in sexy outwits which are usually wet. The movie once again failed on all accounts, but it had some good action scenes. I think it barely squeaks by for being better then the first. Especially since I fell asleep the first time through on the original.
I'll still take Charlize Theron, Stacey Kiebler or Alyssia Milano over AJ anyday of the week though.
Last edited by doubletake; Jul 30, 03 at 10:47 PM.