Originally posted by snyx™
apparently, but none the less you lost all ur members, your posts, your threads.. whats the use? least you could have done is restart with a new name. and an XMB board? c'mon now.. I worked with the guys who developed that about a year ago, hell the kid was 14 :hehe: I was about to do a list of styles for the board, but never bothered. heh.
well, now we have a full server that costs us nothing to run except for a single banner, so we can spend more time having fun with it then trying to make a pseudo-business out of it with banner rotation/link exhanges/flash splash pages and whatnot. getting rid of vbulletin just cut out a whole other expense.
xmb was marginal for a long while, but after 1.0 there was a development split. right now they have a nice mature dev team going, and the board is really super-easy to run. i had to look after a xmb board for my last job and they've gone from being pissant to really good. in 1.8 apart from the admin cp, the differences are negligable.
i have all the old database backed up, maybe ill put the old board back up for archive purposes if i have a few hours to bitz it. but it's not really a priority.