down-syndrom porn
so out of all the porn out there, i have never come across down syndrome porn
google it up, you won't find anything! it's kinda weird, there's so many diff kinda porns out there and you'd think there'd be down syndrome porno...but NO! have any of you come across any? i'm not much of a porn person, so maybe that's why i couldn't find any. im not trying to be offensive, just something that came into mind while talking to a friend and i wanna know if it exists |
why not???
there's pornos of people eating shit, pornos with animals, amputee porno....so why wouldn't there be down syndrom porn? http://www.ds-health.com/issues.htm "As human beings, individuals with Down syndrome have the right to emotionally satisfying and culturally appropriate sexual expression. " Last edited by Kelster; Mar 18, 04 at 01:46 AM. |
http://www.reel.com/movie.asp?MID=13...reviews&CID=18 "they attempt to rescue a mentally challenged Amish boy who is trapped in the "retard-porn" industry" have any of you seen it?!? is hge really mentally challenged or does he play challenged??? |
u my friend, have some serious issues. Watching mentally challenged individuals engage in sexual activites is somthing not very common. Therefore you can't really find any one the net. People prefer watch something more interesting. Say watching animals have sex with people. Thats just sexy. :sick: |
they're human, and just like you and me, they partake and enjoy sexual activity saying that they don't is like underminding them as human beings |